Scorpio Horoscope for December 2019

Scorpio Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is astrologically another strange and powerful month for you, Scorpio, one in which cosmic currents are taking you closer to understanding who, at base, you really are. This continues to be an introspective time, as Mercury slowly straightens out in your identity sector. You are experiencing some unusual twists and turns in this area. Partners may surprise you, and provide unexpected clarity in refining your self-conception. Stemming from the timing of the magical Sagittarius New Moon from the last week of November, your attention has been focused on the values and resources available to you in order to energize your most creative endeavors. The Full Moon of the second week of December represents a highly significant juncture, when relationship transformation is emphasized. It might help to recognize that you are on the road that is, in some profound way, just right for you at this time, in spite of any indications to the contrary. You win when you trust your process and determine to go wherever it leads you.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent New Moon in Sagittarius, from November 26th, brought an emphasis on money matters for you, Scorpio. This highlights the need to be clearer about what flows in and out of your life. Jupiter in Sagittarius might also have brought opportunities to increase your income in 2019, and with these new opportunities also came expenses and bills to pay. December will be an excellent month to get your finances in order and get clear about the objectives you have for 2020 in regard to your bank account and projects that will require funding. Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2nd for a whole year, and this should have a constructive influence in your life especially if you plan accordingly. The clearer you are about your objectives in the year ahead, and the more streamlined your approach, the better the result will be. This is a very simple Capricornian hack: long-term planning, and the willingness to work hard for what you want.

Your ruler Mars, transiting in Scorpio for the whole month of December, brings focus and strength to get things done. Mars sextile Venus in Capricorn on December 3rd will bring a grounding influence to your relationships. An honest, direct, and practical approach is your best bet this month for getting what you need from others. You are blessed with the clarity to see things as they are, and have a natural talent to navigate difficult conversations. Your emotions should feel somewhat level, and you can bring comfort and stability to others who are not feeling so clear right now.

The Full Moon in Gemini late on December 11th illuminates resources shared with others, agreements, and arrangements that simplify and support your existence. You might have to negotiate these terms to find a proper agreement, and a fair share of the deal. There could be some wishful thinking on your part or the part of a partner that clouds the situation, and casts doubt as to what is the best position to adopt at this time. Two are better than one but at what cost? With Mercury now co-present with the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius, while the Moon is Full in Gemini, this confronts us with the details of our everyday existence versus the overarching visions we hold in our mind’s eye. Idealism is a powerful force that can move mountains, but at the end of the day you still have to pay your bills and feed the dogs.

On December 18, Mars in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn bringing reinforcement to your troops. Practical realism is available and it's a good time to make a few strategic moves, even if it's simply a change of attitude. You should have plenty of energy mid-month to tackle your work; take advantage of Mars transiting in Scorpio to get through your to-do list and get some things crossed off.

Winter arrives on December 21st with the Sun entering the sign of Capricorn. The Sun joins the party already happening in this sign with Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Venus already in Capricorn. The Winter Solstice brings to a head all the hard work and efforts you have made since 2018 to dismantle but also consolidate your life, and find more autonomy. This process is never over, obviously, but the end of 2019 will bring a clear understanding of the wisdom you have acquired through hardships and limitations. This newfound practical realism can bring some very tangible progress in your life. However, old structures, self-limiting ideas, habits, people, fears, and stale scenarios need to be released before you can start to build this new version of yourself. As Saturn likes to say, ‘Things take time’.

On December 22nd, a powerful sextile between your traditional and modern rulers, Mars and Pluto, occurs while the Moon also transits in Scorpio. This is an important aspect in December for you and you could feel this potent sextile reverberating through your life and your relationships. The Winter Solstice weekend and the following days will be colored by a desire for intense experiences, and an ambitious drive to get what you want. The status quo might not be enough during these few days, and it's a good idea to look for positive physical outlet to channel your passions, intensity, and your need for catharsis at this time. Change is in the air and the febrility continues with a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn late on December 25th. Every year-end brings a need for change, and new resolutions, but the end of 2019 is especially charged. Everyone can feel the changes coming are not simply about a new health routine or quitting smoking but have to do with much larger events that are transforming our realities. The nice thing for you, Scorpio, is that you are very familiar with transitional states that force you to fearlessly shed old skins. This is your jam. You therefore already have a good advantage to begin the new year.

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