Aquarius Horoscope for May 2023

Aquarius Horoscope for May 2023

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Transformation is your keyword this month, Aquarius, as you abandon out-worn behavior patterns that it might prove healthy to let go of, including vestiges of ancient trauma that could surface as inner wounding,. You are picking up new ideas as far as your sense of your own identity and the way that you come across to others. Mercury is retrograding through a key sector of your solar chart, so that the changes that you are contemplating run to depth, as an introspective meander takes place within you regarding your understanding of family and your psychological roots. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse of May 5th is another potent lunation, when the balance between your public versus your private life might be further explored. A week later, from the 12th to the 14th, there is again a powerful shift of energy, when the Sun squares the Moon in your sign, and when Mercury changes direction, indicating one peak of the final phase of Mercury’s retrograde cycle. Mercury recovers its lost ground, lasting to the end of May. The late Taurus New Moon of the 19th represents another powerful juncture, bringing the opportunity to bear for more hard work on yourself that ultimately yields evolutionary rewards over time.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The Solar Eclipse New Moon from last month took place at the final degree of Aries, and may have initiated a commitment within you to embark on a new field of study, perhaps something you have long wanted to learn more about. With Pluto newly entered into your sign, and heavily influencing this eclipse from the first degree of Aquarius, representing your sector of new beginnings, ambition, and identity, this powerful lunation could transform your sense of individuality, paving the way for an elevated perspective of life. Also affected are your communicative outreach, learning curve, and potential for written or spoken creative efforts. Note that Mercury is also retrograde through to mid-May and in its retrograde shadow until the very end of the month. The effects of the eclipse can be experienced most forcefully through the first three weeks of the month and then for another six months or so, until the fall eclipse season.

Pluto stations retrograde on May 1st in your first sector of identity, and is therefore greatly emphasized in his transformational symbolism. Mercury conjoins the Sun on the same day in your fourth sector of home and family, emotional security, and nurturing, marking one peak moment of the entire retrograde cycle. This combination of events could encourage you to recognize new factors of who you really are, as well as the immense value of nurturing others and providing a sense of security for those you love.

On Friday, May 5th, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, corresponding to your tenth or career sector, could influence you to do some soul searching in relation to your vocation. There is a process of deep conversation and introspection going on within you, and this can help bring clarity about how you feel about your professional direction. Being an eclipse, this is an extra-potent Full Moon, and angular for members of your sign, so that you might be spending time to deeply reflect upon your feelings about your career and your boundaries. There could also be unexpected happenings on the home front or involving your family of origin. A deep-seated process of intuition is highlighted now, likely giving you much food for thought.

Venus ingresses into Cancer on May 7th in your health, service, and life management sector, and this may inspire you to refine the ambiance of your home and surroundings or t meditate on concepts of service to others, or where you see your life heading long-term. This ingress might also bring a deep appreciation for physical health, connecting to the Earth, and grounding your senses in organizational tasks and endeavors to better manage your life and physical health.

On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in your sign brings up further questioning and reassessment of your dwelling space or home situation, and is also colored by an active, somewhat difficult, and yet workable relationship between retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This might inspire you to raise the bar on your personal ambitions and desires to better manifest your ideals. This phase and sign of the Moon can impart a notable burst of motivation to see through emergent setbacks and to work toward accomplishing what you set out to achieve during the previous month’s New Moon eclipse from April 20th.

Mercury stations direct on May 14th in your security, nurturing, and home sector. This is another key moment of the Mercury Retrograde cycle, which slowly winds down over the next two weeks of Mercury’s shadow period. This climactic weekend can be a turning point for you to harness modifications or adjustments you have possibly been considering over the past three weeks or more, while Mercury was retrograde, that relate to your personal security. You could very well have been reflecting upon the viability of how secure and sustainable your resources are and how that affects the serenity and well-being of you and your family. Now through to the end of May you will likely start implementing whatever resolution you conjured up to provide greater security for you and your family.

Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th in your fourth sector of security, home, and emotional processing, and makes a partile or same-degree square to Pluto as it does. This extended transit can put enormous emphasis on your ongoing personal evolution through transformational Pluto’s propensity for bringing to the surface whatever is not fully working in your life. While there is potential for emotional indulgences, such as eating or drinking too much, it is especially important to consider the more important opportunity inherent in this ingress improve your understanding of where your life is taking you, and what you must leave behind as no longer what is no longer serving you. It is also a wonderful time to cultivate more affection and nurturing to those you love.

On Friday, May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, again corresponding to your home, nurturing, and emotional processing sector. This may make for a fresh start in family dynamics, relationship with your family of origin, or perhaps in connection with your dwelling space. The transformational effects of Pluto in your sign – square Jupiter and opposite Mars – are again greatly highlighted, extending into at least the middle of June. There is a grand cross in this New Moon when you take the new nature planet, Haumea, in the last degree of Libra near the apex of your chart, into account. While the New Moon is generally a good time to set new intentions and start new endeavors, it would be a good idea to wait until after at least the 21st to act upon those intentions, once Mars ingresses into Leo and the Sun ingresses into Gemini, and perhaps even longer, to nearly the end of the month. All of these planets being in Taurus in your fourth sector of nurturing is likely generating significant consideration as well concerning how you can provide a greater sense of security and refinement to supporting yourself and those you love.

On the very next day, Mars is moves into Leo, corresponding to your seventh sector of relationship. This can bring a degree of intensity to your close relationships, especially intimate ones. Due to the key squares and oppositions mentioned above, passions can be quite elevated and ready to engage, be they sexual, creative, or physical. The intensity of Pluto and Jupiter’s influences here should not be taken lightly. Be aware that the dynamics of your relationships could be quite tense and touchy around this time, begging you to breathe deeply through any stressful moments that arise with others; there is also a feisty and playful zest to your relationship connections at this time.

The Sun’s ingress into Gemini, your creativity sector, on May 21st, could encourage you to focus more on your own self-expression and creative pursuits. Note that the Sun is closely aligned with Pluto by trine, with Jupiter, and with Mars by semi-sextile. Transformation remains in the air and in everything that you do. The playfulness of this sociable ingress could be therefore tempered by the mad passion of these aspects, and you might need to restrain yourself from pride or vanity as you celebrate. The combined celestial events of the past three days can generate enormous excitement for all that lies ahead, throughout the remaining days of the month and the waning influence of Mercury in its retrograde shadow. Keeping your eyes on the future and your heart centered on nurturing those you love, or perhaps playfully reminding others how fun life can be, might have a salutary effect of bringing you through this proverbial gauntlet.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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