Aries Horoscope for June 2024

Aries Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another amazing month of change and growth for you, Aries, in the midst of a transformative year. As June begins, you are coming from a place with a concentration of energy for self-renewal and self-recognition. You would be tempted to regard this time as self-indulgent were it not so very at the edge of everything, feeling like a stairway or maybe a fall off of a cliff leading to your next and very different stage of development. You are getting in touch with your basic principles and beliefs, and seeing these in a new light, so that you hardly know which way is up. What you most deeply value is very much on your mind and in your heart, and yet has little to do with finances except in the most peripheral of ways. The mystical nature of these current times serves as such a powerful backdrop that it at times dominates, overshadowing all else. With the potent Gemini New Moon of June 6th, you are opening up in a big way to a basically spiritual take on what you have going, including what you most value and have a fever to possess. This is in relation to your inner depths, and for the way that you perceive the world around you. Relationship in your life suddenly takes a more central place in your ongoing vision of who you are, and of who you might yet become.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at

You enter June in the wake of the Taurus lunation cycle that is drawing to a close, and that was initiated in your sector of assets, gifts, and self-esteem. This previous month’s cycle extended the developmental pressure of April's solar eclipse in your sign together with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus from the 20th of April, having provided a ton of energy concentrated in your identity and resource sectors. The Uranian influence over these last few months has emphasized innovation of structures and of ideas, and these have been related to your skills, what you value, and your finances. This has been an interesting time with many internal questions to resolve as you come into the June cycle.

As the month begins, a constructive trine between Jupiter in Gemini and transformational Pluto in Aquarius has been active since May 25th, when Jupiter's ingress into Gemini began. This trine is still active during June’s first full week, and becomes a factor in the Gemini New Moon that arrives on Thursday the 6th. What might be indicated here is a thorough-going transformation of your sense of where you are heading over the remainder of the year, expanding your current focus on novelty and growth and taking you beyond the material and into the realm of ideas, interactions, and your environment.

Mercury also enters its home sign of Gemini in this month’s first week, on the 3rd, and helping clarify Jupiter’s trine with Pluto as it conjoins the expansionary Jupiter, perfecting on the 4th. This connection emphasizes evolution in your collaborative networks along with the power of your words and thoughts, particularly as Jupiter could expand their influence over the next year. Whether it's your internal narrative or more deliberately expressed, a helpful question to ask with matters involving Jupiter is, am I feeding something truly myself, that I want to grow?

Also from the 2nd to the 6th , the Sun and Venus meet in Gemini, with a special ring of power from the 3rd to the 5th, empowering your ability to connect with others and share your ideas with a broader audience. As the ruling planet of Taurus, Venus has been the steward of much of the recent activity in your resource sector. Her solar rebirth may now manifest as maturation in your approach to relating or a deeper understanding of what you find valuable or enjoyable. This may inform new interests or changes in how or who you connect with, including new romantic interests.

The Gemini New Moon arrives on June 6th, initiating a new cycle in your sector of communication and learning, and featuring Sun and Venus still in partile or same-sign conjunction, creating a triple conjunction between the Sun, Moon, and Venus. The presence of Mercury, the ruler of the New Moon, along with Jupiter and Venus, offers much support for matters of the mind, learning, and information transmission, suggesting this cycle may boost your mindset and bring opportunities for enjoyment and connection. It is also of interest that Venus, the Sun, and the Moon also make a sesquiquadrate aspect to transformational Pluto in your social sector. You are learning and growing in this important area, so that goals and future vision is slowly but definitely shifting. Friendships and group affiliations you have might be another changing landscape, as your attitude, beliefs and worldview are rearranging themselves. Growth is slow but it is sure, and you won’t be able to unhear what your heart is currently whispering.

In this New Moon as well, a square exists from the Sun, Moon, and Venus to Saturn in Pisces, representing your sector of unconscious process and inner work. While your inbox and social life may be busy, and changeable, this aspect encourages introspection. This square highlights your mental and emotional health, urging you to take your relationship with yourself and your spiritual nature more seriously. An emerging tension from your subconscious realms this month may draw your attention to the way your internal programs affect your experience, pointing to the necessity of identifying and updating some of these beliefs.

Mars, your ruler, enters Taurus on the late evening of the 8th, attuning your instincts to matters of what you value, issues of self-worth, and your finances. There is much support for focused action and productive use of your time and energy now, which may eventually help you accomplish a material ambition or desire.

Mars' ingress is intensified by the square Mars makes to Pluto in Aquarius, which remains in aspect through the 12th. Matters related to your collective participation or social connections could be volatile, and transformational. Inner revelations could incline you to let go of an old vision of the future that is past its shelf life, or stir up shadows around scarcity, self-worth, and self-esteem. Perhaps this relates to distinguishing yourself from a prior social identity or consensus that no longer aligns with your values.

Mercury forming a square to Saturn on the 12th further stimulates the tension between your conscious mental sphere and your unconscious. While sustained focus is on offer, this may also amplify consideration of your fears and failures or less conscious patterns that undermine your happiness and wellbeing.

From the 11th to the 12th, Venus and the Sun connect to Chiron in your sign by sextile. Mercury additionally squares Saturn. While your vulnerabilities may be stimulated, your conversations and connections with others, new interests, and learning pursuits may empower you with a revived purpose.

Mercury moves through the heart of the Sun in Gemini on the 14th. The rebirth of the current June lunation ruler could see you being seized by a new idea or understanding. There's a lot of restless mental energy in the air right now, which may require your discernment about who and what you give your attention to.

Between the 16th and the 20st, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun all connect to Neptune by square as they cross the threshold into Cancer, your sector of home, belonging, and family. Lack of clarity in your communications or relationships might amplify anxieties or stimulate escapist tendencies. Take time out for rest and activities that nourish you and engage your imagination.

That being said, a Venus- Mercury conjunction in Cancer on the 17th could also have a harmonious and uplifting influence that may emerge through your realms of home and family. While it takes courage to be vulnerable, sharing your feelings honestly will likely deepen your connection to those you love and care about.

The Sun enters Cancer on the 20th, heralding the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, lighting up matters related to your living situation, family, and property over the next month, including how you nurture yourself and feel supported. By the Sun simultaneously passing through a close square with Neptune in late Pisces, there is a fantasy element — a misty and nebulous quality — to this timing, also.

The Capricorn Full Moon arrives on the 21st, culminating in your vocational sector. A T-square between the Sun and Moon to Neptune could amplify your hidden struggles or sacrifices and how they relate to your professional and domestic considerations. This may intensify the discomfort of letting others see your weaknesses or worries about your outer achievements or public profile. Pluto in Aquarius and the new Nature planet Haumea in Scorpio are also aspected by the Sun and Moon, an indication that in this timing your inner understanding of moral compass, questions of what is the right thing to do, as well as the ongoing existing transformation of your societal impact in general, could be called even more clearly to your attention. There is also a sextile from Mercury in Cancer to Mars in Taurus in this Full Moon configuration, which indicates there is support between the energy you are directing into your material ambitions and your foundational sphere, where developments related to learning, communications, or your mental wellbeing may contribute to your career and cashflow.

The Last Quarter Moon takes place in your sign on the 28th, and shifts attention to your identity, physical health, and life course, potentially advancing matters that have long been in process. A square from Mercury in Cancer to Chiron may bring up vulnerabilities around the expression of your individuality and needs to belong, possibly connected to changes at home or the influence of early experiences or parental karma.

On the 29th, Saturn stations retrograde, momentarily intensifying his effects. Saturn retraces his steps backward into the first half of Pisces, where it will go back over familiar ground until the station to direct motion of November 15th. These last few says of the current month may be a time when inner obstacles feel more restrictive, presenting as well an opportunity to look into these more closely, stimulating adjustments that will eventually strengthen your inner foundations and intuition. Solitude and introspection could help you reorient outdated attachments and cultivate inner peace.

Solar Return Report

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