Leo Horoscope for May 2014

Leo Horoscope for May 2014

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are discovering exciting new facets of yourself, Leo, and acknowledging novel places within you, over the course an active and questing month. There is also taking place within your mind and heart a new beginning regarding where you feel that your public statement is taking you. This is so, even as you consolidate matters behind the scenes, and get more serious about familial commitments. You are finding greater subtleties in recent realizations, as you begin to apply renewed vision to your professional choices. Your career is launching out into tangential and yet somehow appropriate new directions, in alignment with intuitional discoveries that have opened up new components of thought and belief while significantly broadening your existing worldview. You are applying your deeper feelings to productive mental activity, and vice-versa, creating a useful amalgam for your next stage.

As the month begins, with the reverberating energies of the New Moon Solar Eclipse of April 28th that set the stage for this monthly cycle, it is important to recognize the power of both the recent astrological configurations of April and of the present month also. This late spring time frame represents a crucial moment of 2014 for you, although after this point the energy in your life for meaningful change begins to build again, heading into the end of the year. Within this crucial month, tremendous amounts of new information and intentionality are coming into your experience.

While the intensity is far from over, this next cycle can be seen as a period of integration and of finding ways in which all that has been broken open begins to fall into its rightful place. With the recent New Moon in your sector of achievement and worldly endeavor, you are likely finding a fresh start in your outer presentation to the world. Because this recent lunation was also a solar eclipse, constituting therefore an extra-powerful New Moon, this area of your life is amplified. What is strongly indicated would be the emerging of a new pattern, likely to involve the destruction of an old one.

Because Mercury is found at 12 degrees Taurus, near the New Moon, in a very close trine to Pluto in your sector of everyday activities, health regimen, and service to others, the transformative process that has been with you over recent months now comes more sharply into your mental focus. This aspect highlights and expands your conscious awareness of the shifts you've been experiencing in the way you carry yourself through your daily life. Habits that are no longer serving you in terms of health and well being suddenly seem more identifiable, and through that identification could arise the glimmer of a desire to replace these with healthier choices.

Another interesting configuration comes into play during this first half of the month is a grand trine in Water signs between Saturn, keeper of boundAries, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and Jupiter, expansive teacher and visionary. You may be sensing a certain limitation or blockage of feelings, or distance from your own emotions; perhaps a certain energetic rigidity is holding you and your freedom hostage, preventing you from stepping fully into the powerful being that you are. Within this you may come upon painful realizations around your sexuality, shared resources, or transformative growth process, and through these come into closer contact with the layers of your subconscious that once lay hidden or buried. These places deep within you may be finding new channels in your psyche through which they surface to your conscious mind. An opportunity arises for you to treat yourself with greater love, compassion, and develop or deepen your trust in the process of your life as it unfolds.

Like a seed sprouting and breaking through the surface of the soil, something new is emerging. Symbolized by the placement of the New Moon and Mercury and your tenth sector, this new growth is likely tied to worldly achievement, career or public presentation. With Uranus still in strong square to Pluto, there is an opportunity for new perspectives to come into focus through a lens of an overarching philosophy of life that is yours and yours alone, thereby allowing you to come to a greater understanding of your individual gifts. No longer content to go along with the status quo, your own unique vision is beginning to take shape.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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