Leo Horoscope for March 2024

Leo Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of changes for you, Leo, especially with reference to the key partnerships in your life. The recent Aquarius line-up of planets in your opposite sign, including Pluto, signal long-term transformation in your ongoing radical revision of how you connect with important others. It is vital to recognize that your conscious process is almost certainly only a small part of the story. You benefit when you can bend your intuitional powers to what is happening on the inside. In your outer world agenda as well, there is a great deal of intuitional information available to you when you can choose to “close your eyes to see.” This manifests in part as unexpected events or insights that you can seize upon by avoiding rigidity of thought. The March 10th Pisces New Moon opens a new chapter on all this, when you are even more encouraged to look beneath the surface layers of your psyche. Events that present themselves in this holy timing may be filled with symbolism. The Spring Equinox, as the Sun enters Aries, takes place on the evening of the 19th and rachets up the action. This is, all in all, a thoughtful time of reassessment, regeneration, and imaginative growth.

The following was written by our guest columnist Issa Hammond. You can write them at thishomeplanet@gmail.com

March begins in the wake of the Aquarius New Moon from last month in your opposite sign, corresponding to your relationship sector. This lunation cycle still has nine days to run in the current month before the next New Moon. Partners in your life may still be going through some variety of a fresh start or the introduction of novel elements to a existing relationship. Featured in this cycle as well is Uranus in Taurus, bringing surprises and shakeups to your career and public image. There could be, continuing into the present month, issues of unexpected developments in your vocational arrangements that you will have to be discerning about. Some of these might turn out be terrific opportunities, and then your task will be to stay open to possibility; while there might be others that are tempting and yet not worth the risk.

From March 7th to 8th, Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces preceding its ingress into Aries This aspect indicates an alignment of skill, communication, an invention, a solution, and asking the right questions. This is a spiritual alignment and can bring connection and information from beyond the physical plane. There might however be confused or over-idealized thought process to contend with, or a variety of fuzzy thinking that could never-the-less be enjoyable. You might be presented with a financial opportunity or undergo a metaphysical transformation.

From March 8th to 10th , leading up to the New Moon, Mars in Aquarius is square Uranus in Taurus with the Sun in sextile, activating your sectors of career and relationships in an odd-ball sort of way, implying unexpected circumstances.

The New Moon in Pisces on March 10th at 1am PST in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution brings the spotlight of your focus to close connections that you have with others, and also within yourself. This New Moon features a sextile between Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury in Aries, emphasizing transformations of your social circles, societal role, and within your key relationships. The Mars square Uranus brings together unusual information or a synthesis of ideas that could further your vocational choices. There may be controversy, concern about surveillance, technology, rules, humor and methods. You may surprise others with your outward presentation.

On March 11th , as Venus enters Pisces, you may find greater harmony and ease with partners. You may encounter spiritual wisdom, align with a partner, and generally make commitments out of care. You could find answers by following the lead of women in your life or notice an increase in your sex life, creativity, and in the ease of relationship agreements.

As the Sun in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces on the 16th, which is also the Moon’s First Quarter, you may have greater understanding of your needs. There is a certain degree of tension now, as things that were conceptually easy in the New Moon timing run into difficulties, or there may be an illumination of an ideal, clarity, and fresh realization of purpose. During this time, it is important to be mindful of aligning to your own internal guidance, and trusting in your basic beliefs.

On the late evening of March 19th the Sun enters Aries, marking the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time when spring season officially begins, and when the Sun, in its sextile with Pluto, sparks the transformational tenor of this transitional year. Changing worldview contributes to alterations in relationships, and could lead to insightful assertiveness.

As Venus in Pisces conjoins Saturn in Pisces on March 21st, your boundaries may open, and a need may be met. There may be ease concerning fate, structure, rules and order. There may be a yes, a partner, the merging of value and appropriate care.

Mars enters Pisces on March 22nd, you may notice motion where you were once stuck. You may be waiting to accumulate the power to move out of stagnancy. You may be probing ignorance, asking questions, making space, cutting away fears. You may be attributing or releasing importance, and making changes that benefit your career or appearance.

The Libra Full Moon and lunar eclipse takes place on March 25th at 12am PDT copresent Makemake in your sector of communication and this powerful juncture may illuminate themes of skill, knowledge, and the craft of language. You are fascinated by the part that you own unique and individual moral compass might have to play in your search for a more integrated set of beliefs and worldview. Venus in Pisces is sextile to Jupiter in Taurus in mutual reception, and this is an optimistic signature for career and continuing education in the non-academic sense. You may be concerned with community equity, the care of spirit, and a more grounded comprehension of justice or nature. You might benefit from a more open perspective on finances or partnerships. You could also notice dynamics between curiosity and advanced learning, or empty conventionality versus your foundational abilities to just know.

From March 26th to 28th, with Venus in Pisces, your career sector ruler, applying sextile Uranus in Taurus, you may seek a wider range of intimacy with one person or with an experimental few. You are also seeking an artistic or aesthetic encounter that raises your prominence, or perhaps contracts and partnerships that revolutionize your public perception. You may seek help for an addiction or adopt customs and values that change how you are seen. During this time, you may uncover a deeper acceptance of love and care that elicits novel viewpoints in perception!

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