Aries Horoscope for May 2015

Aries Horoscope for May 2015

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The spring is greening you from within, Aries. This is an interesting month of further transformation and readjustment, cementing your position in the midst of a year of radical change. You sense a fundamental shift that has been taking place over the course of these past few months. You are settling into your new situation while exploring altered surroundings and reaching out to others for encouragement and support. A mystical feeling overtakes you and nudges you toward commitment to living your life with greater consciousness and with more fully acknowledging the miracle that it continually demonstrates. There might indeed be no way to return to the illusion of security that your old life represents, already beginning to fade from detailed view in your rear-view mirror. Ideals abound in your newly formed vision but they are difficult to get a rope around and hitch your wagon to; although that does not seem to stop you from trying.

As the month begins, you are reveling in the joy of connecting more fully with others around you, especially with important others in your life — or with the potential for partnership. Because of the months-long transformation in which you have been so fully engaged, including these last few months, the first few of this year, there is a way that you are exploring relationship as if for the first time, and this also has to do with a burst of fresh energy from the recent mid-April New Moon that took place in your sign. With Saturn occupying your higher mind sector as well, there is a sense of responsibility for exploring new horizons with serious intention. The numinous energies of Neptune, located in your sector of unconscious awareness and dream imagination, are highlighted in this month's astrology and you are likely inspired by a mystical sense of interior process that you have been feeling.

You are overflowing with even more energy than usual at the time of the Full Moon, taking place on Sunday, May 3rd, feeling into your role in relationships as representing an activity not only cherished but also enjoyed to the very maximum. You are also looking into how the perspective of others contrasts and reinforces your own, as you navigate the frothy waters of your recent arc of development. It is true that even when the point of view of a trusted other fails to match yours, it serves you as a sounding board, so that there is an alchemy nonetheless that is clarifying to the formation of your own opinion.

Your unconscious 'shadow' material might also be showing up in ways that are more accessible now, and thus could be affecting your emotional state and thought patterns in a more pronounced way. In any moment when you are feeling deeply triggered, it might benefit you to remember that these instances can be transmuted from what is considered a negative experience into a perfect opportunity to see more deeply into yourself. You may experience some frustration there, because it seems that when it comes to shining the light of your conscious awareness into the shadows of your psyche, the true outlines are always slipping just out of view. Perhaps it is by dwelling in the darkness, and allowing yourself to fumble about, that your normally more overt gaze can eventually become adjusted. This is therefore not the time to chase down your demons like a charging ram, but rather to let them emerge from the shadowy corners and fringes, in their own perfect timing. It helps when you can summon up the compassion to speak softly with these lost parts of yourself, asking them what is needed. By approaching with gentle curiosity, you could discover that greater success comes with less effort.

During this month as well, you may be finding within yourself a coalescence between the realm of your material resources, your sense of health and wellness, and the way in which you are channeling your energies into a deeper (and still transforming) sense of purpose. It seems that these are all innately intertwined, wherein each supports, and yet is also interdependent with the other areas. This is an optimal time to streamline and focus on self-care, health and diet, optimizing and organizing finances, and continuing to re-caLibrate and align with your sense of contribution to the world. The overarching theme for you this month is harnessing your focus and abundant energy in a way that brings your evolution forward, while staying in balance. By keeping your eye on the prize, and a finger on the pulse of your inner world, you can continue to shape and redefine your own purpose in this one.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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