Pisces Horoscope for April 2023

Pisces Horoscope for April 2023

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an amazing month for you, Pisces, with a lot happening on the inside. The recent Equinox New Moon affecting the first part of April took place in your resources sector, giving you a fresh start on matters of finances and values as well your own sense of principles and beliefs, independent of consensus thought. You have a powerful sense of limitation to contend with, along with renewed commitment to stay the course, and to see through the necessary changes that you can feel in your bones coming down upon you. It is possible that inner wounding has also been getting your attention, ultimately for healing, through untoward events of one kind or another, and this factor intensifies in the timing of the Libra Full Moon of April 5th, which also brings issues to bear of self and other. Your internal explorations have yielded a treasure trove of new information, provided you can stay open to it, and have been granting you the drive to move yourself forward more or less on your own. The eclipse New Moon of April 19th and the introspective retrograde station of Mercury in your communications sector on the 21st are further milestones along the path of your evolutionary journey into greater wholeness.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of geoffgronlund.com

The very potent Aries New Moon from March 21st took place in your second sector, along with a host of other planets, which may have contributed to a strong drive to examine your values more deeply, start a new job, or to strike a new match to earn more money, or to simply do due diligence shoring up all your resources to protect what you have. Due to that New Moon being directly influenced by Mars and Pluto, there might have been a tremendous sense of revitalizing determination to provide for your family and ensure more financial sustainability. The lesson at this time is to harness the confidence that this New Moon imparts upon you and to not be afraid to stand up to anyone who questions your value or your sense of your own self-worth.

On April 3rd, Mercury ingresses into Taurus, bringing a slower and more grounded approach to how you think and communicate, especially when embarking upon a new field of study, which you could be considering at this time. This can be an excellent time to utilize the more deliberate mental acuity of this Mercury placement to analyze your financial situation carefully and learn how to better invest it for more sustainability. The theme of sustaining your financial situation by diversifying your portfolio could color the entire month of April for you. And because of Mercury’s placement in your third sector of communication and curiosity, and its aspect to Pluto, it could be that you are looking to better understand how you reach out to others, or in terms of your finances. How you might invest in more progressive ways.

The Libra Full Moon lands in your sector of shadow work, deep connections, and transformative breakthroughs on the late evening of April 5th, with the Sun closely conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which is also near Jupiter and in aspect to Trickster Uranus. This is an intense and engaging combination. Because Chiron is conjunct the Sun, this key lunation could stimulate issues of inner wounding, likely the residue of early trauma, that has become more fully ripe for healing. It may be that you are feeling hesitant to open up and share these wounds with anyone, but finding the courage to do so can bring a tremendous release of pressure and allow you to further liberate yourself from psychological and emotional blockages that have been in place for a long time, which in turn will undoubtedly improve your self-image, self-confidence, and capacity to express yourself more authentically.

Venus moves into Gemini late on April 10th, making a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This can inspire you to develop more communication between your family and loved ones, allowing you both to analyze the difficult topics that may have been hidden in the family for some time. When we find the courage to address the dark corners of our past, we can experience enlightening breakthroughs that help to release the emotional burdens we may have been carrying around for years.

The Sun joins Jupiter in Aries in your sector of resources, sustainability, and self-confidence on the same day, opening up the potential for financial opportunities or greater financial sustainability, but you will likely need to take action on your own to find reliable ways to increase your income or portfolio.

As Mercury begins its early shadow period on April 7th, in Taurus, ahead of its upcoming retrograde cycle, be mindful that anything happening between now and mid- to late May is likely going to need to be revisited during the last part of May and into June after Mercury is actually retrograde (April 21-May 14) and then recovering (May 15-May 31). Because Mercury is in Taurus in your sector of communication, learning, and socializing right now and through the retrograde period, you may be spending a good deal of time reexamining what you’re studying, who you would like to be staying in touch with more, or your social life, and if you would like to be more or less social than you have been. This placement can indicate a time of increased mental acumen, especially in regard to being able to focus and deliberate your thoughts and decisions more steadily, which can help you analyze your financial situation with clarity and intelligence.

The Solar Eclipse New Moon on the late evening of April 19th takes place in the final degree of Aries, again corresponding to your personal resources, finances, and self-sustainment, and it closely squares transformational Pluto, creating yet another fresh start, perhaps initiating a much more spiritual outlook on your life. There is an opportunity to embody spirituality through either sudden or deliberate awakenings, so it would be good to practice any means of inducing this, be it yoga, Tai Chi, breathwork, or even more common exercise such as jogging or walking. You could feel determined to attain a much more sustainable level of income, which will boost your sense of confidence and self-worth. And because these are the last moments of Sun and Moon together in Aries this year, any final aspirations to make things work in your life with more stability and security would be worth ceremoniously setting an intention for today.

The Sun and Moon both enter Taurus late in the evening of the 19th by about four hours after the eclipse, still in square with Pluto. This may encourage you to be especially privy to any challenging communication issues you have been struggling with in your life. It can also stimulate an increased focus on improving the way in which you conduct business with others, perhaps adopting a more altruistic and compassionate means of working with others on a professional level. Paying attention to how any commerce affects your financial situation can be quite accentuated at this time, so make time to stay keenly aware of where you stand with your resources.

The Mercury Retrograde period of time that begins on April 21st is good for reflective meditation and conversation about examining your true situation, especially with regard to your communicative outreach, but it is typically not a great time to attempt to force important decisions, especially related to any big decision or transaction. You could be reconsidering certain choices you made, along with any motivations you may have contemplated concerning your overall outlook. Whatever the case, a close reexamination of your communicative and educational setup can yield rich returns by the time Mercury stations direct and goes through its recovery period during May.

In the timing of the Moon’s First Quarter, taking place on the 27th, you could encounter some extra tension, or even snags, in what you are trying to reconcile as far as the introspective journey you are on throughout the remainder of this month and most of May. Perhaps the perspective of astrology will allow you a philosophical detachment on these minor skirmishes within, as you proceed along the bumps and looping side excursions of the evolutionary path that you know inside that you are on.

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