Gemini Horoscope for November 2017

Gemini Horoscope for November 2017

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another month of startling occurrences, Gemini, and surprising departures from any kind of norm. Your self-expression is expanding in novel and uniquely different ways that lead you toward new models of service to the surrounding collective. These in turn reflect back to depth explorations of your own inner world, as well as close encounters of the most significant kind. There is a mystical side to your musings that you do well to somehow incorporate into more practical planning and reality assessment. You could also encounter a critical voice inside your head, perhaps externalized as emanating from trusted partners, that can only be lulled into background noise by a determined effort to accentuate the positive, and the progressive, as you make your way forward with new eyes. Everything is on the table, and all bets are off, enabling a far vaster conception of your potential than you ever before believed possible.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign Astrology . He examines each planet's Sky Factors — such as speed, Earth proximity and brightness, stemming from well before the origins of Western civilization — in addition to chart factors of sign, house, and aspects.

Your ruling planet Mercury is an Evening Star this month and spends most of it brightening each evening after sunset over the western horizon. He's shining his message to you to avoid becoming deterred by errant, unimportant concerns in your pursuit of those interests or goals you've been working towards for most of 2017 or even before. You know about yourself how distract-able you can be some of the time. This month would NOT be the time you want to fall into that trap; there's too much potential for legitimate learning! Find the discipline to keep on the scent or trail you've already proven you want to pursue. The more consistent or loyal to it you are, the more unexpected synchronicities will come your way. To "syn-chronize" with the universe is to live and create ?"in step with Time," discovering the hidden meaning behind apparently meaningless coincidences. This is thrilling when it happens and the heavens seem to be gifting you with an abundance of them.

The first couple of days and nights of November will feel comfortable and interesting for you. Enjoy the many conversations or learning opportunities that come to you through different friends in your life, perhaps making new ones centered around common interests. But after the sixth of the month, some of them may disappear from your text feed. Don't take it personally, your astrology this month is encouraging you to go your own way and not wait around to accumulate the opinions of others or spend too much time googling that vacation spot you've been eyeing for a while.

The other side of the same coin this month is the apparent wall you keep running into, like an invisible firewall blocking you from only certain sites. It might feel like Big Brother is keeping tabs on you making sure you stay in line but that's really not it. What your stars are saying is You Are Onto Something Big but you may not be getting how awesome it can be, what potential is here.

Please, stop thinking small and go for the bigger picture and keep that feeling or sense it gives you close to your heart. Because the latter half of the month through the end of the year might have you retracing your steps or inadvertently allowing doubt to creep in. To sum up, this could be something big so find the stamina to keep going even when it seems like there's no point or room to continue. There is; it might just take digging deeper into yourself.

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