A Pisces Full Moon of Re-Evaluation and Devotion

A Pisces Full Moon of Re-Evaluation and Devotion

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Full Moon that arrives in Pisces on Wednesday, August 30th, at 6:36 PM PT, later for points east, brings the hidden other-dimensionality of this mystical sign more directly into our earthly experience. This emphasis on the mutable waters of Pisces invites us into greater contact with the nebulous realms of dreams, imagination, internal emotions, mysticism, and unseen realms of subtle energy. The most notable feature of this particular Full Moon is however quite different from all that; because of the Moon’s 4-degree conjunction with Saturn, we have also the awareness of practicality, the structures that support us, and yet also the ways we feel limited, stuck, or isolated. The blending of the unearthly with the actual, practical and quite earthy Saturn archetype is therefore one paradoxical element of this potent Full Moon, the latest in the series of intense lunations that it seems to be our current fate to experience.

We are also in the depths of Venus retrograde in this Full Moon time, with Venus turning to direct motion next Sunday, on September 3rd. We have also just recently begun the current Mercury Retrograde period, which lasts, including its post-retrograde shadow the 29th of September. Mercury’s station direct on Sept 15th represents one final peak of the retrograde period. These inner planet retrogrades suggest a time of inward reflection, as well as things feeling a little wonky and not going according to plan. Because Venus governs human connection and Mercury oversees communications, these few days when their retrogrades overlap set a tone for this interactive dimension of human affairs that can feel tricky to navigate, and yet also bring deeper awareness to where our growing edges as relational beings can be felt.

To take a look at Saturn in Pisces, we note that Saturn entered Pisces in March of this year, and some of the themes include re-negotiating boundaries, imagining new societal structures, devotion to spiritual practice, and bringing compassion to hardship. The Full Moon illuminating Saturn may have us feeling big emotions, and highlight where we feel stuck, stunted or stagnant, yet this configuration also holds the key of flexibility and adaptation to try a new approach from a spiritual perspective. We may encounter the ways that we flee into escapism to avoid responsibility or feeling uncomfortable things, yet also may feel increased compassion for ourselves and others as we bump up against the challenges and suffering of life. One big invitation to hone in on with this dynamic is to commit (or re-commit) to some kind of spiritual practice that can support you holistically. Whether it is meditation, studying astrology, yoga, chi-gong, daily nature connection, art therapy, or the like, this Moon is inviting you to adopt and bolster the structures that support your soul’s wellbeing.

A more subtle, yet potent, factor of this Full Moon is a yod with the Pisces Moon at the focal point. A yod is an aspect pattern that consists of two inconjunct aspects and one sextile, and in this case the Moon, at 7º Pisces, becomes the focal point of the yod from Juno at 7º Leo and KBO planet Makemake at 8º Libra. Normally this wouldn’t make it on my list of notables – however the closeness of the degrees caught my eye. Juno marks that to which we are symbolically “married”, while Makemake, as Henry’s research is indicating, is turning out to be about profound connection to Nature, with an emphasis on environmental or social activism, on where we’re willing to take a stand for our beautiful Earth. This configuration therefore suggests a focal moment collectively and individually about what our role is in relating to our planet and only true home. Perhaps this yod formation is an invitation to feel our primordial connection to the Earth – as not separate from nature but as deeply intertwined beings OF nature; and when we feel that connection, we may want to notice what this inspires in our imagination, our attitudes, and our actions.

Lastly we must also mention that in this Full Moon configuration we find Venus retrograde in Leo square to Jupiter in Taurus, which because of Venus’ direct station on September 3rd, and Jupiter stationing retrograde the following day, will be in effect through the entire first half of September. This is considerably longer than this an aspect between these two planets usually lasts! This aspect could bring a much needed sense of expansion and optimism to our current situation. Jupiter helps us get in touch with our highest ideals, and Venus is asking us to get clear on our most cherished values, as well as our own self-worth. With Trickster Uranus extremely prominent in this lunation cycle originating in the recent Leo New Moon, and located near Jupiter in Taurus, we may want to ask ourselves during this time: what are we suddenly seeing in a whole new light? As we grow and change, and as our perspective evolves, we can begin to assess what we can value from that new stance. This time, which is also paired with inwardly reflective Mercury Retrograde, prompts a deep dive and inner-reflection on who and what is truly of importance to us, so that we can materialize our deepest values through our embodiment of this new standard, with our choices, our creative expression, and our ways of being and relating to one another.

During this Pisces Full Moon, there are big waves to navigate in the churning waters of life. May we find grace and trust in the discomfort of uncertainty, and in greater love and compassion for our human condition. May we delight in the inspiration and imagination of mystical mystery. And may we find support from the universe to embody and relate in devotion to our truest values. Full Moon Blessings to all!

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