Scorpio Horoscope for October 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of intensity, Scorpio, when your inner world is very alive for you and your intuition is working overtime to give you clues that you will need to make the best choices for yourself going forward. Partnership is magical for you at this time, with unexpected events and surprising revelations coming from that quarter. This is all part and parcel of the recognition and exploration of the ways that your path to a viable future is in transition with adjustments and course corrections as necessary. You might be feeling somewhat stuck in a family situation requiring greater optimism and new thinking. Your outreach to others around you in spoken or written form is also in the midst of a transformation which might incline you to more in depth communications that strike at the very heart of the matter. Your values, and as well your finances, are also subject to changes and the input from trusted partners becomes more important as the month continues to unfold. You do well to await its final days before making any hard and fast decisions.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The beginning of October may bring a period of deeper reflection and the need to take a step back to assess your overall direction before the Sun enters your sign later this month. Three planets are currently transiting in Libra, namely the Sun, Mercury, and Mars, while Venus transits in late Scorpio bringing lots of attention to what you love and what feels good. You could feel the need to unwind and release and you may require time alone to assess the state of your internal compass.

Mercury is currently retrograde in Libra and comes into a second square with Pluto in Capricorn at the beginning of the month. What was formerly invisible to the eye may reveal itself. It also might be easier at this time to express your needs and speak from your heart. You could also have a tendency to gloss over some details, so just make sure you are at least telling the truth to yourself. Honesty and secrets may be on the agenda this Mercury Retrograde and the truth could feel relative depending on who you’re talking to.

The New Moon in Libra on the 6th signals the beginning of a new cycle that relates to your unconscious and the things you may be inclined to ignore in order to keep the peace. You may be aware of your inner workings at this time and it may be a good idea to start shedding light on your hidden desires and the relational dynamics that tend to work against you. Your intuition is highly developed and will serve you well. More things are happening to you on the inside than in terms of the outer right now, and this could be just what you need. Both Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in your opposite sign of Taurus are strongly configured in this New Moon so that change is in the air, and potentially surprising revelations could come from important partners. Your process is a work in progress that could ultimately help you make better decisions for yourself in the weeks ahead. The New Moon also opposes Chiron in Aries which may be your cue to address the stress or accumulated tension you feel in your body.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and will be here until the first week of November emphasizing your resources, income, and more extensively what you value. It’s a good time to assess your worth and if you are being fairly compensated.

Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun in Libra on the 9th could bring important insights as new information comes to light. You may not be entirely clear about someone else’s motivations but your own are being clarified. Venus conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius on the same day could bring unforeseen expenses or a propensity to spend on things you don’t need so keep that in mind. Saturn stations direct in Aquarius on the 10th; The following weeks could bring up a situation with a family member that had been on hold since early June. Your domestic scenario may continue to be on your mind well into October and there may be some unforeseen expenses related to your home.

Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius and Mercury in Libra follow suit on the 18th which brings a lot of forward momentum in the days leading to the Full Moon in Aries on the 20th. There may be a culmination taking place whether it has to do with your home or with clarifying what you want.

By the time the Aries Full Moon lights up the skies on the night of the 20th, you may feel an uncompromising desire to do whatever you want. Your patience may be in short supply and it may be better to work alone if that’s a possibility. If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard this Full Moon timing may be your cue to stop and take care of yourself. Mars in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn could be indicative of mental exhaustion or the inability to get along with others over the remainder of the month. 

Things will start to feel more energized with the Sun transiting in Scorpio in November and your ability to make decisions could start to feel easier. Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces and sextile Jupiter in Aquarius during the last week of October which may bring financial opportunities especially if you are a creative person. However, there may also be some unforeseen expenses that come up for you, or a propensity to indulge. The Sun in Scorpio squaring Saturn in Aquarius on the 30th could highlight a difficult domestic situation, prompting you to make a realistic appraisal of your living arrangement. Mars also enters Scorpio at the end of the month which could highlight your uncompromising edge and penetrating powers more acutely in the weeks to come. If the first half of October feels somewhat on standby, the second half is sure to eventually bring some action into your life.

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