Gemini Horoscope for March 2018

Gemini Horoscope for March 2018

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a pivotal month for you, Gemini, and this involves your career, future plans, partners, and a burgeoning sense of life purpose that you has been growing within you. You benefit by paying careful attention to all these areas of your life, for they are inextricably linked. Significant others in your life, in either a romantic or a business sense, are instrumental in helping you to forge your own path forward. This is different from what has gone before, stranger and also more beautiful than ever you would have supposed. Changes and challenges upon the intimacy front would also seem to be crucial now. After the 22nd, Mercury retrograding through your eleventh sector implies that you will be mulling over issues with your friendships and group affiliations, and where it is that you feel you are ultimately heading. You are deeply called to service to others at this time, seeing this as a significant part of your life mission.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month of March begins with a Full Moon in your fourth house of home and family. With a group of planets sojourning through Pisces in the opposite tenth house of work and career, the month begins by highlighting this tension, and the need for balance, between these two areas of your life. As much as you are a master of having “multiple irons in the fire,” this is a transit that might very well force your attention to domestic matters for the moment.

On March 4th the Sun and Neptune conjoin in Pisces, therefore in your tenth house, while Mercury and Venus also conjoin in Pisces. It’s a great time for the fruition of projects in the work place, and you might find that you are being recognized, appreciated, or even promoted with Venus exalted in your career house this month. However, the Sun and Neptune can tempt you into delusions of grandeur, so be careful to exercise discernment and careful thinking right now. You may also notice that your relationships to authority figures or colleagues is deepening or changing significantly this month, and likely for the better. Again, though, you should be careful of ungrounded communication.

Late March 5th into early March 6th Mercury, your ruler, will cross into Aries and on March 6th Venus will also enter Aries, both moving into your eleventh house. Communication challenges in relationships are pronounced during this transit, especially among friends, colleagues, allies and amongst the groups that you belong to or identify with. On the other hand, you may find that you are eager to collaborate on something that you’re quite fired up about. It’s a good time to find fellow warriors and kindred spirits who are ready to go to war for the sake of the same ideas you are most passionate about. Just remember that you are intelligent and open-minded enough to make the right kind of friends and to plan out the appropriate next steps.

Between late in the evening of March 10th through March 13th Mercury and Venus in Aries will be moving through square aspects to Saturn in Capricorn in your eighth house. Real dreams and real ambitions meet with either real support or the denial of true support from Saturn in the house of other people’s money and resources. You might also find that you are grappling with the feeling of being alone or without the kinds of friends, allies, or support that you need the most. This is also a transit that may feature the tensions between your dreams and goals and the needs and values of a partner. It could be hard to discern whether this is a deal-breaker or just a momentary impasse. Listen to your heart and try to tune out the mental noise. From the stillness of your heart, the proper intelligence and wisdom will appear.

On March 17th there is a Pisces New Moon taking place in a prominent sector of your chart, namely your tenth house of career and profession. This affects in all kinds of ways how you externalize your innermost self into your public statement. Your working life gets a boost and might temporarily take over your primary interest, or authority wounds that you have been secretly harboring could also arise to somewhat torture you. With plenty of spunk going for you and with an eye out toward new plans and goals, you won’t be held down for long. Also this same day, Mars enters Capricorn and moves into your eighth house, making for a period that may highlight a spouse or a partner’s assets, income or resources. You could be thinking of investing right now, or you might be considering the needs or desires of a partner at this time, and whether you share enough in common to continue forward. The eighth house is also traditionally related to fear or anxiety about the future, and so this transit might have you thinking quite deeply about what you can or cannot commit to, going forward, or how to protect against future losses. Just remember that all too often even our best-laid plans make God laugh!

March 20th marks the Spring Equinox, at which time the Sun moves into Aries, and therefore your eleventh house, signaling the dawning of the light half of the year. A new vision is trying to establish itself this month and it likely revolves around your friends, which groups of people you want to surround yourself with, and also what long-term dreams call to you most powerfully. Ride this wave of energy and excitement and enjoy the comradery that you are naturally attracting.

Next, on March 23rd Venus in Aries in your eleventh house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your eighth, while Mercury also turns retrograde in Aries in your eleventh house. Friendships are some of the most important relationships we can ever have, and as a Gemini you are naturally a social being, prone to meeting people easily and to sharing stimulating conversations more than most. However, from time to time, friendships come into our lives that are meant to evolve us as spiritual beings. This month is full of intense, evolutionary encounters between you and your friends. As we said earlier, it is also a time of looking very carefully at your personal values and how they stand up against the values of those you are involved with romantically, as well.

On March 28th Venus briefly conjoins Uranus in Aries in your eleventh house. Here we see the planet of love and relationships conjoin with the planet of the rebel and the innovator. Don’t be surprised if you’re called to think outside of the box or to come up with innovative solutions to complex relationship challenges, or if your inner rebel or child needs to act out. It might also be the case that your friends are asking more of you than what you might be up for!

Finally, on March 31st it’s a Full Moon in Libra in your fifth house of creativity, children, and joy. If you have children, then it’s likely the spotlight will be on them to close the month. If not, then you may find that you are being called to create something new or to learn how to have fun in a new, or maybe healthier, way!

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