Gemini Horoscope for April 2019

Gemini Horoscope for April 2019

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The road of this month’s journeying is no simple highway, Gemini, not for anyone, and especially for you in particular. The placement of mystical Neptune your career sector has been a strong lighthouse beam presence for you all these months, as is now greatly enhanced by the recent retrograde of your ruler Mercury through this same sector, driving you inward. More than ever, you feel inspired to follow the path with heart; nothing less will entirely satisfy you. The retrograde shadow is easing by mid-month, and yet contains seeds of wisdom that must be given scope, as your mind yields willy-nilly to another and deeper understanding. A well-advanced process of intuition runs through you, and can tell you true even better than logic and intellect. Goals and plans take on a numinous force that you recognize as an extra dimensionality of the world at large, beyond the physical, that we all must eventually come to, by a subtle form of schooling, acknowledging the All That Is.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The major theme of your month involves a series of transits from Mercury and Venus in Pisces in your tenth house of career to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your seventh house of relationships. First, Mercury will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your tenth house (perfecting April 2nd), and then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your seventh house by April 12th, and then Venus will conjoin Neptune in your tenth house on April 10th, and then similarly square Jupiter in Sagittarius by April 15th. Both transits point to you being highly absorbed in creative or romantic relationship this month, or to general growth and excitement professionally. You may also be looking for new people to partner with on work projects, receiving blessings and opportunities in relation to work and love, or you could be meeting important new teachers or mentors this month. Don’t forget that with Neptune, Jupiter, and Venus involved, the overwhelming need for transcendence will be featured; the reality is that few things in this world can satisfy the longings and fantasies that Neptune brings. It is therefore important as a child of Mercury that you pay attention to your need for rational thinking, staying grounded and discerning while also allowing for these expansive influences to express themselves.

On April 5th, the New Moon will fall in Aries in your eleventh house of friends and benefactors. The Sun in Aries will then perfect this squares to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your eighth house of death, rebirth, and other people’s money between April 10th and 13th. This sequence constitutes another major pattern for you this month, involving deeper and more intense transformations around friends, groups, and perhaps certain financial topics like loans, debts, or the resources of others you are in close relationships with. The advice for these transits is not to resist the inevitable. When changes come and you resist the natural order, you are likely to burn bridges or suffer losses right now. You are also exploring the importance of shared principles or values in your relationships. Some degree of confrontation is likely with friends or within your social circles this month but beware of the temptation to become overly rigid or uncompromising.

The Full Moon of April 19th will fall in Libra in your fifth house of creativity, joy, and children, bringing themes of fairness, beauty, and harmony into the mix, which will act as a counterbalance to the fiery and more inflexible forces of Aries and Capricorn featured earlier in the month.

Between April 19th and 20th, also, your ruling planet Mercury will finally leave the emotional sign of Pisces and enter fiery Aries in your eleventh house of friends and groups, where it will immediately conjoin Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Venus will then follow suit, entering Aries and conjoining Chiron. Both transits, along with the Full Moon in Libra, point to an opportunity for healing and harmony among friends and within groups, following upon the challenges depicted earlier in the month. However, with each of these transits taking place in the sign of Aries, you shouldn’t be surprised if there is still an aura of mental intensity and confrontation in relationships. Sometimes it’s the only way real healing can be accomplished!

On April 20th, the Sun will also enter Taurus and conjoin with Uranus in your twelfth house of dissolution, until the 23rd, suggesting a moment of insight and illumination, along with a potential breakthrough from the unconscious. This is a particularly good time for understanding some of the ways in which you are unique and different from others, while also doing your best to avoid self-destructiveness, isolation, or a victim mentality.

Finally, between April 25th and 27th, Mars in your home sign of Gemini will square Neptune in your tenth house of career. You are likely feeling called to fight on behalf of your highest ideals right now, but you may also struggle with finding the right way to express your own will and interests without upsetting others along the way. Don’t be too allergic to stand apart from others, but simultaneously use your imagination and intelligence to bring others to join your cause.

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