Cancer Horoscope for April 2024

Cancer Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Cancer, with Mercury moving backward through your career sector, implying re-thinking, to some extent, what you thought you were up to in this important area. The Mercury Retrograde period lasts all month long, when you consider the post-retrograde shadow period of Mercury recovering its forward momentum. This follows by two and a half weeks its station to direct motion on the evening of the 25th. While reviewing and potentially revising your outer world contribution, considering this in the light of inward turning meditations, you are in general more focused on your public persona than on more private considerations. The work that you do in the world becomes an even more important focus for you following the April 8th solar eclipse in your vocational sector with an emphasis on Chiron, the Wounded Healer, exactly conjunct the eclipse Sun and Moon. It is possible that the vestiges of early childhood wounding might come up for you, potentially interfering with the smooth functioning of your career objectives. This is, however, not any form of unmitigated disaster, but rather, with diligence on your part, presents an opportunity for eventual greater integration of inner and outer concerns in your movement toward wholeness. You must recognize that you are in a truly transformative time of your life.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The beginning of April continues to be influenced by the recent Pisces New Moon from last month that took place in the sector of your chart that relates to education, travel, and your intellectual pursuits. Much of your time could be invested now in defining broader mental or spiritual frameworks and this investment could be tied into your vocational and social aspirations. Much of the astrology this year is occurring at the top of your chart which symbolizes ‘’high noon’’ or the peak of what you aspire towards socially. Your pioneering spirit could be compelled more than usual and this could be a time when you are called to share your ideas, philosophies and personal experiences in a broader context.

On April 1st, Mercury turns retrograde in Aries, your vocational sector, and will be moving retrograde for most of April, and then recovering well into May. This entire time could bring up important revisions or course corrections affecting as well career choices. This may not be a bad thing especially if you need more time to refine your ideas. Since this retrograde is occurring in Aries, there is a chance that circumstances change more rapidly than usual or that new elements emerge that need to be taken in consideration. Patience could be an important virtue this month and taking immediate action may not be the best long-term solution especially if there is any way to wait a few weeks before finally deciding.

On April 2nd and 3rd, the month’s first week is also highly colored by the Venus-Neptune conjunction occurring in late Pisces, on the edge of your vocational sector. You could feel extremely empathetic and driven by ideals of a better world, as you make your way forward in terms of career and profession. Things are shifting now for you in many areas and you might just need to go with the flow.

Venus enters Aries late on the 4th and forms a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius on the 5th and 6th emphasizing partnerships and collaborations that have a certain amount of power and affect your career situation in unexpected ways. Although you would like to be fully in charge of vocational matters, you may have to put water in your wine and accept that some things are simply out of your complete control. The Mercury Retrograde period that is progressing has you rethinking and potentially revising career plans along the lines of greater societal involvement.

The work that you do in the world becomes an even more important focus for you following the April 8th solar eclipse in your vocational sector, which is an extra-potent New Moon with an emphasis on Chiron, the Wounded Healer, exactly conjunct the eclipse Sun and Moon. You must recognize that you are in a truly transformative time of your life. It is possible that the vestiges of early childhood wounding might come up for you in different ways, potentially interfering with the smooth functioning of your career objectives. This is, however, not any form of unmitigated disaster, but rather, with diligence on your part, presents an opportunity for eventual greater integration of inner and outer concerns in your movement toward wholeness.

The halfway point of Mercury’s retrograde cycle in Aries arrives on April 11th, when Mercury meets the Sun symbolically representing a moment of purification. Circumstances could be challenging you to assert yourself or take the lead in new and powerful ways which could also emphasize some insecurities related to your mental and intellectual capacities. In due time, you may come to realize that a lot of your fears are unfounded and that you are actually quite sound in judgment and reasoning abilities.

A dynamic First Quarter Moon takes place in your sign on April 15th which continues to emphasize leadership and advancement but also tension between your personal values and your social contracts or career obligations.

On April 19th, the Sun enters Taurus where it could emphasize your community involvement, your dreams and your aspirations for the coming month. This year the Sun’s entry into the sign of Taurus coincides with an important conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus taking place from the 17th to the 23rd, exact on the 20th, and this aspect may bring an important confirmation of what you have been working towards. You may get surprising feedback and your energy investments could finally start to manifest in tangible ways. There is a certain degree of tension also relating to matters of your own inner principle and values versus partnership commitments.

The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives on April 23rd illuminating your creative and romantic sector and the part of your chart that also relates to creativity, joy, any children you may have, and your personal projects. Pluto in Aquarius forms a tight square with the Moon in Scorpio bringing the potential for power conflicts that are also illuminating regarding future plans and your creative ideas. There could be something relating to inner values and the need to adjust your life accordingly.

Mercury turns direct in Aries on April 25th bringing clarifications in the coming weeks in relation to a situation that began in March. Mercury slowly recovers heading into mid-May and its escape from its retrograde shadow. The end of the month also sees both Mars and Venus entering their respective home signs of Taurus and Aries. This could bring support in the relational realm and also for aligning your values with your actions more efficiently.

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