Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2023

Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2023

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another introspective month for you, Sagittarius, with Mercury in retrograde in a key chart sector, or recovering, right up to its very end. Mercury is located in Virgo, which corresponds to your career sector, and is also its ruler. Mercury in retrograde nudges you to question what you do vocationally and how well that matches your deepest principles and values. With Venus also retrograde in Leo as September begins, you are in a general process of rethinking and revisioning your beliefs and what you most sincerely value. In the midst of the usual missed connections and mechanical breakdowns of the Mercury Retrograde, you may spend time reviewing and ultimately revising the way you feel about what you do for a living. The recent New Moon shed light on higher mind, worldview and beliefs, so that the way you see the world around you is equally a moving target. The September 14th New Moon in Virgo represents a particularly powerful time, when many of these meandering concerns could come to a head. Mercury stations the next day, and will take another two weeks of its shadow period to fully recover, so that things become far more clear after the Aries Full Moon of the 29th.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

September begins mid-way through the lunation cycle initiated by the recent Leo New Moon from the middle of the previous month of August. This took place in your sector of learning, travel, and the quest for higher meaning, implying something of a fresh start in this area of beliefs and worldview. The New Moon squared Trickster Uranus in Taurus, your sector of helpfulness, your day-to-day environment, and health regimens, so that you might find unexpected inspiration emerging in new concepts of health orientation or service to others around you. The Trickster archetype is deeply imprinted into the current cycle, perhaps emerging as restless feelings or longing to discover your true life purpose.

Mercury is also retrograde as the month begins, in your sector of career and professional life, where you might as a result be engaged in introspective examination of your vocational plans and their fit with what you are coming to identify as your deep principles and values.

Venus stations direct on September 3rd, concluding her six-week retrograde through Leo. Over the following weeks, Venus's slow recovery, along with Mercury's ongoing retrograde through your vocational sector, continues to emphasize reconsideration and introspection in this area, possibly through reflecting on past situations with an eye to better understanding them. A lot of mental energy is available to you right now, although Venus in Leo could also be inviting you to bypass the brain and connect to the fiery inspiration of what fills your heart. Perhaps you will heed the call of the new frontier or journey. This transit could also relate to spiritual or academic pursuits and the joy you find in learning and sharing ideas.

The halfway point of Mercury's retrograde in Virgo takes place on Wednesday, September 6th as it travels through the heart of the Sun in your vocational sector.

When Mercury traverses the very heart of the Sun, known as Cazimi, in Wednesday’s early morning hours, lasting up to 7 am PT, this might be rather more clarifying than confusing. Virgo rules the most visible place in your solar chart, so that this retrograde cycle may have you considering what you came to give the world as well as the practicalities that inform the professional roles you take on. Mercury's revitalization could intensify focus on writing and communicating, possibly returning to ideas, projects, or scenarios with new perspective.

Also on the 6th, the Last Quarter Moon in your opposite sign of Gemini extends a flexible mental emphasis to the relationships in your life. You may find that the influence of a partner might require you to adjust course. A trine from the Sun and Mercury to your planetary ruler Jupiter, in Taurus, combined with the ongoing square from Venus, connects your health and daily responsibilities to your career and those higher mind sector topics of education, distant travels, and worldview. These aspects point also to the importance of finding the sacred within the mundane. Daily experiences that conjure awe, excitement, or rituals of reverence might stabilize you in the busyness and vicissitudes of life. This also highlights the necessity of forming habits that support your mental and physical health.

On September 14th, the Virgo New Moon takes place at the top of your chart and places considerable focus on your work in the outer world. You may consider practical ways to use your talents or skills that you improve or learn anew, particularly as they relate to your mind, how you communicate, and the ideas that you want to share with the world. The revolutionary energy of Uranus is again featured, in Taurus, this time through a supportive trine. Uranus’ Trickster energy serves as a reminder not to get stuck in the planning and refining stage. You could be called to get started or unleash something that dwells within you – whether you feel prepared or otherwise. The interaction between these two earth signs also points to the importance of regularly connecting to the natural world and its rhythms, particularly when there's a lot going on; you may want to avoid getting fixated on a problem. Answers will often come when you let go of the logistics. Taking place at the same degree Mercury stationed retrograde on August 24th, while Mercury moves very slowly in the sky, getting ready to station direct the following day, this New Moon represents another thoughtful time of looking inside yourself for important answers to perhaps neglected questions.

From the 17th to the 20th, the Sun's opposition to Neptune in Pisces calls for reconciliation between your outer striving and those foundational topics of the home and family, where you may feel pulled in different directions. Perhaps you are surrendering an aspect of your identity or independence due to shared aspirations at this time. This transit asks you to connect deeply to your dreams so that you can take constructive steps toward what is nascent. Supportive aspects between both the Sun and Neptune to Pluto in Capricorn may bring his transformational energy in, allowing you to transcend self-doubts. You have significant power on the table regarding your ability to earn a living in the way that you want, and the talent to pursue what you need in order to accomplish that goal.

The Sun enters Venus-ruled Libra on the 22nd, shifting focus to friendship, community collaboration, and long-term goals for the next month.

From the 22nd to the 25th, Mars' applying opposition to Chiron in Aries could bring up wounding connected to belonging, self-expression, and the perceived expectations of others. Supportive aspects from Venus to both Mars and Chiron offer inspired action and healing through fun, friendship, and the creative process. You may find solidarity and beneficial support should you have the courage to share your artistic creations or inspirations with a wider audience.

The Aries Full Moon arrives on the 29th and extends the emphasis to your fifth sector of joy, romance, children, and self-expression. This Moon might illuminate exciting creative developments connected to your career ambitions or that sacrificing a dream from the past to devote yourself to the future may now be necessary. As the cycle culminates, you may be letting go of certain modes of social or professional participation as you prepare to enter a new stage. A reorientation may be added by Venus making her final square with Uranus, and you might reflect on what has been unfolding across your higher mind and vocational sectors since early July. This transit also suggests you can harmonize the tension between the grandiose and the humble through your personal pursuit of wisdom, regular adventures closer to home, and connecting to a larger meaning that feels vital to you. Mercury's trine to Uranus as it escapes its retrograde shadow points to the creative potentiality of easing up on certain unrealistic standards of perfection or self-judgment and realizing that nothing externally deteriorates when you let them go.

While September may have you running to catch up with life, the focus on the useful and the real might help you get your ducks in a row. The originality of Uranus in Taurus and a constructive Mercury in Virgo could aid you in this process, supporting efficient and innovative planning and making the most of what you have. If you find yourself frustrated or lost in the details, maybe you will want to go outside, look at the sky, and by remembering your place in the larger cycle of things, regain perspective.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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