Capricorn Horoscope for September 2017

Capricorn Horoscope for September 2017

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a strange and wonderful time for you, Capricorn, the more so when you can relax and go with the flow. In the wake of the recent powerful solar eclipse from last month, you are evolving a new style of intimacy with significant others and also with yourself. You have a deep commitment now to develop your understanding of who you are on the inside, and you are beginning to see that the internal and largely unconscious part of yourself is quite as important as the conscious side. Your thoughts and words may be fuzzy and vague these days, and communicative mishaps more common, and this is due in part to your concerted focus on soul-level matters. Your life is in fact a waking dream; although, since you are so well grounded in practicalities, this too is difficult to recognize. As psychologist Thomas Moore once stated, the very nature of the soul is paradox.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Samuel Reynolds; visit him at Unlock Astrology :

At the brink of fall, members of your sign come into their own, the beginning of their wintry element. You may feel somehow behind a curve you’ve set for yourself. Perhaps you are feeling stagnant or that you’re not doing enough to build a legacy or help those who matter to you. That could be about to change, however. You are engaged in depth researches as the month begins that might help you to score a field goal.

The next clue that you’re on the brink of real progress happens on the 5th, when sharp-minded Mercury moves out of its retrograde funk. Perhaps over the last month, you’ve been harboring many real and imagined concerns about the future. While essentially optimistic, you could yet feel too many “what ifs” sliding toward the negative and not enough toward the daring and positive. You might well be holding internal tensions.

As Mars sweeps into your ninth house of learning and broad-minded thinking on the 5th this helps you set up better plans for action. Perhaps plans and ideas will come to you as you travel, or while you dive headlong into a book or set of classes. You might feel like scales fall off your eyes and energy surges into your mind.

Mars’ brawn teams up with Mercury’s brains by conjunction on the 3rd and again on the 16th. The first meeting of muscle and mind on the 3rd will likely inspire you to create more out of concrete ideas that have a long-lasting impact on the world. The second meeting of Mars and Mercury in your house of higher mind will show you how you can trade up your reach and your world view in general. You might need to be patient with your first attempts at improvement, though. You can’t rush perfection.

The Pisces Full Moon of the 6th will allow you to swim deep enough into your feelings to relieve any inner tension you might have been experiencing. The Virgo New Moon on 19th will seal more of your confidence and clarity in greater detail with whatever you’re seeking to understand.

When the open-faced Sun enters graceful Libra on the 22nd, you may move from the practice field into arenas that are more public. If you have a few tremors of self-doubt, this can be good, for it means you take the challenges that you face most seriously. If you relish the challenge to show your mettle, you will rise to the occasion.

In fact, the tug-of-war between bountiful Jupiter and unusual Uranus on the 28th will likely inspire opportunities that will seek you out every bit as much as you hunger for and seek them. It benefits you not to wonder too much about how things might piece together differently from your plans. You’ve done the work to prepare for the lucky break. Seize the moment!

Pluto moving forward in your sign on the 28th will ground the changes taking place within you , fostering renewed perseverance and determination. You’re ready to for the world and the only question is – Is it ready for you' If you have been acting with sincerity and in alignment with your deep intention, you’ll soon find out to the positive!

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