Pisces Horoscope for July 2023

Pisces Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another active month for you, Pisces, with the implied ongoing transformation of inward focused depth explorations and also of your plans and visions for your future self as you continue to evolve. The mid-June Gemini New Moon was particularly aimed straight at you and still remains a powerful influence for the first half of the current month. Then, as the July month begins, the July 3rd Full Moon in your social sector allows the transformational beat to continue, while also emphasizing your creative self-expression, along with all the ways that what you do independently contributes to the wellbeing of the entire collective that surrounds you. As your worldview is expanding to accommodate this notion it is simultaneously growing more focalized and concentrated on your own deepest principles. As you navigate the tricky currents of this month’s astrology you may also encounter inner wounding that could attempt to hold you back, which yields when you can carefully accept and pay loving attention to what is there below the surface for you to find. During July’s second half, your process deepens and your creativity soars in a way that will last you into the summer months to come.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at alea.balzer@gmail.com

Last month's Gemini New Moon took place in your sector of home and family, and still influences the first half of July. In this potent lunation, the Sun and Moon closely squared numinous Neptune, also aspecting Pluto and the new Nature planet Haumea. Neptune, your ruler, being so strongly impacted signals that issues of identity that have been percolating below the surface have come further to the fore into the current month, while Pluto’s influence implies the ongoing transformation of the way that you regard and respond to whatever is going on within your depths, beneath the surface layers of your personality. These outer planet influences may have obfuscated the communication process of this chatty lunation, possibly providing a dose of uncertainty or even disillusionment. However, to no longer be under an illusion is to see things more clearly — a process that is supported in the first half of the present month and may illuminate a more practical pathway forward by expanding the story of what you are engaged in to include your kindred spirits, community, and vision for the future.

July also begins under the influence of a square from the 1st to the 3rd from Venus in Leo to Uranus in Taurus across your sectors of productivity versus the mind, curiosity, and learning. This transit may have you wanting to break out of restrictive work schedules or reflecting on beliefs connecting productivity to self-worth. It might also emerge as a sudden shift within the familiar realms of the day-to-day patterns, so that you might find yourself thwarting responsibilities for a day of fun. Mercury's solar rebirth in your home and family sector supports thinking your way through and benefitting from the intuitional revelations associated with Uranus.

The Capricorn Full Moon arrives on July 3rd in your sector of friendship, goals, and collective participation. This lunation connects emerging domestic considerations to that of your friendships and collaborative connections, suggesting you are nourished by expanding your bonds outside the home and welcoming those connections inside it. It might arrive with a deep appreciation that you have built authentic and vibrant social connections or that collaborative efforts based on shared goals are a source of joy. The Moon's trine to Jupiter in this Full Moon is hopeful, and indicates that people in your local environment or groups of learning and shared interest, ruled by Saturn, could offer meaningful connection. Saturn is also highlighted in your sign, corresponding to your identity sector, so that topics of hospitality and family could relate to your individual growth process, possibly demanding a more serious recalibration as this evolves, of your feelings of identity and social engagement.

July 10th sees Mars energizing your partnership sector as it moves into Virgo. This ingress may coincide with an increased shared workload, ignite passions, or provoke irritation or conflict about the little things. You might become more active in searching for a partner around this time or separate from unfulfilling romantic interests. Mercury's opposition to Pluto in Capricorn as it enters Leo could expand on topics related to your community participation and evolving future vision, emerging from your self-expression sector, with the reminder that honoring your needs and enjoyment provides the necessary fuel to sustain and inspire your collective engagement. This transit supports revelation through an encounter with the depths, possibly emerging through penetrating conversations with friends, partners, or therapists. Mercury's entrance into Leo, corresponding to your productivity and health sector, may herald an increased sense of playfulness and inspiration within your daily routines.

The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 17th and plants a seed in your pleasure, self-expression, and romance sector. This is as the North and South Lunar Nodes of destiny shift into Aries and Libra. These celestial movements suggest you have arrived at a significant juncture related to life's creative, romantic, and enjoyable qualities. This lunation is fertile ground for whatever you are birthing into the world right now — be that artistic work, a project or collaborative venture, or a child,. The square from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in Taurus connects your realms of the mundane and the daily, suggesting new learning or communicative ventures will likely be fruitful. It also offers that your local environment and those that populate it can infuse meaning into your daily routines and support well-being.

The Lunar North Node moving into Aries indicates your resource sector will provide avenues for expansion over the next year and a half, with significant beginnings and endings related to eclipses occurring here and in your Libra-ruled sector of shared assets and intimacy. The influence of this nodal shift, combined with Chiron's station the following week on July 23rd, offers healing through a reorientation to your inner resources, material assets, and gifts. Recognizing your ability to sustain and provide for yourself centers choice in how you relate to others, both materially and energetically. This process might help you reconnect to your intrinsic wholeness by integrating wounding around self-worth, autonomy, and self-advocacy, possibly through your ability to help others heal.

Topics of separation within connectedness may also arise in the wake of the New Moon due to the polarizing energy of Mars in Virgo opposing retrograde Saturn in your sign. This transit points to the importance of rest and retreat, which will remain relevant all along, while Saturn moves through Pisces until early 2026. It may be time to negotiate boundaries or redirect your energy from shared projects and partnerships to personal ambitions. Alternatively, you might feel loneliness in the absence of committed bonds. While frustrations or sobering relational realities may stir impatience or narratives of self-sacrifice, clarification about individual needs and capacities could aid in a recommitment to shared meaning.

Venus stations retrograde on July 22nd, the first day of Leo season, as the Sun also moves into your productivity sector, forming a grand cross with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes as it leaves Cancer. Venus' six-week retrograde may be a meaningful period of reorientation around work-life balance, health, service you give to others, pets, and the daily toil by honoring your desires and needs for appreciation and affirmation. It might highlight a need to make time to step outside of time: to create without aim, play without productivity, and make room for whatever unique expression of your life force emerges. This is a highly creative space for you and may help you connect more deeply to a sense of selfhood and purpose external to your productive and relational functions. This retrograde process requires radical honesty with yourself and, eventually, with others, as indicated by the square from Mercury in Leo to Uranus in your communications sector. While unexpected work opportunities might emerge around this time, be mindful of embarking on significant new projects; you might change your mind as your insight deepens and circumstances change over the retrograde period.

Mercury meets retrograde Venus on July 27th before moving into Virgo the following day. The connection with Venus as the month ends suggests the internal process of reflection you are embarking on will support you in articulating your wants and needs within partnership. If you are looking to meet someone, you might have more precision about what you need and the confidence to advocate for it. With Mercury operating at full capacity in your relationship sector, fueled by the co-presence of Mars, the shared realm promises to be a busy sphere of mental and physical activity for the next month. Be it material or cerebral, you may be sorting through things within intimate, business, or close platonic relationships.

While you may feel that the work of life must be diligently tended to right now, July also has asked you to lean into your deeper trust in the non-linear process of life's unfolding path. This month's focus on desire, creativity, joy, and service has acted as a celestial support system to the Saturnian blues by demanding you enjoy and express yourself through re-centering pleasure within the rhythms of daily life, and this continues into August.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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