Aries Horoscope for February 2013

Aries Horoscope for February 2013

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Life continues to amaze and inspire you, Aries, to the point that you are wondering where it will take you next. As you continue to catch lightning in a bottle socially, and as your visioning for a better future outlook continues to grow and morph, you are paradoxically more than ever invested in the unseen world of your internal process. Day-dreams can be useful and open you to new possibilities. The meditative stance that you are holding space for can guide you if you allow it to. You are engaged in nothing less than a thorough-going reassessment of what you stand for and how to plug yourself in, as appropriate to your inner purpose, and you win when you are able to relax and let yourself go into the flow.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the very powerful Full Moon in Leo from the last weekend of January. This highlighted the creative self-expression area of your solar chart, and also your sector of group affiliation and future plans. The New Moon in this same sector the second weekend of February implies that this month is a great time to be thinking about future states of being. This is a terrific time for visioning new possibilities for yourself. Indeed, you can create your own future by first dreaming up exactly what you want and then sitting back with an attitude of surrender, waiting for the cosmos to respond.

In another important factor for you this month, your ruler, Mars, is only just now entering your sector of dream work and unconscious process. Vague and inchoate dream images could arise to confront your inner eye either in actual sleep or in daytime meditative reflection, and these waking dreams can tell you much more about what is going on inside you than any form of logical inquiry.

Mars conjuncts Chiron and also Mercury there in greater extent as the first two weeks of the month unfolds. Mercury is meanwhile getting ready to station to retrograde motion on the 23rd. The combination of these astrological events implies that you are in meditative internal connection with your underground Self or that part of your psyche that remains relatively unconscious and difficult to pin down by means of the logical surface part of your personality.

It is also potentially in line with these aspects that old wounding could come up for you in some subtle way over this period. If so, it is well to pay the closest possible attention to everything that happens, with the half-closed eyes of inner contemplation. After the retrograde there is even greater likelihood of needing to go to the inside for the answers that you seek.

Saturn is highlighted in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, so that you might feel a little isolated but also determined to dig down into your deeper issues. It's a difficult month but a powerful one as well. Jupiter in your communications sector is strongly configured, and this implies a fundamental optimism that will aid you in making the most of your time within this sacred space of meditative introspection.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you are rearranging your thinking regarding recent events. Although both are equally true for you right now, you are more aware of the limitations and restrictions of your situation than the benefits involved. The glass can of course appear to you as half-full rather than half-empty, it just takes a trick of the mental apparatus to arrange that way of looking at things; this is easier said than done however.

The New Moon of Saturday evening, February 9th, brings tons of energy to your purpose, and gives you the magical benefit of allowing you to make your dreams into a reality as long as you pay proper attention to the rules of cosmic intervention, that you first must ask for its blessing, and that when you do, you ask wisely. You still have a large portion of your psyche invested in your inner world, and the deeper issues that you hold inside, and so it might be that your attention is diverted to inner rather than to outer fields of activity. It all comes round in a spiral however, since the inner constitutes the outer like the two faces of the very same coin.

The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 17th, might throw a few curve balls your way. You are in the lunar phase now that corresponds to a minor crisis of action, of one kind or another. In this case it could be relationship contrasts that provide the snag in your intended progress; it could also be a collision between idealism and practical limitations or between public and private as you work out what needs to happen in order to achieve your goals.

The Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, is extremely powerful; it brings in further contrast between what you want and what you must accept, as well as the depth connection with your own internal process that gives you the best chance for getting to where it is that you truly you need to go. This takes compromise between all the forces that surround you, including egoic needs that you might have in the face of challenges to them, and impatient demand versus surrender. It is all part of a bigger picture that will in any case come around when it needs to, from polarity and conflict to integration and harmony, over a span of time.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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