Gemini Horoscope for August 2018

Gemini Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have been touched, and changed, by the ongoing impact of this summer, Gemini, and your transformation continues. Your own personal evolution at this time has many twists and turns, as revealed to you by the various perspectives on yourself provided by helpful others. You may also find out by means of considering what the stars have to tell you, one more mirror. The beginning of the month and the days immediately preceding it are quite telling in this regard. The solar eclipse of August 11th, the third in the series, marks another step forward in growth and learning. Your game plan for future unfoldment is altering before your inward gaze, while also you detect and begin to resolve old patterns of dysfunctional behavior that may have been holding you back from your fullest expression. You have on your side a process of deep intuition that has been growing stronger over these last few weeks, and that will come to your aid if you only allow it.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Your month gets started with Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your ninth house of higher mind making a square to Uranus in Taurus in your twelfth. This is, of course, happening just days after last month’s powerful lunar eclipse in Aquarius, which was also in your ninth house. Both transits echo similar themes. You may be experiencing a crisis or challenge of faith or belief, facing a period of existential doubt, loneliness, or frustration, or perhaps embracing a somewhat nihilistic, rebellious, or even self-destructive attitude. As a Gemini you are a natural questioner, thinker, and philosopher, and you may naturally be drawn to fields of study that reward critical thinking, doubt, debate, and rational questioning. However, to be truly free, to be truly objective and open-minded, we must also study our own habits and behaviors, intellectually. If by doing so right now, you discover that you are somewhat rigid in your doubts, committed irrationally to a habit of skepticism, then consider that the most radical position, the most innovative idea, might be to simply put your faith in something!

Between August 6th and August 9th, Venus will move into Libra, therefore in your fifth house of creative self-expression, and immediately square Saturn in Capricorn in your eighth. Something fun, romantic, or creative could take an unexpectedly serious turn as the goddess of love and beauty encounters the god of maturity, seriousness, and discipline within the house of death and rebirth. You may also find that there are more serious or sobering consequences for frivolous or childlike behavior right now, so be thoughtful about how you are expressing yourself or who you are spending your time with.

Meanwhile, your ruling plane, Mercury, is retrograde in Leo and traveling through your third house all month long. The topics of creative communication, writing, learning, teaching, and skill development are pronounced. Don’t be surprised if you are revising, re-visioning, or reconsidering a creative project, learning a new skill or deepening an existing skill. You may also be experiencing a period of self-doubt, especially around how you communicate or share yourself creatively with others. Note that by August 18th Mercury will turn direct, and the challenges of this period will likely begin to settle down, as things gradually start moving forward once more. This may also mean that you are ready to implement some of the changes you’ve made during the retrograde period.

On August 11th, there is a solar eclipse taking place in the sign of Leo, also in your third house, further emphasizing the transformation that is occurring for you right now regarding third house topics: the mind, communication, siblings, neighbors, writing, teaching, learning, etc. This is the final eclipse in Leo after several years of eclipses falling in your third house, which might also indicate that the changes happening right now are cumulative. A new voice, idea, technology, or personal message is ready to be shared with the world, and it is reflective of several years’ worth of deeper creative transformations happening within you.

Finally, on August 26th, the Full Moon in Pisces will be illuminating your tenth house of career and public reputation while Venus in your fifth house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your eighth. This is also happening just prior to Mars finally turning direct in Capricorn in your eighth house, on August 27th. The Full Moon points to an energetic culmination taking place in your career to end the month, but the Venus/Pluto square simultaneously points to a level of deep, and possibly heavy, transformation taking place within relationships right now. Again, the image of something “fun” turning into something sober, dark, or more serious than what you bargained for, stands out. Or, alternatively, images of forbidden love, subversive art, or thrilling but dangerous relationship dynamics come to mind. With Mars turning direct and moving from the eighth house back into Aquarius in the ninth house by early next month, you may find that you are trying to discern the best strategy for accomplishing something without compromising yourself or others, or that you are generally looking for the right balance between personal empowerment and spiritual or philosophical integrity.

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