Aries Horoscope for September 2022

Aries Horoscope for September 2022

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Welcome to the fall, Aries, and to the renewed complexities of your continued evolutionary spiral. This September month represents a furtherance of the season of transformation and realization that has been your lot over recent weeks. Outer planets still conspire to shake you and remake you, although this strictly accords to your own inner desire for change. You are being summoned to a mission of service to the broader collective that surrounds you, even as you are attempting to discern just what that actually means for you personally. The areas of your metamorphosis include your work in the world, evolving in more inclusive fashion. This is a call to action. The retrograde of Mercury in your opposite sign, on the 9th, followed the next day by the Full Moon in your sector of unconscious process and inner work, supply you with new modalities for considering the point of view of others in your life. Over the month’s remaining weeks you may find yourself in the process of revising your very concept of partnership, along with its various implications for your continued growth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Virgo from August 27th kicked off a brand new thirty-day lunation cycle in the health and routine sector of your chart, lasting most of September. You could feel the impending change of season this month and you could be finalizing projects that have been in the works while also planning for the months ahead. This is a liminal time of the year and it may translate as the need to bring things to completion so you can focus on new projects. Your ruler, Mars, in Gemini, is also emphasized this month because featured in the recent New Moon. Communication and writing will likely be for you a significant occupation. Also, with Mars transiting in Gemini for the next several months as well, due to his upcoming retrograde there, your skills could be highlighted, beginning now, in significant ways. Taking stock of what you know and what you can do could help you seize new opportunities. You may also realize in the process that you know a lot more than you give yourself credit for and you might need to update your resume. Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries twice this month, from the 1st through September 4th in direct motion, and again September 17th through the 19th, while in retrograde, and this aspect will specifically highlight your existing and potential bonds and your relationship dynamics in general. Friends and close associates could bring a stimulating influence this month and you may be more inclined to collaborate with others especially if you can learn something new in the process. With the Mercury Retrograde you will also be somewhat inward for the last two thirds of September.

A serious yet playful influence permeates the month of September so that your spirit of discovery might be sparked in conversation with others. Mercury is in retrograde for the month’s final three weeks. Trading or bartering could also benefit you and may take some of the pressure off, such as when you have a lot of things you want to accomplish without having the means fully available.

Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on September 9th, and this could bring up negotiations with others in the weeks ahead. You may have to rethink the ways you are approaching a relationship or change your expectations. Communication with others may be highlighted in some ways although you could also find it hard to express yourself clearly.

The Full Moon in Pisces takes place on the 10th, shining a light on your unconscious patterns. You may be able to access deeper truth about yourself at this time, bringing your dreams and your dream imagination more fully into the picture of your understanding. This will be for you a further theme of the Mercury Retrograde period. Knowing what you truly want could allow you ask for what you need and help you smooth out communication issues with others.

From the 15th through the 17th, the Sun opposing Neptune may continue to highlight some of your more nebulous moods without your being able to put your finger on what is actually bothering you. In relationships, communication is key but you may not be able to express yourself as easily as you would like or speak your mind clearly. Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in your sign for a second time from the 17th through 19th, but this time Mercury is moving retrograde. You might have to revisit a conversation that you had or a commitment that you made at the beginning of the month in order to clarify something.

The Sun entering Libra on the 22nd for the September Equinox makes for an important pivot that could bring a more dynamic influence in the weeks ahead. You could find yourself more willing to compromise with others and you may be more fully invested in your relationships as the month progresses. Mercury coming into a conjunction with the Sun in Libra on the 22nd and 23rd could help you understand where things are heading with someone. With Venus also opposing Neptune at this time, from the 23rd through the 24th, you might be more ready to sacrifice yourself and it may be wise to ensure that your empathy is directed towards the right cause.

The New Moon in Libra taking place on the 25th signals the beginning of a new cycle in the part of your chart that symbolizes relationship with others. The New Moon opposing retrograde Jupiter in your sign could bring exuberance to your partnerships after a period of reassessment. You could come to realize that your need for others doesn’t cancel out your taking care of yourself and your personal identity; you can experience connection while at the same time staying yourself. Depending, in fact, on how well you are able to express your needs and desires this might be the beginning of a new stage of more coherent experiences with others. Venus enters Libra starting on September 29th and this means that relationships will continue to be a point of focus in the weeks ahead with much pleasure likely to be found in the company of others.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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