Aries Horoscope for April 2023

Aries Horoscope for April 2023

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather wild and crazy month for you, Aries, with opportunities to get a glimpse beneath the surface layers of your psyche and communicate on multiple levels. Transformative Pluto, newly entered into Aquarius, was aspected by the recent Equinox New Moon that set the background theme for April, so that a thorough-going metamorphosis of group activities and communal contribution is edging closer into reality. The April 5th Full Moon sparks intuition and relationship focus, as well as a shift in your ideas of what you most sincerely value. Then, two weeks later, on the 19th, a solar eclipse lands in your sign’s last degree – and it is one that packs another terrific transformational punch. There is a message that the universe is trying to deliver and it is about letting go. You might wind up mulling over these mid-month moments of revelation during an emotional and introspective Mercury’s Retrograde period, beginning on the 21st and lasting into late May before fully recovering. Coming out the other side you will be seeing your future a little differently as you seek a better integration of your deepest values with where you are actually heading. You win when you stay true to your principles at all costs.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

With last month’s New Moon in your sign still passionately driving you toward ambitious new ideas and opportunities, which likely have already begun to manifest in some way, April brings you plenty of energy and greater clarity about the sustainability of those ambitions, as well as a deepening love and appreciation for your ability to create security and comfort in your life. You may begin to meditate upon your creativity and what you hold dear to your heart, while also reflecting upon how to give and receive more empathy and nurturing in your life and the lives of your loved ones. It has been a changeful time regarding career priorities for these last few years, a note that still sounds for you in the aftermath of this recent Aries New Moon.

Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd, and you could find yourself taking a hard look at your resources and finances and how best to generate more sustainability and growth in this area of your life. How can you create income in ways that inspire creativity and beauty in your life?
The Full Moon lands in Libra on the late evening of April 5th, with the Sun in Aries situated between Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and expansive Jupiter. The Chiron factor could stir up wounds from the past, which likely originated in ancient trauma, buried away at that time. With the Moon in your opposite sign, this kind of triggering could be connected to your intimate relationships. The presence of Jupiter and of nearby Uranus in nearly the same degree, one sign over, gives reason to believe that you can make significant progress on such areas of inner wounding; and this is especially so if you can pay close attention to everything that is going on within you. The recognitions that you can gain in this Full Moon timing could help you to foster new avenues of healing and perhaps even triumph over those wounds, as long as you maintain a desire to better understand them and their impact on your life. It helps if you have a partner or close friend who is compassionate and willing to listen and comfort you through that process.

With Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces in this Full Moon, and Mars in Cancer trine Saturn, there is a grounding effect to now-fluid structures in your life. This means that certain structures that have been in place in your life are now changing and morphing into new foundations for the future. Any sense of leadership and authority in your career that you may have achieved over the past five years may be undergoing a degree of instability due to Saturn moving into your 12th house of dissolution, although as Mercury and Mars aspect Saturn there could be greater clarity emerging for this area as well, in a different way.

Venus moves into Gemini late evening on April 10th and trines Pluto, Lord of Death and Rebirth, in the first degree of Aquarius. There is a powerful transformational factor that may momentarily throw you off and which can also lead to constructive changes in your relationship patters. You may begin to better understand how to put all the pieces together to make creative ideas within a partnership not just manifest, but sustainable. This heightened sense of understanding could come from conversations with a partner or close friend, since Venus in Gemini can also stimulate greater communication in your relationships. There could also be fresh and deeply transformative ideas gestating in your imagination that seem difficult to understand early in the month, but will likely unveil themselves sometime after the Full Moon, as Venus trines Pluto in Aquarius. The Sun is also conjunct Jupiter in your sign, so that big opportunities could present themselves to you. You will want to be conscious and awake to anything that may arise to support your ambitions and passions.

As Mercury begins its early shadow period on April 7th, in Taurus, ahead of its upcoming retrograde cycle, be mindful that anything happening between now and mid- to late May is likely going to need to be revisited during the last part of May and into June after Mercury is actually retrograde (April 21-May 14) and then recovering (May 15-May 31). These matters could relate to your finances, your self-esteem, your body, or your ability to sustain the resources you currently possess and create. They might also be related to the conversations you’ve had with your partner or friend about the ideas and new plans that have begun to take shape for you.

The Solar Eclipse New Moon lands in your sign (again!) on the late evening of April 19th-20th and in the final minutes of the last degree of Aries. The Sun and Moon at nearly 0 Taurus are square to transformational Pluto, so that this is a one-two punch on personal metamorphosis. This current lunation makes for another fresh start on identity issues and in the way that you come across to others, in the light of the previous thirty days of the previous cycle, as you reflect on all the energy you’ve put out. Any final intentions you would like to see to fruition in your future could be something that you are meditating on at this time. Just as the energies harnessed during the previous lunation pointed toward new beginnings, helping you to see your preferred directions for future unfolding or adjustments to your lifestyle, along with greater communication in your relationships, so too now you will be refining and reviewing these alterations over the upcoming thirty days with the Sun in Taurus. This New Moon evolves those efforts into for fully materializing those intentions and ultimately bringing you into greater authenticity.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 20th and the energy shifts in an Earthward direction after a season of Fire. The last ten days of the month might help to ground you and to feel your way into a meditative stance on all that you are and all that you are becoming. The reeling energies that teemed through you over the past month have left their impact. You can finally slow down and start to build upon what they brought to light. Paying attention what you have to work with, as well as thoughts of how to materialize what you truly want, will allow you to honor the journey into May and June, when you might truly begin to generate results.

On April 21st, Mercury stations retrograde in your resources sector and calls you to introspection regarding your values and your finances. Your relationship to material well-being might be altering in some way, or there could be some reconfiguring of the ways in which you thought you might sustain yourself creatively moving forward. These changes do not at all foretell a loss, they simply are part of your ongoing development of going back and making things more greatly integrated so that what follows works better for you. You win when you embrace the retrograde cycle as one of refinement and recalibration. Once you get to the other side of this meditative process, in late May, you might be better able to avoid losing yourself in acting before thinking things through.
The Moon’s First Quarter takes place on April 27th, so leading into the last weekend of the month, with the Sun now fully in Taurus, your sector of resources and values is highlighted. This moment of tension in the current lunation cycle, extending into May, can be seen as a “crisis in action.” Your attitude toward your own internal values are likely shifting. Inner wounding could indeed come up for you as something to look more closely into, while innovative solutions might continue to present themselves, allowing for the healing of these wounded places inside you, With Mercury Retrograde period just getting started, this is not a good time to “push the river,” but instead to gather your forces for a new evolutionary stage that will become more fully formed by the end of the next month.

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