Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2018

Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have another exciting month coming up, Sagittarius, as you navigate the tricky waters of your own unconscious process. Your worldview is radically transforming with the eclipses of this volatile summer, linked also with partnership interaction and career choices in the outer world. You may have to work through some painful places inside yourself to get to the heart of the matter. In this regard, perseverance furthers. The midmonth solar eclipse in Leo, taking pace on August 11th, punctuates your experience in a magical manner, rendering it brand-new. Throughout the month, you might also be prone to recognizing a fundamental instability and even confusion at the core of your experience, and yet this reverses, by means of a shift in perspective – not unlike the figure-and-ground reversal of an everyday graphical illusion – into a series of spiritual epiphanies. In this way, as you sail into further flowerings of your basic underlying essence, you are in the world and yet not of it.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Your month begins with a bang, just as Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your third house of learning and communication makes a square to Uranus in Taurus in your sixth house. This is of course taking place just days after the powerful lunar eclipse in Aquarius, which also landed in your third house on July 27th. If you have siblings, then events related to your siblings this Summer may be somewhat challenging or transformative. On the other hand, the third house is also related to the mind and to communication, whereas the sixth is related to service, and so you may find that you are being empowered to write, speak, or communicate on behalf of someone or something, perhaps with a high level of passion, innovation, or even defiance and rebellion. With Mars retrograde in your third house, you might be learning some important lessons related to anger, frustration, or explosiveness right now. While Mars and Uranus can together signify breakthroughs, courage, and inventiveness, they can also signify shocking events, aggression, frustration with limitations, and even violence. With your home planet of Jupiter in the twelfth house this year, it’s very important that you be mindful of your depths, as well as any self-destructive tendencies, including the tendency to entertain extreme ideas or beliefs.

Between August 6th and August 9th, Venus will enter Libra in your eleventh house of friendships, and square Saturn in Capricorn in your second house. It’s a nice time for socializing with your friends or colleagues, or for finding new allies, but there may also be a more serious theme in the air right now surrounding money or finances. Watch for themes of financial collaboration or joint-investments, and don’t be surprised if you’re feeling called to do some long-term financial planning or revisioning. This is also potentially a rather “cliquey” transit that could easily bring up issues surrounding financial or social status, with a tendency toward taking oneself too seriously, being exclusive, etc., so be careful not to feed into any aura of superficiality that is surrounding you right now.

Meanwhile, for much of the month Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Leo within your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys, and then on August 11th you’ll also receive a solar eclipse in Leo. Both transits place a very strong emphasis on your faith and beliefs, on higher studies, or travel. You might be traveling or planning to return to some place from your past, studying and revising or deepening your knowledge of something, or opening your mind to a totally different part of the world or a different path of faith and inquiry. While solar eclipses generally indicate powerful new beginnings, this solar eclipse is also the final eclipse to land in your ninth house after several of them, dating back to the winter of 2016-2017. Though you are naturally a seeker, traveler, and sage, it’s clear that you are going through something of a personal renaissance, and this eclipse announces the culmination of a season of seeking for something higher!

Finally, on August 26th, the Full Moon in Pisces falls in your fourth house, while Venus in your eleventh house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your second house. Here, the Full Moon is illuminating the topics of home, family, parents, and property, while simultaneously Venus and Pluto are dragging up some potentially very intense and transformative interpersonal dynamics, perhaps related to money, groups of friends and social organizations. Family may be a somewhat challenging topic this year due to Jupiter, the ruler of the fourth house, being in your twelfth house in Scorpio until November. Be careful of any impulse to try and hide or avoid any shadow material related to your home, family, or property right now, and be especially careful of political or social gamesmanship, especially related to money or finances. At the same time, don’t be surprised if changes in your social life and/or finances are providing you with new opportunities or perhaps some much-needed down time.

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