Pisces Horoscope for February 2015

Pisces Horoscope for February 2015

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have come to the crossroads, Pisces. All of your recent inner work has brought you to this, a creative confluence of differing priorities. You are on the one hand fully present for yourself and others in terms of outer world pursuits, raring to go and to mingle, and yet with another part of your psyche you linger in the shadows of entirely internal preoccupations. There are issues there to face, perhaps equally compelling to concerns of prestige and social attainment. Your dedication to service to others, and to society itself, forms a bridge between these very different realities that are nevertheless all part of you and of your struggle to define yourself in terms of inner as well as outer accomplishment. As you feel into the broadest possible conception, you might perhaps come to see that the one informs and underlies the other.

As the month begins, you are energized, firing on all cylinders, and some of these are activating places behind and beyond your conscious mind. The recent Aquarius New Moon from the last ten days of January took place in your sector of the unconscious, as dramatized in dream imagination, so that it is likely that your dreams have been especially vivid and could have important information to convey to you. You are drawn to be seriously thinking about this underground part of yourself. Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter is located in your sector of day-to-day events, health regimens and service to others, so that in many small and more largely practical ways you are intent on making a difference in the world around you. Paradoxically, this could involve getting into better touch with your own inner world.

Then, too, Saturn has recently come into your tenth solar sector of outer world accomplishment and recognition. This signals an important time for you, lasting two years or more, when you are more available to the public and also feeling the responsibility of your more visible position in society. You could be in the process of some form of advancement such as a promotion or striking out on your own, and if so this is an excellent opportunity for making your move, especially in the later part of the month and, even better, the early days of March, when Mercury will be moving forward once again and past its retrograde shadow. Even as you climb the halls of fame, you are still greatly aware of the internal side of your psyche that contains both its positive and its negative sides. Integrating these is one major challenge that you currently face, and is in some ways the most interesting.

In order that you make your move toward greater wholeness, there is nothing that you can avoid or shun, even though you are perhaps tempted to brush away some of what you see there, pushing it 'under the rug,' so to speak. There were likely damaging events in your early life that have left their mark, and the residue of this trauma represents some of the hardest parts of yourself to accept. The joyous and as well the wounded parts are all available to you now in greater measure, and it might be that you will have to accept and become better acquainted with difficult, even darkly destructive elements of your own internal workings in order to achieve a balanced approach that will allow you to more fully inhabit your own future self.

This is all happening in the context of a stellium of planets amassing in your sign this month, along with Neptune, your ruler, including Mars, Venus and Chiron. This is one reason that I can confidentially allude to what a big month it is for you and for your spiritual development, including that progress that you can now make with your inner wounding. There is unfolding within you a transformation of values and of perspective that you cannot help but go for. Yielding to the impulse to further explore below the surface will serve you well, and others also, as you come through the trials and triumphs of this climactic early year.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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