Scorpio Horoscope for June 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month that will challenge you in unexpected ways, Scorpio. It is a topsy-turvy time for you when you may be questioning your most basic assumptions, as you explore areas within you that are usually hidden. You are trying to reassess intimate connection that involves important others, and yet also your own degree of integration, top to bottom, within your psyche. You might find yurself re-evaluating partnership agreements as a part of this investigation, and as well your very process of intimate connection. The solar eclipse of June 10th is quite key in this regard. This activity was very likely already going on at unconscious levels, and is only now becoming more conscious; it is a bit scary to confront these dark parts of yourself, but in the end quite rewarding as you are getting to know your true self. When at mid-month Mars enters Leo, which is significant for you, you may be more inclined to take direct action, although with Mercury retrograding through the same sector as the eclipse, it might be best to avoid sudden new initiatives until July. With the Capricorn Full Moon near the end of June, you enter a thoughtful time period of summing up what you have learned over this dynamic monthly cycle.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Taurus New Moon from mid-May brought the beginning of a fresh cycle relating to your partnerships that is still current during the first ten days of June. It may be that the very meaning of a relationship is changing for you or that what you require from them is in a state of flux. Mercury is also retrograding through a similar sector of your solar chart from the ending of the previous month as well, so that you are looking more closely into intimate partnership and its impact on your life over the entire month of June. Mercury will finally escape its retrograde shadow by the first full week of July. You may feel less compromising with others while still having to meet the demands made on you in order to keep the peace. This delicate equilibrium is a work in progress but your need for space and independence is being felt. 

On June 2nd, Venus enters the sign of Cancer, therefore transiting in the sector of your chart that relates to travel and education. Venus also comes to a beautiful trine with Jupiter in Pisces on June 3rd and it could feel like what had been keeping you from experiencing joy has been lifted. You may be feeling more self-indulgent these days with less patience for the status quo. Learning may be particularly enjoyable and it's a good time to put some energy into your spiritual or educational pursuits.

Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th and 5th could place some roadblocks in your path and you may have to adjust your trajectory slightly before you’re able to move forward with your plans. There may be tension between your sense of purpose and your responsibilities which could create frustration along the way. You may be able to find a positive outlet for this potent energy through writing or through physical activities.

On June 10th, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini takes place while Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun in Gemini. Eclipses tend to act as important triggers for new circumstances to emerge. Mercury is at home in the sign of Gemini and therefore rules over the eclipse degree, which for you takes place in the part of your chart that deals with intimacy and the options available to you when you enter into agreements with other people. It may feel scary to think about relying on others but this Eclipse may bring many opportunities to find the support you need to transition or transform parts of your life that have become obsolete. The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 13th could add an element of confusion to the mix and you may have to wait until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd, and escapes its retrograde shadow after the end of the month, before knowing exactly what’s available to you. You want to make sure that all the pieces are in place before you make a bold move.

Mars enters Leo on the 11th where it will bring its ambitious energy to your career sector which may, in turn, bring opportunities to get ahead in your chosen field. 

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus all month long, and is exact for a second time on June 14th, highlighting a tension surrounding your home life or your partnerships for most of 2021. You may be conflicted between an existing structure in your life and an increasing need for more space. It may be hard to reconcile your obligations at home with your need for experimentation and freedom and you could feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. The first of these exact squares occurred on February 17th and the final one will occur on December 24th. Since the square between Saturn and Uranus will occur one more time this year, the secret lies in making the small strategic changes that can help you gain the autonomy you crave while also accepting the deeper consequences that come along with change.

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer late evening of the 20th, signaling the longest day and the shortest night of the year and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the same day while Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. There may be a sense of mystical longing surrounding the Solstice as the influence of Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune carry their romantic, magical and dreamy signature into the Summer season. This may translate as a renewed ability to connect with your creative and spiritual longings. Your sense of faith may also be revivified which could help you trust the process and let go of your need to control the outcome. Mercury stationing direct in Gemini on the 22nd brings a change in the energy, which could eventually bring traction to your vision for the future in the coming weeks.

On the 24th, the Capricorn Full Moon culminates in your communication sector highlighting the hard work and the time you have been investing in sharing your ideas. Teaching and writing could come up in some ways. The Full Moon also illuminates your sense of belonging and your consistency in regards to your close friendships or sibling-like relationships and Jupiter in Pisces forming a supportive sextile to this Full Moon could translate as pleasurable experiences at this time.

Venus enters the sign of Leo on the 27th, therefore joining Mars in your vocational sector. You could feel naturally more ambitious while also gaining opportunities to be in the spotlight in the coming weeks.

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