Aries Horoscope for April 2019

Aries Horoscope for April 2019

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

For you especially, this month continues the transformational cycle of the last one, Aries. Your ruler, Mars, is conspiring with Mercury, recovering from its recent retrograde, and with Pluto. This continues to be an extremely introspective period, for the few days, and then on through to the climactic Full Moon of April 19th. You find that you are looking to the inside for answers to your most important questions, which are not directly related to your day-to-day mundane activities, although they do relate. If you are encountering difficulties in keeping your professional goals clearly in view, or in smoothing out the kinks in accomplishing project deadlines, it might be an opportunity to engage in the big-picture viewpoint on where this all is heading, and for taking a more spiritual approach. What are your deepest and most sincere values' What satisfies your heart' And where does your every action fit in' This is not the time for counting your chickens but for starting to hatch them.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just as Mercury in Pisces turns to direct motion and makes a conjunction with Neptune from within your twelfth house of dissolution, emphasizing a time of deeper and more emotionally charged thinking, learning, and seeking of higher truth. With Mercury also squaring Jupiter in Sagittarius in your ninth house of the higher mind by April 12th, this month is also about teachers and sages, and the process of questioning your beliefs as you strive for the being able to express your own unique viewpoint. You may also feel the call to study or travel abroad, or to seek out an unorthodox or secluded place to contemplate whatever is on your heart.

On April 5th, the New Moon in your home sign of Aries will square Saturn in Capricorn in your tenth house of career. The Sun will then perfect its square to Saturn by April 10th and then square Pluto in Capricorn by April 13th, all of which points to a period of exciting new professional possibilities. However, you will also be working to balance these professional options against real or imagined responsibilities, authority figures, or duties in the greater communities that you belong to. The need to transform or to make sweeping changes is going to be very intense for you this month but be careful that you aren’t being too rigid or intense in the way you approach things.

Between April 9th and 10th Venus in Pisces in your twelfth house will conjoin Neptune, creating a private or secretive but highly romantic atmosphere. However, the dreams and fantasies of Venus and Neptune may also create an impossible ideal toward which you may find yourself striving unrealistically. On April 15th, Venus will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your ninth house, helping you to harmonize the desires you are feeling with higher spiritual or ethical principles so that you can translate your private fantasies into concrete and integral actions.

On April 19th, the Full Moon in Libra will land in your seventh house of relationships, highlighting the importance of partnership in the background of an otherwise work-focused month. The Full Moon will amplify these relational needs, and call for compromise and fairness, but with simultaneous squares to Saturn and Pluto in your tenth house, you may struggle to prioritize your time and energy.

On the same note, in the period between April 19th and the 23rd, Mercury will conjoin Chiron in Aries, and then Venus will enter Aries and conjoin Chiron in your first house. Both transits similarly emphasize the need for healing around communication dynamics and relationships.

On April 20th, the Sun will enter Taurus and through the 23rd will conjoin Uranus in your second house, stimulating a moment of breakthrough or unexpected change in relation to money, business, or finances.

And then finally between April 25th and 27th, your ruling planet Mars, in the sign of Gemini in your third house of communication and the mind will square Neptune in your twelfth house of dissolution. It’s a great time to let go of ideas that aren’t serving you any longer, or to confront something both mentally and emotionally that has been pent up, or perhaps within a relationship, at work, or even with a sibling, neighbor or friend. However, with Neptune in the mix, you should also be careful of the tendency to embark on a fool’s crusade or to imagine a battle where it doesn’t exist.

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