Aries Horoscope for February 2015

Aries Horoscope for February 2015

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is for you a holy and a special time, Aries, as you continue the transformational thrust of recent weeks and months, and come to appreciate new dimensions of your experience. You have been traveling in your imagination outside of strict rationality, to places of which you are perhaps only indistinctly aware, and this timing might give you a more concrete idea of how to put your thoughts together in a way that allows for a combination with more traditional beliefs. You find yourself in an introspective stance early on. In the second half of the month your focus shifts somewhat, and you emerge more fully into the hustle and bustle of the so-called 'real' world; yet still enriched and mystically informed by your sojourn into these extra-dimensional cosmic spaces that saints and sages call your true home.

As the month begins, you are still reeling in the wake of the recent late January and very powerful Aquarius New Moon, from ten days before the beginning of the month, that was an enormous stimulant to your notions of your future unfolding. You are also invoking in large measure the creative self-expression that will take you there, and as well a pull to the inside represented by your ruler Mars in conjunction with the numinous and magical energy of Neptune. Mars was in a conjunction with Neptune at the time of the recent Aquarius New Moon, so that as you go through the course of this current monthly cycle you could inhabit something of a muddled daydream for at least part of the time. Additionally, a Pisces stellium has formed in your sector of dream imagination and unconscious process in perfect symbolic chime with the Mercury Retrograde period, which is in full swing as February gets underway.

Mercury is making its retrograde journey all month, when you take the extra two and a half weeks of the Mercury's retrograde shadow period into account, influencing your sector of group affiliations and goals, so you that you might be getting a considerable dose of external feedback around renegotiating your interactions in community, as well as revisioning what it is that you are up to in the context of the greater whole. As you take inward and backward glances at the recent times of your life, that have indeed been vastly transformational, it is reasonable to stop for a breath and take stock of all that has come to pass. The retrograde period gives you such a break, before once more thrusting full steam ahead.

Mars also is conjunct with Chiron at the first of the month, and at the timing of the February 3rd Full Moon. It could well be that dark places within you corresponding to ancient wounding will surface out of the depths of your unconscious for greater acceptance and healing. Mars is also going through Pisces — representing your twelfth solar sector of hidden depths and mystery — so that the keyword to note here is compassion, particularly for yourself. You may feel close to the otherworldly nature of these profound areas of your being, and to what C.G. Jung referred to as the 'shadow,' or that part of oneself that cannot be seen or known. While your conscious mind surely wishes to grasp for concrete information and solid evidence, this month may be an opportunity to simply feel the mystery of it all, and have compassion for yourself, particularly the parts that carry the weight of old emotional pain, and that at times might rebel against your own higher nature. It could be just the right time for a healing opportunity that comes with simply sitting in the discomfort of uncertainty.

Meanwhile, daily life keeps on happening, and you are finding a buoyant optimism to help keep you afloat amidst the deep waters in which you find yourself. With Jupiter opposite Venus and Mercury at the New Moon, this month is interesting and intense for you in terms of your relationship dynamics. In one regard, you are finding yourself with a great sense of hope and excitement around love and relating to others, yet you may find yourself simultaneously looking backwards at those things that have been painful from the past, wishing to protect yourself from again feeling the hurt of such experiences. You benefit greatly when you allow yourself to learn what it is you need from past events, and come to a better integration of all your parts.
This is easier said than done, yet with Uranus and Pluto still in square, less than one degree away all this moth, and with Uranus in a conjunction with the South Lunar node, you could be receiving surprising epiphanies all month long. Look for unexpected circumstances to shed a golden light on who you are and where you're coming from, allowing you to see with greater clarity where it is you want to go.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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