Capricorn Horoscope for March 2024

Capricorn Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month, Capricorn, of expanding on recent departures from prior norms, that is, if you are ready now, and are still feeling the tug of unknown horizons within you. It is possible, with Pluto having recently left your sign, that you are entering into a new phase with your ongoing evolutionary development, and one that concerns your deepest values – and even your philosophical understanding of the material world itself – as only part of the story of what humans are up to. There is, for you this month, an important focus as well on matters of home and family, which could include meditations on your family of origin. With the Pisces New Moon of March 10th communication is key. As you creatively engage with the world around you, you will likely find that articulating these stirrings from your private process deep inside you is a huge first step toward acting on them. The eclipse Full Moon in Libra, on the 25th, corresponding to your sector of career and vocation, in some ways puts the finishing touches on taking your own unique stand as an outer world persona. You are, lately, more and more fully integrated with private inner understandings, principles, and values.

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March begins in the middle of the Aquarius lunation cycle that began on last month with the New Moon from February 9th that took place in your sector of resources and values, and which still has nine days left before this month’s New Moon. This continues to be an active cycle for you, with an emphasis on communication and learning, as well as fluctuating finances, and the implied lessons that could be engendering a whole new way of seeing the material world. The Aquarius New Moon also featured Uranus in Taurus, corresponding to your fifth house of creative self-expression, bringing surprises and shakeups to areas of your life such as romance, sports, the arts and children. Your ruler, Saturn, is in your third sector indicating a greater focus on written and spoken outreach to others around you, plus a mental curiosity about how things are connected. This is a time where you may be realizing the practical gifts that you have to offer and the role you play in building generous structures that empower others to share their skills, knowledge and gifts.

From March 7th to 8th, Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces in your communications sector suggesting an acceptance or realization of joy, receptivity and spiritual connection, an expansion of your mind in non-logical directions that admits of non-traditional ways to see the world around you.

Mars in Aquarius then applies superior square to Uranus in Taurus March 8th to 10th enhanced by the Sun, as a leadup to the potent Pisces New Moon of Sunday the 10th . This aspect ties your internal process to the intuitive and unconventional rhythms of the cosmic Trickster, leading to a ductile, unsystematic approach to resources that may also be more relaxed. This aspect illuminates the wisdom of community, the wisdom of your own unconscious process, and teachings that boost optimism, fun, and radical love.

The Pisces New Moon arrives on March 10th at 1am PST in your communications sector and features the Mars-Uranus square of unconventional approaches and an important sextile between Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury at 0° of Aries, bringing further consciousness of the ongoing transformation for areas of your life such as finances, resources, and your domicile. This New Moon suggests fresh insights and ideas of collaboration and support that may require an evaluation, assertion or negotiation of personal foundations and perhaps inner wounding. You may be experiencing upheavals of resources that motivate you to try new approaches, or be transforming your skills, material resources, and loyalties to become more web-like and supportive of both individual and community stability.

Venus enters Pisces, where she is exalted, on March 11th, and you could be coming into a spring of romance, harmony and honored reception that will guide you through the first three weeks of this new Pisces cycle.

From March 16th to the 18th, the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. This is also the Moon’s First Quarter, and there could be tensions surrounding the working out of new concepts stemming from the New Moon timing. The Sun with Neptune can feel confusing or bring idealized notions of advantage into play, illuminating a purpose, perspective, dream or idea concerning culture or interpersonal relations. You may be realizing a greater comfort and understanding of your routines, habits, wisdom, learning processes and their influence on your overall vision. With Mercury in Aries applying to conjoin the North Node in Aries in your sector of home and psychological foundations there could be an increase in assets as a result of trying new skills, ways of relating or asserting yourself. You may find yourself speaking up within your family, home, and learning spaces. Sharing your perspective, skills and ideas, you could also need to exercise patience to serve a healing, balanced vision.

On March 19th, the Sun enters Aries, marking the Spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere. This is a powerful time for cardinal signs such as yours, when your focus to some extent shifts to private considerations of home and family. The Sun, exalted and in inferior sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, is involved in his transformative influence which could affect matters of the home, property and traditions. You may be influenced by considerations stemming from your family of origin at this timing, or a more communal sense of responsibility regarding your resources and finances. The Sun newly in Aries is in an inferior sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, with Mercury in Aries in conjunction with Chiron. You may speak up and be reeled in, or you may begin something only to be influenced or worked upon or slowed down. You could have insights into the needs of your highest self, your work with others, the career path of a greater maturity and action. There could be a sense of digging deeply to do the work and frustration around compromises you might have to make.

On March 21st, as Venus in Pisces – in her joy – makes a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces, you may exchange support or be presented with a remedy or motivating source that is fateful, harmonizing, and reassuring. You could be discovering an internal flow that helps you show up for others and fulfill a role. With Mars entering Pisces on the 22nd and no longer traveling blind to Venus in Pisces, you may make more pleasurable and enriching progress toward unity, commerce, negotiation, understanding, and communication.

The Libra Full Moon and lunar eclipse lands March 25th at 12am PDT and stretches across your sectors of career and the home, illuminating themes of justice, loss, acquisition of property, native language, culture, and activity at home. As Venus in Pisces applies superior sextile to Jupiter, with Venus and Jupiter also in mutual reception, the suggestion is that new, intimate, and divine understanding is available regarding routine and pleasure, children, animals, romance and the arts. These understandings are a gift your overall vision. You will continue to see these themes unfold over the next sixth months.

March 25th to April 1st, you may reach an understanding of greater principles of harmony, fairness, creativity, and joy. With the South Node in your sector of visibility, you may feel a bit drained in public or in your career. Negotiating, communicating, shaping your foundations and roots, like a plant, should help stimulate new, healthy growth.

You round out March with Venus in Pisces making a superior sextile to Uranus in Taurus March 26th to 28th lending support for changes within romance, leisure, and enjoyment as a result of accommodating and supportive communication, routines, and community care. On the 27th, a beautiful trine between the Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Pisces where you may find yourself analyzing or examining gifts, resources, support and friends is of benefit to your overall direction.

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