Scorpio Horoscope for August 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for August 2021

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month when you are more likely concerned with factors outside yourself, Scorpio, although with obvious implications for your life direction that additionally take you forward into your own evolutionary development. The focus now is upon your work in the world, and how you might improve your situation there, in order that it be a better match for innermost core principles. You are also investigating your future plans and your societal involvement, seeing how all your deepest values can connect with the nitty-gritty of present time professional or career choices. You are more and more committed to discovering a mission of service to the surrounding collective that will also advance your own learning and change. Your aspirations are many and varied, and you could find them unclear or over-idealized. You benefit from a more studied involvement, resisting the urge to blast off in a number of different directions all at once. Partners in your life are important now and are likely to provide surprises, or perhaps unexpected enlightenment, that could be of great aid to you in embracing necessary discernment.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent Cancer New Moon from mid-July brought to you a sense of you evolving beliefs and worldview which remains very present as the current month of August begins. You are still sorting out where you stand in terms of philosophical attitude and your sense of life mission that accompanies that set of ideas. You are in fact perhaps wondering how exactly these revelations connect to what you might be able to identify with as life purpose.

On August 1st, exactly, there takes place a thoughtful transit that might inspire even greater considerations within you of where you are headed: the superior conjunction between Mercury and the Sun which is also known as a Cazimi. Messenger planet Mercury sitting on the solar throne within ¼ degree of the Sun is thought to bring a moment of clarity related to topics that have emerged on the inferior conjunction which, in this case, occurred mid-June. These topics could relate to a vocational trajectory and perhaps new opportunities emerging to help you progress in your chosen field which require a certain amount of trust in the unknown. Saturn in Aquarius sits in opposition to this Cazimi which may bring up a serious consideration of obstacles or tension in the actualization of your goals. You may be conflicted between taking a risk to evolve towards your passions versus a more pragmatic or grounded approach that keeps you on familiar territory. You may have a hard time reconciling very different needs at this time and you may be forced to divide your time and attention between your home life and your career ambitions.

The Sun transiting in the sign of Leo represents a time of great passion and fixity of purpose. It may be harder to compromise if you feel that your integrity is being threatened. Your need to live your desires authentically could be awakened especially leading up to the Leo New Moon.

On August 8th, the New Moon in Leo kicks off a new cycle of focus and attention for you in terms of career possibilities. This New Moon is in that key sector of your chart and is also square to revolutionary Uranus in Taurus which may offer an opening for new patterns to be established. Whatever you are trying to accomplish at this time might require some bold moves or a courageous decision. Authenticity and fearlessness are important components of this New Moon and great ambitions require an unshakable belief in yourself if you are to live in accordance with the truth that resides in your heart.

On the 11th, Mercury enters the sign of Virgo where it is considered at home and also exalted. Mercury is a planet known for its ability to reconcile disparate elements and organize them into a consistent system. When it is transiting in its home sign, it is thought to be able to denote a time of greater efficiency for the things that fall under Mercury’s rulership. The positive condition of Mercury transiting in Virgo until the end of the month could help you sort out your priorities and perhaps even help you discard time-wasting habits. Do not underestimate the power of a good written strategy at this time to help you get things done.

Venus enters its home sign of Libra on the 15th highlighting your relational reflexes and perhaps shining a light on your hidden desires in the following weeks. The relationship patterns that usually seem hard to grasp could get clarified and you may be in a better position to sort out what you want or at least become aware of what you don’t want anymore.

Mercury conjunct Mars in Virgo on the 18th continues to bring a process related to your dreams and your aspirations into focus. You may be preoccupied with a project or a community that can help you get ahead in your chosen field. Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus just as Uranus prepares to station retrograde for the next five months which may bring a surprising twist in your collaborations.

A second Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on the 22nd, the first one having occurred 30 days ago, in late July. As the Sun prepares to leave the sign of Leo, this time the Full Moon is also conjunct Jupiter in late Aquarius which may coincide with a shift in perspective or a new opening especially related to your home life. You may reach greater clarity with a process that has been in the works for quite some time and feel ready to move on. The Sun enters Virgo a few hours later joining Mercury and Mars already transiting there which brings even greater emphasis on your aspirations and your desire to be of service. 

Venus in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on the 23rd, bringing a sobering influence to partnership and creative projects. The last few weeks of August should bring a stabilizing influence and a time of integration. Mercury enters Libra on the 29th where it will station retrograde at the end of September asking you to once again revise your allegiance and relationship patterns but for now, much of your energy could be spent on finding practical solutions for recurring problems. Your desire for efficiency may be greater at this time and you could feel less inclined to take a major risk by the end of August. There are some introspective signatures permeating the end of the month and you may have to establish better boundaries between you and others to help you gain the space and the clarity that you seek.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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