Capricorn Horoscope for December 2020

Capricorn Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is breath-taking for you, Capricorn, in allowing significant change to blossom in your life. December represents a through-going metamorphosis, to the extent that you allow it to happen, in moving over the line into your next major stage. It is interesting to note that the potent New Moon eclipse of December 14th is positioned in your sector of unconscious process. The way through this important transition thus lies in tuning in to what is going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche. You are stirred to the core, and aware of challenges that yet remain in hidden places within you, the residue of ancient trauma, unhelpful now. Your transformation all this year, through relative difficulty, has led to an important moment of letting go of what no longer serves you, and of finding strength within your depths in order to do that. Then, one week later, the crowning configuration of a powerful Winter Solstice, when the Sun enters your sign, signals you being ready to move forward with the long-term evolution of your values.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December arrives right after a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, which carries on through to the first half of the month, or actually longer, because of the extra-potent nature of the eclipse energy. You may be increasingly aware of where your attention is going, and how you divide your time. You may actually be feeling really organized but there could be an amount of stressors that needs attention. Learning how to unwind from the constant flow of stimuli is an ongoing process, and you may be contemplating the impact it has on your well-being. Mercury entering Sagittarius on the 1st could be a good time to attend to your need for a quieter and more reflective space. You might not however be able to unwind completely. You may wonder why you take on so many tasks but then again you like having missions.

The New Moon in Scorpio from mid-November kick-started a really busy time of the year for you with a renewed desire to connect with like-minded people. Since then you may have been busy with stimulating projects. On the 5th and 6th, Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces which may bring a tide of inspiration to your ongoing work. There could be refreshing conversation around creativity, the art, aesthetics, and money during the first weekend of the month that opens up a whole other realm of possibilities. Socializing, making connections, and networking continues into the second week of December. 

The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 9th, and this might however find you lacking motivation or vitality to get things done. You may need to take a break or find some down time. It’s a busy time of the year but there’s no need to run yourself to the ground. Mercury in Sagittarius conjuncts the South Node while trining to Neptune on the 13th; It may be a good time to get rid of what no longer serves you, whether these things are metaphorical or material.

The total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th will help bring a powerful reset occurring in your soul-sector where everything gets stored to be dealt with later. Unfortunately, you have no more space and no more time for your own rubbish, and especially for other people’s. After two and a half years of Saturn in Capricorn you understand more than ever what personal boundaries mean and how important they are for your sanity. You also want to have more fun, and this Solar Eclipse could help you clarify ways in which you can cut yourself more slack. Venus enters Sagittarius on the 15th, and her gentle influence will support this ongoing process related to creating more time and space for playfulness and adventures in your life.

Your ruling planet Saturn officially leaves your sign late on the night of the 16th to enter Aquarius. To a certain extent, the efforts you have made, and the structures you have put in place while Saturn was in your sign will continue to support you in the years to come. Saturn rewards efforts with longevity, and rest assured that all the work you’ve done was not in vain.

You can see Saturn bright in the night sky along with Jupiter and the Moon in mid-December. It may be a good time to give your thanks to the taskmaster of our solar system for all the hard lessons that brought on your mature outlook and solid foundation. On the 19th Jupiter follows Saturn and enters Aquarius where it will stay until the end of 2021. Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion enters your financial sector which is good news for you. With Saturn also transiting that part of your chart, it could mean that financial gains are possible if you put in the time and the elbow grease while building the structures that can sustain you. Aquarius is often associated with innovations. This means that innovative financial ideas may not be as far-fetched as you think. Mercury meets the Sun in Sagittarius for its superior conjunction on the same day bringing clarity and vision. 

The Winter Solstice arrives on December 21st when the Sun enters Capricorn, along with Mercury. This introduces a vivifying time of the year for you. The long-awaited exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius also occurs on the Solstice which officially inaugurates a 200-year period when the Air element will be the focus of subsequent conjunctions, indicating deep-seated cultural changes. Much of this is already visible with the advancement of technology and the current innovation in our infrastructures. The First Quarter Moon in Aries also takes place on the 21st making this a very busy time of the year for you, with complex associations, as you try to divide your attention between your home, your family, and your work.

On December 29th, the Full Moon in Cancer carries her light into your relationship sector and will emphasize the supportive and nourishing connections in your life. As the year comes to a close, take a moment to acknowledge the important people in your life, or your special person, and give thanks for the connective links there, that hold everything together.  

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