Leo Horoscope for July 2023

Leo Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another big month for you, Leo, with the opportunity for constructive transformation of stuck places inside you. The key relationships in your life remain in flux, with transformational Pluto still influencing your seventh solar sector of partners and close connections. You have also been feeling a decided shift in where you are heading with goals and friendships plus your societal contribution as a consequence of the creative work that you do, which is itself sizzling. In this very active month, the exciting saga of your current journey is shot through with considerations of deep principles corresponding to an internal moral compass that is very much present to your mind and heart. The Capricorn Full Moon of Monday, July 3rd, is particularly significant in this regard. You may be feeling action-oriented; and, if so, it is considered action, in alignment with your deepest values, that appeals to you right now. With prominent Venus in your sign, there is inspiration to be found in all sorts of relationships, throughout the month. This is a voyage to the center of your soul when you look at it right, and when you have the utmost courage to take the plunge.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer of Alea.com

The influence of last month's Gemini New Moon in your sector of community, friendship, and professional networks has likely been profound, stirring up feeling and understandings arising from deep inside you, continuing into the present month. With the aid of friendships and your social setting, you likely know what it is that you need to do, and now just have to proceed to do it. You are being pulled in many exciting directions all at once; socially, vocationally, and in terms of your intimate partnerships. This largesse might have as well prompted feelings of overwhelm arising from within you along with your sense of what is your most important principle to carry you forward. While Gemini thrives in multivalence, this ambivalence can create anxiety through the diffusion of energy going in too many directions and landing nowhere. July supports the intentional use of your vitality and attention through reconnecting to personal goals, desires, and joy. Destiny may take the wheel this month, binding your evolving solar purpose with that of your soul.

July begins under the influence of Venus in your sign making a square to Uranus in Taurus from the 1st to the 3rd and from your sector of identity, appearance, and ambitions to your vocational sphere. The iconoclasm of Uranus in the most visible sector of your chart offers freedom from status-oriented self-consciousness or needs for validation. This process can facilitate more authentic and joyful self-expression and exploration, unshackled by the perceived judgment of the crowd. This transit also suggests a change in how you are seen in the world, perhaps related to a new professional identity or aesthetic transformation. Though Venus will never catch up to Mars in Leo, her momentary conjunction offers the bold confidence to go your own way and separate from things that feel restricting, possibly manifesting as an urgent need for independence within relationships or professional obligations.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3rd occurs in your sphere of daily labor, health, and productivity. Ruled by Saturn travelling in your sector of intimacy and shared resources, the pragmatic quality of this lunation is there, but other factors might also illuminate a need for boundaries around resource sharing and commitment to others. Being realistic about what you can give may help you organize your life to support well-being and productivity, stemming feelings of guilt around letting others or yourself down. Pluto's recent retrograde back into this sector of your chart indicates that struggles related to life management may have history behind them. The transformational effects of Pluto are also engaged with your relationship sphere. Mercury's separating conjunction with the Sun and opposition to the Moon supports emotional intelligence, which may illuminate subconscious self-protective patterns informing habitual undermining behaviors.

Mars enters Virgo on July 10th, indicating enhanced drive and productivity regarding your earning capacity, possibly alongside increased spending. Mercury's opposition to Pluto in Capricorn as it enters Leo could offer release from self-sabotaging thought patterns affecting health and productivity that you might have identified at the Full Moon. Powerful concentration and intuitive communicative abilities can be harnessed in the days surrounding this transit. Mercury's entrance into your sign suggests a lightening of your mental state after a season of significant focus on more complicated internal or solitary aspects of life. Mercury's ingress could signal a period of fun, leisure, and friendship, where you feel more confident to express your perspective.

On July 17th, The Cancer New Moon takes place in your sector of unconscious process and inner work as the North and South Lunar Nodes retrograde into Aries and Libra. This lunation suggests you have arrived at a significant juncture related to your life path that may require a level of surrender to the forces of fate, as indicated by the Lunar Nodes forming a T-square aspect to Pluto. This evolutionary process may call for a continued process of letting go, with the trust that what will remain is truly meant for you. The square from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in Taurus supports identifying and articulating your vocational dreams — there is abundant support in your career sector to manifest and grow them. The shift of the Lunar North Node into Aries indicates that topics related to intellectual and spiritual expansion, travel, and teaching will provide enlivening new avenues for growth over the next year and a half. Goals in this domain that feel daunting or that seem to require courage likely indicate that you are on the right path.

From July 19th to July 21st, Mars in Virgo forms an opposition to Saturn in Pisces. This aspect supports developing boundaries around personal and shared resources. A need for autonomy may emerge through a frustrating financial reality check, or it may simply be time to redirect energy given to intimate partnerships to meet increased activity around money-making endeavors and skill development. This transit offers sustained energy to work towards goals you are willing to sacrifice and work hard for.

Your solar return month begins on July 22nd as the Sun returns home to your identity sector, making a grand cross aspect with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes as it leaves Cancer. This progression has the quality of existential catharsis, with a sense of rebirth related to your life path, self-expression, and identity that will continue to deepen over the ensuing month. Note also that the Venus retrograde cycle begins today. Venus' extended stay here in your sign is an invitation to celebrate the fruits of your growth, and to meditate more productively on connections between the work that you do in the world and your own deeper principles and values. The affirming quality of this transit welcomes you to revel in the drama of life, to shine, to express, and to reconnect to authentic purpose through what feels joyful. Reflecting on personal shadows related to ego and vanity or past relationships may also be part of the retrograde process.

Chiron stations to retrograde motion in Aries on July 23rd, aspected by a trine from Mercury in Leo as it forms a square to Uranus. The Mercury-Uranus aspect reiterates a state of dynamic tension this month between your individual desires and your professional responsibilities or aims. It may herald unexpected news regarding your career or prompt original ideas regarding what you want to communicate to the world and how. Chiron's station in Aries suggests Venus' retrograde story may help you realign your relationship to core wounding around personal autonomy and self-confidence through affirming heart-centered acceptance of these more vulnerable aspects of yourself.

Mercury joins retrograde Venus in the late degrees of your sign on July 27th before moving into your resources sector the following day. This connection reflects an ongoing process of aligning with your heart's desire and communicating what you want honestly. It also suggests a reinvigoration of your creative communicative capacity, This dynamic supports new opportunities to capitalize on your gifts, perhaps manifesting in heartfelt conversations with your loved ones or adoring proclamations.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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