Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2024

Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month, Sagittarius, of striving for a better fit between your head and your heart. There is a strong component of curiosity and learning within you, stimulated by the dynamic Aquarius New Moon from last month in your communication sector. The suspicion is that while you are determined on mentally investigating your pathway forward, that must inevitably include hidden portions of your psyche. Besides the merely logical, you are also gaining an intuitive understanding of how everything connects with the vast universe of your unconscious process. The March 10th Pisces New Moon pushes you further off the diving board into the deep end of the pool. It can be very useful now to allow yourself to bend a little and not rule anything out in your search for the truth of your situation. Although they do not talk of it in school, there is a lot more going on inside you than meets the eye. The Full Moon eclipse of the 25th is also telling and could bring angel guidance further into the picture of what is going on. You win when you can take full advantage of intuitional wisdom that bubbles up, unsummoned, from your own interior spaces.

The following was written by our guest columnist Issa Hammond. You can write them at

March begins in the wake of the New Moon in Aquarius from last month in your sector of communication and learning. This recent New Moon featured Uranus in Taurus, bringing surprises and shakeups to areas of your life such as injury, health and labor. Mars and Venus recently conjoined in Aquarius under the influence Pluto in Aquarius in your communications sector, indicating you may be transforming a process, method, routine, or realizing a balance. With your chart ruler, Jupiter also in the sign of Taurus, your overall focus may be on expanding your abilities, healing injury, working on a remedy, enjoying yourself and others, aligning with a field, or uncovering ideas. There is a lot of activity in the sign of Pisces which occupies your fourth sector and is the domain of your chart’s host. This indicates that you are making deep changes at the level of your foundations, home, family or training. With Neptune in Pisces’ presence in this sector and in the doorway of the next, you are overcoming challenges and aligning with an ideal in your foundations that help propagate romance, leisure, sport, and fertility. Around March 7th to 9th, with Mercury in Pisces conjunction Neptune in Pisces, you may realizing tools through your personal and financial skills, languages, interpersonal interactions, routine and foundational education.

March 7th to 11th, as Mars in Aquarius and the Sun in Pisces exert their influence on Uranus in Taurus, you may discover a root or foundational challenge that requires group effort to heal, or that you are discovering a source of injury in yourself or others. You may be translating depths into a broader communication or discovering methods of inclusion of employees and community members into a teaching, home or process.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on March 10th at 1am PST in your sector of home and family, and features a sextile between Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury in Aries, bringing transformation to areas of your life such as education, daily routine and communication methods. This New Moon suggests the possibility of new deep psychological realizations, the opportunity of changes in the home, a place to practice, a fresh start around healing or work, or the logistics of doing the work. You may be attending to negotiating skills, or transforming a process with romance, fun, children, animals or art. This attention of your skill and focus is well indicated as you move into the working out of this lunation cycle and are aligned with progress.

Venus’ entrance into Pisces March 12th to 13th indicates fertile assistance to your foundations, tapping into a well, and insemination by the yin. You may be confronting wounds around pleasure, romance and haste, or assertion, and noticing a result. March 15th to 19th, the Sun in Pisces is conjunct Neptune in Pisces, and there may alignment with a fresh start, a new dream, a new home, a wise ground, a deeper or more inclusive perspective.

On March 19h , with the Sun’s entrance into Aries for the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, you may understand more about your pleasure or creativity and the ways to communicate, process or apply it to share. You may discover the place for fun, contemplate the power you naturally possess and the effect that has on those who have less or different power. There may be a sense of compromise around tempering and exaltation, transforming your processes and social role in alignment with your desires, and changing creative motivations.

As Venus applies conjunct Saturn in Pisces on the 21st at the base of your chart, you may notice relief, abundance, an alignment with culture or healing in your field, practice, home, ancestors, dharma, the perpetual spring that hydrates your roots. You may feel an internal recognition of your own wisdom, depth and importance.

Mars enters Pisces March 22nd, and this suggests action toward better understanding and becoming more creative with the conundrums of your inner world and your familial scene, giving you greater confidence or power.

The Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th at 12am PDT across your sectors of pleasure and allies may illuminate themes of gift sharing, audience and clientele, friend groups, patronage and advocacy., you may realize social circles, gifts of creativity, the creative nature of harmony herself, wounds of selfishness, pleasure, competition or vision. Considering the mutual reception of Venus in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus across your sectors of root psychology and habitual patterning, this ultimately facilitates the potential for a kind of rainbow bridge, of mutual abundance or security between matters of health or servitude, and family, home or roots. You may find yourself reflecting and evaluating your actions and inner work.

March 26th the Moon in Scorpio makes a superior trine to Mars in Pisces, and you may extract a kind of splinter or snip away an old or rotten root. You may be able to act through recognizing the depth of a challenge, impossibility, or unwell belief. You may be able to take the action to heal it, remove it, or encourage growth by making sure that the source of your well is unmediated by wounds. You may discover a path so that the fuel from any wounds can flow healthy and structured.

Toward the end of the month, Venus in Pisces moves into sextile with Uranus in Taurus from March 26th to 28th. . As a result of the healing work, presence of culture, wisdom and women, or generosity of gifts and assets, you experience benefic change to your health, work, personal convictions and foundations.

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