An October Month of Reaching for Balance Amidst Extremity

An October Month of Reaching for Balance Amidst Extremity

October is an interesting month, not least because it is kicked off in its second day by an impressive solar eclipse and New Moon on mid-day of October 2nd, featuring a tight conjunction between Sun, Moon, Makemake, Lilith and Mercury, all within a degree and a half, which is quite unusual. This extra-potent New Moon also features a grand trine in Water signs...

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A September Month of Recovery and Re-creation

A September Month of Recovery and Re-creation

This is an important monthly cycle that we have coming up in September, as we recover from the recent Mercury Retrograde and enter Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow, ending on September 11th. We have also been very aware of prominent outer planet presences in recent lunations, including Pluto, signaling transformation, featured also in this month’s...

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An August Month of Slowing Down to Look Within

An August Month of Slowing Down to Look Within

The August month arrives in the wake of the Cancer lunation cycle from the previous month with the especially powerful Full Moon from July 21st that featured a highlighted presence of transformational Pluto. There is quite a lot of change going on right now, both in our individual lives, and, as well, in the life of the collective around us. Certainly, the...

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A July Month of Diving Deep for the Pearl of Wisdom

A July Month of Diving Deep for the Pearl of Wisdom

July is indeed an intriguing month, with plenty of outer planet input into what could pass for our simple daily lives if we were not better informed. The antics of numinous Neptune just as the month begins are but one example of its hidden complexity. On the 1st, Neptune is lying dead still in the sky in the last degree of Pisces, preparing to station to retrograde...

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A June Month of Moral Commitment and Transformation

A June Month of Moral Commitment and Transformation

June gets started with the positive vibes of optimistic Jupiter, newly entered into Gemini. Jupiter is also making a potent trine alignment to transformational Pluto, in the second degree of Aquarius. Known as the God of Death and Rebirth, where what is implied is a philosophical rather than an actual ending, Pluto can be difficult and yet also reminds us that...

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