Aries Horoscope for April 2021

Aries Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a huge month for you Aries. The April 11th New Moon features an Aries line-up including Mercury and Venus, and speaks to you of your growing sense of true identity, moving beyond internal wounding and other distractions that hold you back from achieving your most authentic self. Because the New Moon features Eris, in your sign, and in square with transformative Pluto, as she has been for many months now, you are more invested than ever in coming into the best version of yourself that you can muster. Eris is a spiritual warrior energy in support of your deepest soul-level intention. “There is a tide in the affairs of men,” Shakespeare relates, and this month is all about recognizing and seizing that tide in your own life, to the extent that you can discern it. You are becoming more consciously aware of life mission, the reason that you incarnated. In this you are aided by helpful partners, with key relationships in your life also highlighted. Your future direction is an important focus now, and you must plan for the highest result that you can imagine for yourself.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

April begins with the Sun and Venus transiting in Aries, which may help you clarify your goals in the weeks ahead. As the previous lunation cycle winds down, there could also be inner work that demands your attention. Mercury enters Aries on the late evening of the 3rd for a total of three planets transiting in your sign. The first week of the month is relatively smooth with many supportive factors helping you gain traction. You may find a renewed sense of purpose and vitality for the projects that lie ahead. The pace of things could be increasing and you should have the energy necessary to get to work and meet your objectives with little resistance. Mars is your ruling planet, and, still in Gemini, forms a sextile with Venus in Aries during the second week of the month highlighting your self-expression, your creativity, and your desire for movement. The way you learn could be an important theme; more extensively, the way you relate, create, and what brings you satisfaction. You may feel an increased need to actualize your aspirations with less energy or patience for compromise. A period of introspection that began mid-March around the New Moon in Pisces may have helped you let go or at least identify the ideas and frameworks that no longer serve you.

Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini are in mutual reception until the 19th of April. A mutual reception in Astrology is when two planets are transiting in each other's signs, which strengthens them and offers assistance to one another. Mercury and Mars in mutual reception could speed up your interactions and your ability to handle technical work. You may be more agile and quick-witted, which could be helpful if you have to negotiate. Confusion is possible around the 8th and 9th of April, however, when Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, while Mercury in your sign conjuncts Chiron. These aspects only last a few days leading up to the New Moon, but you may feel like you suddenly lost the plot. Mercury meeting Chiron could highlight a vulnerability or a feeling of powerlessness, while Mars squaring Neptune adds a mystical note and could also imply low energy.

Thankfully, the New Moon in Aries arrives a few days later, on the 11th, bringing a powerful rebirth energy for members of your sign. You may want to schedule some downtime during the second weekend of April to relax without trying to achieve too much. The New Moon in Aries always carries a potent reset, and this one is no exception. Both Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius are sextile with the New Moon which may highlight the support available for the new forms emerging in your life. The new planet, Eris, is also powerfully configured. The intentions you set at this time must be a little daring to meet your expectations and well-planned calculated risks could pay off. Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn around the New Moon may however bring up existing tension to surface especially in your partnerships. You need to have full agency in your life and you could feel uncompromising. Your desire to succeed may be perceived as an ultimatum from someone else’s point of view. It may be a good idea to stay mindful of the way you assert yourself during this time.

Venus enters Taurus mid-month, which gradually shifts the focus on your income, your resources, and your spending habits in the weeks ahead. The Sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on the 15th and16th, which continues to bring some intensity for you, highlighting your ambitions in terms of public statement. You may need to let go of something in order to gain something else and the decision could feel conflicting. It might be hard to slow a process which is already unfolding and gaining speed, so best to look on the bright side. By the third weekend of April you may be able to regain confidence in your vision.

Your ruler, Mars, in Gemini, trines Jupiter in Aquarius on the 15th through the 17th, which promises positive development or at least a hint that you are moving in the right direction. Mars is also quincunx to Pluto in this same timing, which could bring up the recognition of evolutionary change that is occurring,

Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Aries for its superior conjunction on the 18th; this is a tricky time in your overall thought process, when you also may be able to gain clarity or find a solution for an ongoing dilemma.

The dynamics of identity start to shift for you during the last two weeks of April. Mercury and the Sun enter Taurus on the 19th, highlighting your resources for the next several weeks. Your ruling planet, Mars, leaves Gemini to enter the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, which emphasizes your home and family until mid-June. You may now be faced with actualizing some of the ideas that came through in the first half of the month. Your need for security may be tested as you push to concretize some of your goals. There is an element of risk needed for all new ventures, and this could become obvious towards the end of the month.

The Full Moon in Scorpio takes place on the late evening of the 26th while the Sun in Taurus is conjoined with Uranus and squares Saturn in Aquarius. There may be a certain amount of uncertainty permeating your finances, or your values, at this time. The Full Moon brings to light the contracts and the intimate connections that bind you to others and the transient nature of life. This could be a time of letting go. Pluto stationing retrograde in Capricorn on the same day reinforces themes of elimination and of a need to trust that things are unfolding the way they are supposed to. Attempts at controlling a situation or someone else may backfire. You may have a powerful urge to break free from a stifling circumstance while also needing to attend to your responsibilities. The tension highlighted at the end of April could be compared to the growing pains and the difficulties that come at the early stages of a new enterprise.

Solar Return Report

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