Pisces Horoscope for January 2022

Pisces Horoscope for January 2022

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is very full for you, Pisces, with many different flavors favoring significant change. There was, to begin with, the transformational impulse from the last twenty days of December, when Venus, in conjunction with Pluto, moved retrograde through your sector of future plans and societal connection, training wheels for the metamorphosis of January. Also touching this off is the powerful New Moon of January 2nd. Your goals and plans are a tremendous focus for you now, as you revise these to become more directly aligned with your deepest principles. Jupiter, your co-ruler, now residing in your sign, to accompany Neptune’s long-term transit there, provides fertile ground for self-development. Beginning on January 14th, the retrograde of Mercury in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, lasting for three weeks of backward motion followed by another two of recovery, represents a time of introspection and revaluation that can take you far along your path of integration. Partnership and family concerns come into this, with the end result of nothing less than a thorough-going transformation of who you are, leading you to who you might yet become.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Capricorn New Moon that arrives on January 2nd, signals the beginning of the astrological month, and a new monthly cycle. This New Moon takes place in the sector of your chart relating to your community, or your social life, as well as your dreams and aspirations. There may have been a lot of change in the past few years in that area or you may be in the process of forming new alliances and teaming up with like-minded people. Uranus, transiting in Taurus, corresponding to your communication sector, forms a supportive trine with the Capricorn New Moon. Your innovative perspective and your ability to think outside of the box this month might be something that others will be attracted to. Your eternal optimism could also be an asset along with a focus on self-concept and identity, because Jupiter, your co-ruler, is now located prominently in your sign.

Mercury also enters Aquarius on the 2nd where it will station retrograde mid-month. This backward movement in your soul sector could find you in a more contemplative mood over the following weeks as you reflect on your place in the world and refine your inner understanding. The first half of the month has a somewhat ethereal quality as well that could find you contemplating your relationships in a somewhat diffuse way, as if you are not fully part of this world. Your imagination might be at an all-time high or you may find yourself fantasizing about your dreams and goals for the year ahead.

Venus retrograde conjuncts the Sun in Capricorn on the 8th, which signals the midpoint of her retrograde cycle. This period could bring clarity or progress especially for things pertaining to your goals and your place in the world. The second week of January could bring the idealization of a particular trajectory as Neptune square Mars in Sagittarius and sextile the Sun in Capricorn. Keeping a sense of proportion could ensure that you do not have over inflated expectations when it comes to what’s actually possible. Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 14th augurs a period of revision. If there is real positive progress that can be made at this time, it may take a little bit longer than anticipated. Be patient and see what sticks versus what falls to the wayside in the coming weeks.

The Full Moon culminates in the sign of Cancer on January 17th while in opposition to the Capricorn Sun in close conjunction with transformative Pluto. This Cancer Full Moon highlights your creative impulses, your children, your passions and what brings you joy. Your personal projects, your dreams and your aspirations may also be highlighted. You may be in the process of getting rid of obsolete goals and you may become aware of the futility of some of your pursuits in the face of changing circumstances. You may be more concerned with your personal desires and your self-expression as opposed to trying to fit into a pre-existing mold.

These realizations may continue to reverberate into the third week of January. On the 18th, the Nodal Axis enters the Taurus-Scorpio axis which may bring opportunities in the following year and a half to apply your skills and knowledge in more tangible ways.

On the 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius where it may bring up a month-long introspective period before it enters Pisces on February 18th. If you were too busy to really take stock at the end of 2021, the second half of January could offer the quietude needed to synthesize this past year. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius meets the Sun on the 23rd for its inferior conjunction, which is thought to bring illuminating information while the messenger planet sits on the solar throne. This clarity may pertain to your inner life or shadow work you have been doing.

The last week of January continues to bring focus on your internal compass and the recalibration needed to adjust your sails for the year ahead. You may be tempted to push in a direction that feels contrary to your intuition. However, remember that you may end up feeling a lot more frustrated down the road if you force yourself into doing something you don’t in your heart want to do.

Venus stations to direct motion on the 29th, in trine with the unexpected events and realizations represented Uranus in Taurus, while the Sun is in square. The ending days of the month could bring up impulsive reactions in speech or in thought, so that it is helpful to be mindful of where there is building tension in your life. You benefit from trying to find a positive outlet for any pent-up energy you might have.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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