Gemini Horoscope for April 2024

Gemini Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a fascinating month for you, Gemini, of inner activity over outer, although with a touch of both. For one thing, Mercury being retrograde in your social sector all month long, when you take the retrograde shadow period into account, has to have some consequences along the lines of revising and refining your approach there, in who you join up with and for what cause, and how your creativity serves the larger collective around you. Inner work is front and center, with Venus, ruler of your sector of hidden motivations, dream imagination and unconscious process – an underrated part of life that defies the superficial logic of materialistic consensus thinking – being prominent and positively placed in the solar eclipse New Moon of April 8th. This potent lunation also represents a fresh start in matters related to group activity and your social involvement in general. How you see the world around you is itself an important component of your current evolutionary development, along with the way you understand boundaries and dynamics of yourself as a community member versus on your own. The Full Moon of April 23rd in your sixth and your twelfth solar sectors represents another significant juncture, and one that represents finding a balance between service to others and serving yourself as far as your inner needs.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent Pisces New Moon from last month signaled the beginning of a new cycle in your vocational sector that continues to unfold over the first week of April. You may feel yourself in some kind of metamorphosis, as your viewpoint on life in general undergoes a shift. You could have lately been in a process of pondering where to invest your time and your energy and your priorities may be gradually shifting. Clarity could be emerging in relation to your aspirations, however, you may also be aware of the work that lies ahead and the more profound changes required to align with new vision. On one hand your ambitions are fueled by a profound desire to find more authentic trajectories for yourself while on the other hand, you may also crave a slower pace, staying with your more traditional solutions, and this paradox could continue to haunt you.

April also begins on tricky territory between two eclipses and with Mercury, your ruler, stationing retrograde in Aries on the 1st. This is not exactly an April Fool’s joke although you may have to navigate situations that seem more complicated than they ought to be. You are more thoughtful and introspective now, and investigating the hidden areas below and beyond the conscious layers of your psyche. You also might need to beware of any tendency to charge ahead now, and instead go slow and double-check.

Venus meets dreamy Neptune in Pisces on the 2nd and 3rd, casting a glamorous light on your public image and regarding friends or groups that you favor. This could be to your advantage especially if you are in a creative field. Venus enters Aries late on the 4th, corresponding to your social sector, and forms a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius on the 5th and 6th which may emphasize significant changes taking place in your community, friendships, and circles or a desire to stand out from the crowd.

On April 8th, the Aries New Moon and solar eclipse takes place in the part of your chart that relates to your goals and social circles. Your community and your place within it could become an important focus. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, lies exactly conjunct the eclipse Sun and Moon which may also emphasize long-standing insecurities related to your place in society and how you show up in your community. Because Mercury is also retrograde all month, you have an inclination to dig down more deeply into everything, and you could spend time delving into the past and the way the prior early wounding affects your present-tense activities. This could be an important evolutionary period for you, especially if you accept the challenges of authenticity and hard work needed to share your gifts with the world while ridding yourself of and false identities and labels that are weighing you down.

On April 11th, Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun in Aries signals the halfway point of its retrograde cycle in Aries. Although you may still have to deal with some confusing factors, this timing could deliver important insights surrounding your situation, perhaps allowing you to understand things more clearly; Mercury stations to direct motion on the 25th, and finally escapes its retrograde shadow on May 13th.

Progressive influences permeate the second half of April although not all progress can be external. The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on the 19th which brings attention to your unconscious and a need to tend to your inner sanctum.

The much talked about Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus occurs exact a day later, within 1 degree and therefore active, from the 17th to the 23rd. which for you may have to do with a buildup of stressors that need to be released. You might also find new conceptual connection with your inner world and the fantasies and intuitional inspiration that live within your depths. You may need to give greater care for your mental and physical well-being.

The Full Moon lands in Scorpio on the 23rd, which emphasizes the need to let go of difficult experiences through physical movements and proper nutrition. There is a potential for things to feel out of your immediate control and it may be important to pay attention to what you have control over starting with your physical well-being. With Pluto emphasized, you could even more plainly feel your ongoing transformation of beliefs and worldview in this timing.

On April 25th, Mercury turns direct in conjunction with the North Node in Aries and you may see a connection with something that began around mid-March in the coming weeks, as Mercury slowly straightens out. You will still have to manage recent decisions and potentially re-do some of them as Mercury regains its lost ground, finally escaping its retrograde shadow by mid-May. You could, in the way of spiritual evolution, be in the process of getting a surprising vision that is leading you toward new horizons.

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