Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2019

Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2019

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a philosophical month of consolidation, Sagittarius, following upon the Mercury Retrograde period that precedes it, and aligning with the two weeks of Mercury’s shadow period that takes place during the first half of August. This is an exciting time for you to be alive, especially in the second weekend, with your ruler, Jupiter, highlighted and then changing to direct motion from the 7th to the 11th. You are all about refining your values, while getting new ideas together for where you might go from here. As you do, there is a preponderance of astrological evidence for taking a strong stand on your own unique vision, independent from other sources. After the 22nd you will encounter an increased focus on your work in the world, with renewed emphasis on this personal mandate to shine inside, more fully inhabiting a sense of discipleship to your higher Self. You win when you go about your daily schedule while allowing your outer expression to reflect inner vision.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just after a New Moon in Leo in your ninth house of faith and the higher mind, which features Sun, Moon, and Venus in Leo starting the month off by making a square to Uranus in Taurus in your sixth house of conflict, service, and sickness. The emphasis this month is clearly on putting your beliefs, or the higher truth that you are being reminded of within your heart, into action, even if doing so may create disruptions or challenges to the status quo. The teachers, guides, dreams, and visions that are coming to you right now are meant to shake things up and to potentially revolutionize your life, if you are willing to allow your inner knowing to guide your actions. The alternative is that disruptions may come along to teach you something right now, especially in the areas of life where you are feeling most stubborn or resistant to the changes you need the most.

Late on July 31st, also, or early Thursday, August 1st, Mercury will also turn direct after its retrograde in Cancer in your eighth house of death, rebirth, and other people’s resources. A period of changes and challenges related to a spouse or partner’s income or assets may be starting to resolve itself. You might be ready to pay off a debt, either financially or psychologically. At the same time, with Mercury ruling your career house, it’s also possible that a period of emotional fatigue or stress at work is finally starting to resolve itself.

Between August 5th and the 8th, Venus and the Sun will make trines to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your first house, emphasizing the need to grow and evolve personally through encounters with teachers, places of retreat or higher learning, travel abroad, a faith community, or through intimate and encouraging philosophical exchanges with others, perhaps even with a lover. Once again, if you are willing to take a risk and bet on the importance of your spiritual development, naturally beneficial connections are likely to enter your life during this time.

On August 11th, Mercury will enter Leo in your ninth house of faith and the higher mind, just as Uranus is turning retrograde in your sixth house and just as Jupiter in Sagittarius is turning direct in your first house. Watch for epiphanies and sudden flashes of insight or awareness to arrive but be prepared for some of these insights to be intensely challenging to the status-quo, or to push you to challenge certain well-defined boundAries, either internally or externally.

On August 15th, the Full Moon in Aquarius will fall in your third house of the mind, communication, and your environment, calling your attention to immediate concerns, likely in your home, family, or neighborhood. With the Moon’s dispositor, Saturn, highlighted in your second house of finances, you may be called to buy or sell something, or you may be dealing with limitations or constraints in your immediate environment.

On August 18th, Mars will then enter Virgo and move into your tenth house of career, where it will stay for more than a month to come, emphasizing hard work, productivity, and an emphasis on details, organization and analysis. You may also find that you are facing different conflicts or challenges in the workplace during the weeks to come, but overall this period should promise an aura of productivity and diligence.

Finally, on August 23rd to 25th, Venus will conjoin with Mars in your career house, and then Mercury will enter its exaltation there on August 29th, followed by a New Moon in Virgo on August 30th. The lunation cycle ahead, for September, is thus shifting you very clearly by the end of the month from a focus on the house of faith and higher learning to your career, reputation, and professional development. Although you are a child of Jupiter, and generally expansive and buoyant by nature, the next Moon cycle will call for you to be earthy, practical, productive, and incredibly detail oriented in order to take some next big steps in your professional life.

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