Cancer Horoscope for April 2022

Cancer Horoscope for April 2022

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of outer involvement, Cancer, that might yet lead to internal change as you continue your ongoing transformation of values. With the prominent placement of Pluto, lord of death and rebirth, this applies to certain facets of your personality. Most affected is the partnership dynamic that you have with others, and in truth, relationship is a mirror that points the way to your own metamorphosis. Career and profession are a major involvement as well at this time, as you seek innovative changes in your future plans, along with finding greater intimacy with your own inner world. It is possible that the residue of early childhood trauma will come to the fore in terms of greater healing of these issues, and if so, this too points the way to greater integration and inner satisfaction. The very limitations on intimacy that you might be experiencing can prove to be of benefit, leading you into new modalities of relating. The universe is like a bellows, always emptying and always full, so that just when you are finding difficulties it can surprise you with how much it is actually helping you along.

The following was written by Leslie Benson and Henry Seltzer. The usual column by Elodie St-Onge Abut will return.

As the month begins, a New Moon is also dawning in the sign of Aries, corresponding to your sector of career and professional life. Your outer world statement is therefore greatly affected and influenced by changes in worldview and inner values. You are coming to the idea, perhaps slowly, that what you do out in the world must reflect who you are in the privacy of your own inner feelings and your bottom-line principles. There is a great deal of intuitive information available to you now, as there has been all this year, and you do well to take advantage of it.

Transformation in your life continues strongly this month as well, due to activated Pluto in your seventh solar sector of important partners. Things have been changing in subtle or in not-so-subtle ways, and this is likely to keep on happening, with effects on your own sense of identity into the bargain.

The second weekend of April is consequential for you, with a First Quarter Moon in your sign on the late evening of Friday, April 8th accompanied by a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, Saturn activated in Aquarius, and Mars also present and in sextile with Mercury- Eris in Aries. This is another very active configuration and might bring up some analytical thinking about life purpose along with a sense of limitation regarding intimacy. This last could of course bring partnership issues further into play.

The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction lasts until the April 16th Full Moon, and is exact on the 12th. All this time period you are likely to feel a degree of idealization concerning your beliefs and your evolving worldview.

On Saturday, April 16th, the Full Moon in Libra, corresponding to your home and family sector, links up public and private concerns for you in a new way. You might discover over the course of this month, punctuated by this Full Moon timing, that there is a more profound connection between these parts, normally considered as quite separate, than you would have given credit. There is an intensity of moral compass involved here and a reliance on your bottom-line principles, affecting everything that you do, career-wise or otherwise.

In the Full Moon as well, and especially for the two days that follow, a triple alignment of Venus, Mercury, and Uranus (with Venus in sextile to the other two in conjunction) brings you a plethora of new ideas for the way that you contribute to society, friendships, and your pathway forward. You may spend the remainder of this month and more reflecting on this third weekend of the month and the thoughts that were generated. It might also be true that there is a fundamental evolution going on within you for how you conceive your next steps.

The Sun enters Taurus on the 19th, and you might feel the shift of energy, especially while considering your friendships and your societal contribution.

Toward month’s end, on the 27th followed by the 29th, Venus conjuncts Neptune and then Jupiter, while Pluto is stationing to retrograde motion in late Capricorn, your opposite sign. The latter implies further partnership transition, with important lessons learned, while the Venus connections combined with all of that spiraling Piscean energy makes for a lovely philosophical background for allowing significant shifts to occur at many levels of your psyche.

On the 30th itself, in the afternoon or evening, a Solar Eclipse and New Moon takes place in Taurus, corresponding to your sector of friendship, group affiliations and future plans, already featuring the highlighted presence of Uranus as discussed above. This eclipse represents potent energy for change and portends six months of focus on this area of your solar chart. There is also, therefore, another key month for you on the horizon.

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