The Hidden Impact of the Taurus Full Moon

The Hidden Impact of the Taurus Full Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Taurus Full Moon taking place Thursday afternoon, at about 2 PM PST, is quite interesting, both because it represents the full flowering of the cycle that began with the very powerful Scorpio New Moon and Solar Eclipse from two weeks ago and also because the Sun and Moon aspect Uranus, Pluto and Chiron. This Full Moon phase represents things that were begun at the time of the New Moon coming to another and more fulfilled juncture. Thus, ideas that you had two weeks ago are in a stage of important development now, with more information surrounding them and perhaps a different attitude as a result of two weeks of further experience with trying to find the light in what you are intent on accomplishing. As we go through this we have our inner depths in mind, because Scorpio is related to deep inner process, and because mystical Neptune is a key component of the astrology for this Scorpio lunation cycle, standing almost completely still in the sky and being therefore more powerful. This goes for our thinking and as well our intuitional awareness that goes beyond logical thought.

This component of deep inner process makes a perfect chime with Thursday"s lunation, because the evolutionary impact of Uranus in square with Pluto — as they draw toward the next perfect hit in mid-December, only a little more than thirty days away — is very strong right now. We are all called, whether we are directly conscious or only peripherally aware, to massive change in both our personal and our collective lives. While the difference to the exact square with Pluto narrows to less than 2 degrees, the Full Moon position of 14 + Taurus matches within one degree that of Uranus in Aries, and of Chiron in Pisces. Thus the Moon is semi-sextile Uranus, sextile Chiron and trine to Pluto. The Chiron aspect could be regarded a measure of the pain and difficulty involved in taking up this challenge. On the same timing as this Full Moon, Mars moves into conjunction with Pluto, greatly amping up the energy for potentially violent confrontation and for definitive action in support of meaningful change.

The Neptune factor is strong in this configuration, and grows even stronger in the following weekend, when Mercury enters Scorpio, trining a nearly-stationary Neptune in Pisces. It grows still stronger the weekend after that, centered on Saturday November 15th, when Neptune stations to direct motion. The spacey qualities and potential illusion and confusion associated with his numinous and otherworldly influence will thus be greatly magnified over these next two weeks. There is also the positive side of all this inner orientation to consider, in that a large part of who we are is within these same hidden dimensions of ourselves that Neptune represents. This emphasis therefore enables you, as the ancient text reads, to "know thyself!" We will all get the chance to tune more directly to spirit guidance, and to see the writing on the inner wall, so to speak, that can tell where we truly need to be heading.

The Sabian symbols for the Sun and Moon in this Full Moon configuration are, like Neptune, somewhat mysterious. For the Sun, in the 15th degree of Scorpio, we find "Children playing around five mounds of sand." This is a cryptic symbol, and it might be important to note in analyzing it that five is the number of humankind, as renowned humanistic 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar reminds us in his book on the symbols, entitled An Astrological Mandala. The play mentioned could therefore be considered as a metaphor for the work that we have before us to spiritually grow through the shifting sands of altered circumstances. Marc Edmund Jones refers to "new facets of discovery" and to "the illimitable capacity for [human] experience in any situation;" such as ours today.

For the Moon, in the 15th degree of Taurus, we have: "A man, muffled up, with a rakish silk hat." This symbol reminds us that nothing comes easy, and that in spite of relative success in the outer dimensions of life, there is still natural law to consider, symbolized here by the implied freezing wind. In his own particular commentary, Rudhyar refers to "braving the storm" and adds that the storm can come from outside oneself, or from the inside. This symbol describes the development of character, which, when adversity strikes, is ready to hunker down and simply get on with it — something that we all perhaps need during these times of difficulty, when our evolutionary mandate is calling us to direct and even confrontative action.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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