Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2015

Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2015

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your changes are not complete, Sagittarius, in spite of a notable transformational progression these past few months; a new plateau has been reached. Most importantly you have a renewed faith in existence and the feeling that change is indeed possible. You are in an excellent place to observe and to philosophically examine what you are currently up to, as the stars incline you toward a fuller and more complete understanding of yourself and your world. A mystical spirit has seized your soul, which although confusing for your earth-bound little mind, yet succeeds wonderfully if you can occupy both the homey familiar space of the physical planet and as well the other-dimensional world that exists beyond and underlying this one. You are gaining much wisdom from the living of your life and the exploration of close interpersonal relationships — so long as you are paying attention.

As the month begins, you are feeling called to the past as a way of forging ahead into a better and more integrated future. The fact that Saturn is residing at the very beginning of your sign, and highlighted in this month's astrology, is weighing upon you with something like a heavy sense of duty, and the question is to what. You know somewhere deep inside yourself that your ultimate responsibility is to your own growth, above all else, so that as you continue finding your way homeward you have a great deal at stake in sorting out just where to put your energies. Neptune is a strong factor now as well, residing in your sector of your home base and your psychological roots, so what you are most powerfully called to is an inner process that overshadows the normal run of worldly cares and concerns. A mystical sense of oneness pervades your very being. You somehow need to manage to take an internal mandate to grow through contemplation of higher-dimensionality, and relate this in a practical way to your everyday assignments in the mundane world of getting and spending.

The recent New Moon, from the middle of last month, took place in the sign of Aries, corresponding to your creativity sector. For the first half of May your ability to apply yourself to the spiritual growth work you need is thus brought to the fore. Your productivity is sizzling and you have also the inclination to be putting this to work in service to others. In the first days of the month, leading up to the Scorpio Full Moon of May 3rd, there is a thoughtful emphasis placed upon relationship with important persons in your life, so that you feel that partnership with others forms a key piece of your own arc of development. You have a well-developed intuitional sense and you are on the right track or you will immediately know when you have not achieved that. You are seeking to find your way, not in any ordinary sense but with the goal of your own almost hidden higher purpose to grow and evolve.

Transformation is very real and present to you now, and you are able to take a big-picture view of untoward events that give you the chance for expanding your inner horizons. There are undoubtedly difficulties that you will continue to encounter as you grow, and yet in another way of looking at these they can be guideposts to places for greater awareness to enter. Knee-jerk reactivity is always possible and yet can provide you with the opportunity to look inside yourself and see where to dig in. Prior emotional wounding might have resulted in walled-off areas of pain that will yield to the application of self-love and greater acceptance at these deeper levels.

All this inner work is taking place in a month when the ruler of your relationship sector, namely Mercury, is getting ready to turn around and revert to retrograde motion, in its own sign, during the second half of May. This is an indication that you will expend a good portion of your psychic energy over this latter part of the month in contemplation, considering and reconsidering various aspects of the way that you do partnership, and how this contributes to your own way of being and producing in the outer world. It is a good idea to plan to spend time thinking about where your life is taking you. There is an opportunity to journal or engage in deep conversation with trusted peers, determining how to best support and nourish the angel guidance that you are receiving through the agency of important others in your life.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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