Cancer Horoscope for April 2023

Cancer Horoscope for April 2023

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is another one involving focus on career and professional life, Cancer, along with estimating your pathway forward in novel ways. There were six planets in Aries at the time of the recent Equinox New Moon, corresponding to your tenth sector of outer world status and activity. Trickster and intuitional Uranus has also been greatly emphasized, and most especially, again, in the timing of the April 5th Libra Full Moon. The Full Moon also emphasizes a foggy soggy point of view that conveys spiritual depth over and beyond pure – and dry – logic. The Solar Eclipse of April 19th lights up the very last degree of Aries and brings radical internal moral compass more firmly into the picture. With the upcoming retrograde of Mercury, on the 21st, and for the ten days or more leading up to it, Mercury, ruler of your sector of unconscious process, fosters weeks of questioning your most basic assumptions as you anticipate spiritual destinies plus inspired creativity along the lines of greater personal integrity. After Mercury’s retrograde motion ends on May 15th, the winged messenger of the gods will fully straighten out by the end of the May month.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The Aries New Moon from March 21st took place in your career sector, which might have influenced some new beginnings in your profession, or professional work, or your reputation as an authority in some field. A stellium of six planets having occupied that sector at this previous New Moon, there is a ton of energy and focus in this area and perhaps as well, changes or new inspiration coming down. There are ongoing opportunities available to you, so remember to pay attention to any pertinent details surrounding what you do out in the world, because there can also be a tendency for you to overlook things around this time.

When Mercury ingresses into Taurus on April 3rd corresponding to your eleventh sector of friends, group associations, and societal contribution, your mind may begin to feel more grounded and able to retain information and ideas more thoroughly, allowing a greater capacity to consolidate those ideas to help manifest them. This slowing down of your mental activity could feel like a relief after the previous restless and assertive Mercury transit through Aries. It may also be that you’re thinking more about future plans, or being asked to manage a project in which your ability to practically apply ideas is appreciated.

On the late evening of April 5th, the Full Moon in Libra occurs in your fourth sector of home and family, with the Sun in your career sector. This can signal a time to nurture your close relationships at work and at home to instill a greater sense of security within them. The Sun also conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and you may find this Full Moon evoking any trauma within you that has perhaps not been fully addressed. The nurturing and security required to help you heal those wounds can perhaps be found in your intimate relationships, as long as there is adequate compassion, openness, and understanding present in both of you, and as well in other kinds of therapeutic work that you may consider engaging in during this month.

Venus moves into Gemini late on April 10th, making a trine aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, both of which can represent the stimulating of a captivating interest in the more hidden layers of your psyche, conjuring up issues from your past that intrigue you to the point of wanting to better understand them. You may find yourself wanting to spend more time in natural environments or expressing your affection through engaging in profound conversations about more spiritual and mystical topics

As Mercury begins its early shadow period on April 7th, in Taurus, ahead of its upcoming retrograde cycle, be mindful that anything happening between now and mid- to late May is likely going to need to be revisited during the last part of May and into June after Mercury is actually retrograde (April 21-May 14) and then recovering (May 15-May 31). Because Mercury is in your social and vision sector through this retrograde period, making sure all ideas and plans are solid and pragmatic enough for them to manifest as successfully as possible will likely be important to you, ensuring optimum sustainability and impact for yourself and all those involved. Going over previously prepared plans with a fine-toothed comb could feel like your new forte.

The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries on April 19th is in your tenth sector, which can evoke a sense of strength and confidence in your career and compel you to speak up about matters you brought to the table over the past month that have not been addressed or fully appreciated yet. These final moments of Sun and Moon in Aries are a great opportunity to implement something new in your professional life.

The Sun and Moon both enter Taurus late in the evening of the 19th by about four hours after the eclipse. This takes place in the part of your chart symbolizing progressive ideals and community collaboration, so you can have a much greater sense of how to bring positive growth and sustainability to not just your own life but to whatever community you are an active part of. People may start to look to you for guidance and management with any goal planning or financial matters. You might be feeling not just more capable of handling these things, but also more interested and devoted to help.

When Mercury stations retrograde on April 21st, there will be a three to five week period that ensues of reexamining matters you thought were shored up, perhaps within the previously mentioned community and/or within your personal life. These matters could be related to finances, real estate, or anything that provides a sense of security. You may very well be the best person for the job of homing in on whatever was overlooked, since your drive to sustain security extends beyond you own personal security.

Overall, there is much emphasis this month on your career and the goals and visions you are developing to make a brighter and more sustainable future for yourself and for whatever communities or organizations you may be a part of.

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