Capricorn Horoscope for December 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for December 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a significant month for you, Capricorn, with a powerful emphasis on identity and on finding your way forward with full awareness of both internal and outer realities. Your unconscious process is making itself known to you in no uncertain terms, presenting you with surprising realizations. Your inner process is so much a part of your identity as to be inseparable from it. Your sense of who you are depends in large part on the depths that underlie your surface behavior and these, like the undersea portion of the iceberg, are vaster and more massive than the more easily observed surface layers. As you move forward with your evolutionary development based on this powerfully demanding sense of spiritual intuition that is playing upon your secret senses, you are becoming more familiar with factors that also allow greater intimacy with others. The Full Moon of December 22nd in fact heralds a resurgence of partnership connection from an entirely new angle.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins on the heels of Venus in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries across your 10th and 4th house axis (the places of career and home and family). Continued changes and unexpected revolution in these two areas of life are still pronounced and will likely carry over for at least the first few days of the month. Deep intuition brings you closer to the truth of the matter than all your logic, as long as you can remain open and trust your gut instinct.

Meanwhile, all month long there are transits happening in your twelfth house in Sagittarius, making several squares to Mars and Neptune in Pisces in your third house. Each transit will bring up the connection between the unconscious mind and your rational intellect, between the unknown or the great mystery and that which is understandable, learnable, or speakable.

On December 2nd, the Sun in Sagittarius will square Mars in Pisces in your third house. You might be feeling caught between worlds right now, inspired and emotional but also inward and solitary. The insights you are receiving right now are heroic and vast but knowing exactly where to put your energy might be difficult. Be careful of squandering the inspiration you’re feeling by getting involved in unnecessary debates or arguments about things that are truly insignificant. Apply your energy wisely and pick your battles carefully.

Late evening on December 6th, continuing into the next day, the New Moon in Sagittarius in your twelfth house squares Mars and Neptune in Pisces in your third house. A dream seed is being planted in you right now, but you may not understand its nature or meaning for some time. This is indicated not only by the New Moon in the twelfth house and the square to Mars/Neptune in Pisces but also Jupiter’s recent entrance into Sagittarius. Now and for the next thirty days, pay special attention to your dreams and track your emotions in the weeks to come. Whatever is stirring within you is the seed of new faith and deeper compassion. However, it may require you to let go of the known and feel your way through a time of uncertainty, doubt, and intense questioning.

On December 20th, the Sun in Sagittarius in your twelfth house will trine Uranus in Aries in your fourth house, stimulating the need for greater independence and freedom in relation to your home or family karma. The need to break free or defy tradition is strong, and you may also find that you are being awakened by powerful insights or events related to your home, your parents or family members, or the past.

On December 21st, Mercury will conjoin Jupiter in Sagittarius in your twelfth house. Teachers and shadow teachers. Sometimes its hard to tell the difference. Mistakes that we know better than to make, that we keep making until we run ourselves into the ground, and those chance events that instruct us even though they are difficult. Mercury and Jupiter in the twelfth are here to teach you something profound right now, but they may come alongside of encounters with personal and collective shadows and unconsciousness.

On December 24th, Mercury in Sagittarius will then square Neptune in Pisces in your third house, bringing last month’s Mercury Retrograde full circle, back to the place where it all got started. It may be hard to think clearly or to use your rational intellect to move through the maze of information you are dealing with right now, but if you use your intuition, and ask your teachers or guides to help you, you may find that you are led effortlessly to the right answers. Meanwhile, you should also be cautious, all month long, about gossip. The twelfth house was a house associated with “secret enemies,” or those energies that seek to undermine us, which means it’s extra important to keep your mind in a positive space, especially when sharing your thoughts and feelings with those you aren’t especially close with.

Other transits to think about this month include the Winter Solstice on December 21st, when the Sun moves into Capricorn and enters your home sign for thirty days, and then the Full Moon in Cancer on December 22nd, which is shining bright in your house of relationships and love. Both of these transits are also foreshadowing the start of a full year + of eclipses falling across your first and seventh house axis, indicating major personal changes and changes to your relationships and social life coming through. More on this next month!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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