Gemini Horoscope for April 2023

Gemini Horoscope for April 2023

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is, Gemini, another vibrant and confounding month when you are pulled in many directions at once, in part corresponding to your career trajectory and your mission of service, not least of these being a through-going exploration of what you hold within yourself below the level of normal conscious awareness. This latter can be attributed to the emphasized presence of Uranus as well as Mercury in your sector of dream imagination and unconscious process, factors that although subtle are responsible for much of what you plan and accomplish in more conscious fashion. The recent Equinox New Moon lit up your sector of group interaction and societal contribution, an influence that lasts into the present month, and also highlighted Saturn, newly entered into Pisces, corresponding to your work and status in the outer world, another major focus for you now. These contrasts become magnified after the Solar Eclipse of the 19th and the retrograde of Mercury, your ruler, two days later on the 21st indicating an introspective four to five weeks to follow. You do best to pay the closest possible attention to both these sides of life, of inner and outer prerogatives, as you navigate this month of competing goals.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

Last month’s Aries New Moon took place in your eleventh sector of friendships, future plans, and societal contribution, and could still be influencing this month's first few weeks. You have a focus now on this area, and have likely been thinking about your road ahead. You could be feeling a distinct urge to break free from any bonds that hold you back from your most ardent desires, and if so this could be furthering your process of individuating from the norms that may have been keeping you from fully standing up for your inner identity. The overarching influence you have on your circle of friends or community could also be playing out in new and exciting ways. Carrying this momentum into late April will help you better understand yourself and the way that your productions affect the community that surrounds you.

On April 3rd, Mercury ingresses into Taurus, corresponding to facets of your unconscious activity, so that it might seem as though your mental process is shifting into an entirely different gear. It could feel as though a confusing mist is shrouding your thought processes and methods of communication, while valuable inner processes are simultaneously at work in the depths of your psyche that could surface in dreams, during moments of solitude, or with meditative or spiritual practices. It is good now to allow the natural rhythms of your intuition to help guide your path forward. As Mercury enters Taurus, it squares Pluto in Aquarius in your higher mind sector, ushering in the potential for exciting new transformative adventures that could challenge previously held beliefs. Perhaps you will better understand the mysteries of something meaningful to you, or be inspired to travel to distant lands to enmesh yourself in other cultures and their customs. Regardless, the month of April can reveal unforeseen messages for you that could appeal to your sense of wonder and awe of the world around you.

The Libra Full Moon lands in your sector of creativity and joy on the late evening of April 5th, with the Sun closely conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, near Jupiter, and in aspect to Trickster Uranus. This is a vivid and intuitively engaging combination. Because Chiron is conjunct the Sun, this key lunation could stimulate issues of inner wounding, likely the residue of early trauma, that have become more fully ripe for healing. It could be that you can find the means to liberate yourself from previous projections of how others have perceived you. One secret here is that you can succeed through a bolder willingness to accept and embrace how these earlier issues have affected you in both negative and positive ways; and how they have had their role in shaping your unique identity. When you can manage to achieve such breakthrough, perhaps in concert with your intimate partnerships, this can bring tremendous relief and a newfound playfulness to your eager heart.

Venus moves into Gemini on late evening April 10th , making a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This can inspire you to make more sense of life and the world around you through seeking higher knowledge and transformative means of enlightenment. When we find greater meaning and understanding in our world, we can better navigate the more pragmatic aspects of our lives, and with that knowledge we can feel more inspired by life in all its wonder and beauty.

The Sun joins Jupiter in Aries in your higher mind sector on the same day, exponentially enhancing a zest for expanding your consciousness, so you might do extremely well by soaking up the rays of these motivating moments with hope and exhilaration.

As Mercury begins its early shadow period on April 7th, in Taurus, ahead of its upcoming retrograde cycle, be mindful that anything happening between now and mid- to late May is likely going to need to be revisited during the last part of May and into June after Mercury is actually retrograde (April 21-May 14) and then recovering (May 15-May 31). Because Mercury is in your sector of unconscious process and dream imagination now and through this retrograde period, you could be subject to a good deal of confusion and miscommunication, so that being patient and compassionate with yourself and others will be extra important. We can’t always make sense of everything, and sometimes we can barely make sense of the simplest of things. Trusting your intuition and being forgiving of yourself will help you through this window of time, and could prove vital. Participating in your favorite physical and/or spiritual practice, such as yoga, Tai Chi, or regular exercise mixed with meditation, can help ground you amidst the etheric fog of these five to seven weeks of your life.

The Solar Eclipse New Moon on the late evening of April 19th takes place in the final degree of Aries, corresponding to your social sector, closely square transformational Pluto. creating yet another fresh start, perhaps one reflecting recent adjustments and re-evaluations, for your friendships and groups that you favor, and in the terms of what you are trying to accomplish, looking ahead. This also potentially heralds the beginning of a new phase of major change to happen with regard to the area of your life. You might be able to more fully embody a passion for independence and to go your own way. These are the last moments this year of the Sun and Moon in Aries, so any final intentions to elevate your consciousness, shift your perspective, or create valuable new friendships, perhaps within your community, might be well worth reflecting and acting upon today.

The Sun and Moon both enter Taurus about four hours after the eclipse. Much of what you value in life may seem to be disappearing or at least in disarray right now. Your worldview and your belief system is also shifting. The solid foundations upon which you rely for moral sustenance along with your resources, including your financial ones, or feeling of self-preservation could be shaking beneath you, perhaps making you jittery and a little worried about what will come of it. It’s important during times like these to trust in your process and that of the universe. It helps if you can reflect upon the truth that God, or the universe, however you might conceive of the All That Is, is unveiling experiences that will strengthen you and provide you with what you need to thrive. This last third of the month can valuable for deep inner work, prompting you to examine your spirituality and what matters most; what or who is valuable to you, and why. This can be a pivotal moment to take stock of your personal beliefs and how they coalesce with the life you’re leading. Perhaps this is the right time to redefine what your faith, or your faith in the universe, means to you.

The Mercury Retrograde period of time that begins on April 21st is good for reflective meditation and for researching your true situation, but it is not a great time to attempt to ‘push the river’ or to make unexpected decisions around trying to stabilize anything that seems chaotic or out of control. You are likely reconsidering certain choices you made that seem no longer viable, along with what of yourself you can trust, moving forward. Whatever the case, a reexamination of your core principles can help align you with your deepest authenticity as you make your way forward. Trust in the river that it is within you and that will guide you through everything you need as you evolve.

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