Aries Horoscope for January 2021

Aries Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an amazing month, Aries, a year of new beginnings for you – with the same difficulties – and with a novel twist or two as well. Ideas abound, and some of these succeed in getting you over the hump into a brand-new stage. In the second weekend of the month, partners come into prominence in a way that reflects back upon profound career goals already percolating. You are seeking to find true alignment between your inner values and your actions in the world, whether by major works, or just in undertaking to perform acts of kindness as you proceed. Your values and your finances are in fluctuation and will be the better for it, although perhaps not as measured in dollars and cents. It is the time of fresh-faced resolutions that will by tradition fade into the woodwork as you slip into the same old patterns, like every February of your maturity, and yet this year might somehow be different. You are tasked with locating your most authentic Self, wherever that lurks inside, and reinforcing in whatever way you can a more sincere metamorphosis. The time has come! The dying caterpillar just can’t wait any longer!

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Welcome to 2021, dear Aries! The beginning of the year is considered a time of renewal, and that may in fact be particularly true right now. Saturn and Jupiter are officially in Aquarius since the second half of December which also means they are not squaring your sign any longer. You may therefore feel quite a bit relieved from the pressure of previous months to try to get it all figured out. January begins with the Sun still transiting in Capricorn, for you emphasizing vocational pursuits. Mercury is also in Capricorn, and sextile to Neptune in Pisces on the 1st, while Venus in Sagittarius is found in a tight conjunction with the South Node of the Moon. These two aspects could promote a tendency towards escapism. On the other hand, you are full of new ideas, and your inspiration is at an all time high as you enter the year. Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th could additionally bring a powerful urge to succeed in your chosen field. Career and profession remain transformative for you, making this a good time to tap into your resolve, and get ahead of the game.

Mars, your ruling planet, enters Taurus on the 8th, having spent six months in our sign which did help to clarify your ambitions, and to focus your energies. Mars will be in Taurus for the next two months, were it places an emphasis on your financial situation, along what you value and your sense of security. The current state of the world implies that the way you make money may be changing. Mars transiting in Taurus could bring new ideas or opportunities. Additionally, Venus enters Capricorn on the 8th and therefore trines Mars in Taurus, linking career direction and your finances. Stay open to what presents itself, there may be collaborations in the works. Mercury also enters Aquarius on the 8th, making the second weekend of January a particularly social one. You could be connecting with new groups of people, perhaps who are helping you think outside of the box. Your creativity and originality might help you get ahead this month and find your niche.

The New Moon in Capricorn on January 12th conjoins Pluto in your career sector, and squares Eris in your sign as well. You could have had to let go of an idea surrounding your career, perhaps because of new limitations in place. This New Moon at the beginning of 2021 brings tremendous rebirth energy to your vocational sector. You may think that you have to figure it all out by yourself. However, with Saturn and Jupiter now transiting in the community sector of your chart, you could have more allies than you think. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need at this time. You could also find that your innermost values need to have a greater voice in what you intend career-wise. Set your intentions and have faith in the process that is unfolding. You will not be able to see the results immediately. You may also have to work very hard to bring yourself to a new and more comfortable spot. But innovation is at your fingertips, especially when it comes to your career and finances.

Uranus stations direct in Taurus on the 14th, and Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus on the 17th. There may be excitement in the air leading to the third weekend of January. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th and transits your social sector until February 19th highlighting your place in the collectivity. During this period your friends and the people you associate with may play an important role in getting you ahead. There could also be a financial aspect to your collaborative projects. You may have to commit to a certain trajectory, and this may become more obvious as the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius on the 22nd and the 23rd.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 28th culminates in your creative sector. Self-expression is thus highlighted at the end of the month, and you may have an opportunity to broadcast your skills and gain recognition. The Leo Full Moon brightens what you love, what brings you pleasure, and what you do for fun. You are an original thinker and a creator with a unique perspective. It may be your time to shine so this is not when to shy away from the spotlight. You could be wrestling with the urge to take a conservative approach but this Full Moon is here to remind you that you need to take some creative risks. When you do what you love without restrictions, it doesn’t even feel like work. 

Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of Aquarius on the 30th where it will spend three weeks moving backward through your social sector before turning direct on the 20th of February. Your allegiance to a particular group of people may be changing around this time. You may feel the urge to explore what various communities have to offer, and to look more closely into who you decide to team up with, factors that could turn out to be crucial in the year ahead. 

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