The Evolutionary Drama of the First Quarter Moon

The Evolutionary Drama of the First Quarter Moon

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The First Quarter Moon of late Thursday night or early Friday morning, depending on time zone, represents an extremely interesting point in the development of the lunation cycle that began a week past and extends into the first three weeks of December. The Moon in this configuration closely connects to Neptune, also Chiron, being a little more than two degrees away from Neptune and in conjunction with their midpoint. This lends a spiritual, idealized and somewhat otherworldly air to the current proceedings. We find that we know more about what we are up to on an instinctual level than we do consciously. Then, too, Uranus and Pluto, in their forming square, are also still very much emphasized by this quarter moon. Because the New Moon itself triggered all three outer planets, this is a very special end-of-year time. As we head into the remainder of this intense cycle, we therefore reach out for a significant new stage in the arc of the individual curve of our own evolutionary growth.

That development, we can understand, must include fundamental change, the hallmark of this Uranus-Pluto intersection. These outer planets in combination represent a powerful revolutionary impulse that throws off established ways that have become outmoded and are no longer viable, both in terms of personal development, and for the society itself. The ferment of the sixties, when they were in conjunction with each other, is the most recent example. For the past several years now, or to be more specific since about 2010, you have been confronted with an inner struggle to transform and grow — in accordance with what you know you need to do from the standpoint of evolutionary necessity — and this comes from your intuitional depths, as signaled by the current Neptune influence. This is basic; in that certain things were left undone in the course of your maturation, and these now need to be fulfilled. It is difficult and painful to leave some part of the past behind, forever, and yet it is comforting to come to the inescapable recognition that those things that you must change, and change radically, while different for each one of us, stem from your own deeper knowing that is sure, ultimately coming from inside.

Besides the cosmic pressure to evolve that is expressed by Uranus and Pluto in their historic square, we find this month in particular that Jupiter and Eris remain in close trine formation all month long, since Jupiter is standing almost dead still in the sky right now, while Eris moves extremely slowly. Their combination symbolizes positive soul intention coming strongly to the fore, especially as they remain in partile trine, in the very same degree of compatible Fire signs, for the entire remainder of November and almost all of December, through the Winter Solstice of the 21st. Additionally, Venus is moving to form a grand trine with Jupiter and Eris during the first few days of December, to be followed by Mercury and the Sun. We are heading for a very powerful mid-month and Winter Solstice. We know what we have to do. The only question is in doing it.

The Sabian symbols for this Quarter Moon are illuminating. They are, for the Moon, in the 8th degree of Pisces, near Neptune, "A girl, blowing a bugle," which we can interpret, noting that Jung termed the soul as a feminine concept he called the anima, as that clarion call that arises out of the depths of our soul-level intuitional awareness. For the Sun, in the 8th degree of Sagittarius, we find: "Deep within the earth, new elements are being formed," for which Marc Edmund Jones adds that "this is a symbol of the necessity that man [or woman] create his [or her] own reality out of the actual situations in which [they] are involved — the matrix of everyday existence — ... [utilizing] an exceptional ability to mold or remold the course of events." This is thus a fitting symbol for our work in reconstituting the very fabric of our lives in response to the evolutionary impulse that drives us. We can recognize as well that the cosmos is truly on our side; so that when we approach this task with absolute sincerity, our success is assured.

The upcoming month will be highly transformative! Now may be a great time to get an idea of what the near future has in store for you with a Transit Report.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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