Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another pivotal month for you, Sagittarius. You are coming off the recent Aries New Moon from mid-April, which spoke volumes regarding your own individual self-expression and your mission to explore what you uniquely can create from what you have to offer, from deep inside. This was a potent lunation for members of your sign, and you are potentially still reeling from that timing as you head into the current monthly cycle. You are intent in the first week of May on expressing another unique call within you now of service to the larger community that surrounds you, seeing yourself in almost double vision, as both the creator and as the functioning cog in the machine of social progress. You might also experience a conflict between what you desire to make happen and the inherent limitations, also currently emphasized, to what you can concretely achieve and communicate to others. As you navigate these currents you might find partnership comes more fully into play as well, with the dramatic ending to the month that includes the Full Moon eclipse in your sign.

You may be in the midst of redefining what pleasure means for you and finding ways to include more joy in your life. The New Moon in Aries from mid-April saw you reconnecting with your desires for how to best express your creativity in the most meaningful way, and also regarding your urges for pleasure, how to go about fulfilling them. After some difficult setbacks, you may be finally starting to find your mojo again as you work through letting go of what no longer serves you or what is detrimental to your sense of well-being. You may have recently experienced some roadblocks that left you feeling stressed out or exhausted. Taking care of your body may also also be on your priority list but that could be easier said than done. There seems to be a never-ending list of tasks and things to do before you can relax. There is an inherent tension at the beginning of the month between taking care of yourself and dealing with your responsibilities. You may be trying to do both at the same time which is why Sagittarius folks are usually good at making things happen.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Sun in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius on the 3rd, while still near to Uranus also, brings up the need to manage your time better. You want it all and yet you could find that you cannot have it all. If you really want to accomplish everything that you set out to do, it might be wise to delineate a clear action plan. That way, even if you feel overwhelmed down the road you can return to your initial intentions without getting sidetracked.

Mercury also enters Gemini on the 3rd which represents your relationships. This will help you clarify your thinking especially over this first half of the month. Mercury is a planet often linked to organizing and communicating ideas, and is considered especially effective in its home sign of Gemini. This means that for the next few weeks you may be able to refine your process and streamline your projects, perhaps most significantly with important partners. This may continue to be quite a busy time for you with increased responsibilities and social commitments. Others may expect more of you at this time so be clear about what you are willing to do for them. Mercury will turn retrograde at the end of May and if you have any important deadlines or contracts to sign you may want to do that while Mercury is moving direct. Venus follows Mercury and enters Gemini on the 8th of May gracing your relationship sector with her sweet influence. Venus in Gemini could bring increased opportunities to connect with like-minded people and it could also bring new development in all your relationships.

On the 11th, the Taurus New Moon signals the beginning of a fresh cycle in relation to your health, your routine, and your daily habits. You can use the momentum of the New Moon to start implementing a new exercise routine you’ve been thinking about. Your body is your vehicle in this life and you want to make sure it is fully functional so that you can accomplish your big goals. Doing more socializing may also be part of the equation for greater health of mind and body. Your desires to connect with others could be more prominent at this time with Mercury and Venus in Gemini transiting in your relationship sector. Don’t shy away from reaching out to others or asking for what you need.

One of the big news items this month has to do with your ruling planet Jupiter entering the sign of Pisces on the 13th of May for the next 10 weeks. This is quite significant for you since the planet of luck and optimism has a lot of influence on your sign. Jupiter is considered at home in the sign of Pisces, as well as in yours, and after two years of Jupiter transiting in Saturn-ruled signs which significantly limited what was possible, the ingress of Jupiter into Pisces should start opening things up. Jupiter spends one year in each sign and last time Jupiter transited in Pisces was in 2010. Jupiter may bring opportunities to expand your home or relocate to a more favorable location in the next year. You may get some hints of what this means in the next few months before Jupiter moves back to Aquarius for a while before re-entering Pisces for good at the end of 2021.

The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on the 20th of May and immediately starts squaring Jupiter newly in Pisces. There could be a lot of enthusiasm and changes in the air during this time and there could be interesting developments in real estate or in your partnerships.

On Wednesday, May 26th the first lunar eclipse of the year takes place in your sign, bringing attention to your needs and your personal direction. There may have been a lot of changes occurring in your life since last December and this eclipse may finally bring something to rest. You may have had to shed old assumptions about yourself or someone else recently which is not always an easy process. You may however start to feel your sense of peace returning after a tumultuous period and the positive changes you’ve been making since the beginning of the year may start to bear fruit.

Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini on the 29th while it is conjoined with Venus and both are squaring Neptune in Pisces indicating potential confusion especially relating to your partnerships or a domestic scenario. Mercury will be moving retrograde until the 22nd of June, and finally escapes its retrograde shadow in the first full week of July. Wishful thinking may be a good band aid when dealing with a difficult scenario but this time will require that you double up on your powers of discrimination before making a major move or committing to something you might regret later. If it's possible to wait until July to make your big moves, you can use this latter period to clarify your contracts and commitments. People, situations, or the information available may not be as reliable as usual during the next few weeks.

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