Scorpio Horoscope for October 2024

Scorpio Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting and intense month for you, Scorpio. The significant Libra New Moon and solar eclipse of October 2nd takes place in your sector of dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work. As a result, the entire month has overtones of introspection and getting clearer on what drives your actions from below the level of your conscious participation. Important partners in your life play a key role as well, with unexpected events and contributions coming at you from that area. Your commitment to your creativity is huge right now, along with your understanding of your own depths, to include your deepest principles and values – of which you are getting stronger inklings. There are seismic shifts deep within you that are not to be feared or avoided. Rather, you win when you can allow your curiosity to flourish, staying as open to messages from intuitional layers within you as you are to more normative sources of information. Especially at the dynamic Aries Full Moon of the 17th, you are seeking to get a handle on life purpose and soul intention. Partners, too, provide necessary impetus for your own evolutionary journey forward, as you make your way, aided by mentality and logic but not constrained by these.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

This month of October begins astrologically with a solar eclipse and Libra New Moon on the 2nd which signals in a significant way the power of your hidden places and of the unconscious tendencies that can run your life from below, as it were. For Scorpios, the Libra sign is associated with your solar sector of dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work. You may intend to make these more fully conscious, and your night-time dreams could provide important clues, so that journaling upon waking could prove quite fruitful. This New Moon configuration holds for the remainder of the thirty-day lunation cycle, and beyond, since it is an eclipse, and features a grand trine between Venus in your sign, Saturn in Pisces, corresponding to your creativity sector, and Mars, your ruler, in your sector of higher mind, beliefs, and worldview. This is a thoughtful time when self-study pays rich dividends. Saturn lends stability and focused concentration to everything that you are up to in this timing. Your key personal relationships also come into this through the quintessential Venus placement, while issues of what you might come to consider your true and most authentic identity equally abound.

This eclipse month begins with the last of a series of eclipses in Libra that began in early 2023. The general tenor of these has been for unearthing unconscious relational dynamics or codependent behaviors as opposed to authentic connection with others. This past year, you may have recognized that focusing on your needs sometimes means disappointing others, and that saying ‘’no’’ is at times a legitimate way to vouch for yourself.

October is a crucial month for you and one of the main reasons for this is that Pluto close to the end of Capricorn and turns direct in the sign’s last degree, on the 11th, a month away from leaving Capricorn for the rest of our lifetime. Also, over the course of the month, several inner planets are changing signs and thus making aspects to Pluto in the process. Transformation continues, with Pluto on the edge of your home and family sector, relating as well to your psychological depths. Pluto’s planetary motion signals the end of a major era that began with his entrance into Capricorn in 2008. This era has had had its impact regarding the way that you relate with the world around you and also for who you want to be in this world. Since Scorpio is a Fixed sign, change can feel difficult and can come very slowly until one day you arrive at the inevitable place between stagnating or evolving. More often than not, that also means saying goodbye to what feels comfortable – and yet dysfunctional – in order to try something new.

The tension between evolving versus staying the same could become increasingly obvious From the 13th and 14th as the Sun in Libra forms an opposition with Chiron in Aries and a square with Mars, your traditional ruler, in Cancer. 

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17th is a powerful lunation that illuminates your health and routine sector of day-to-day activities. You are thinking about and attempting to more fully understand your evolving beliefs and worldview. The Full Moon conjuncts Eris, and you could be sizing up of what your life purpose truly consists. On a bodily level as well, what you need could be as simple as physical movement together with adjustments to your habits along with proper sleep and healthy eating.

The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, squaring Pluto on the way to the Scorpio ingress, further emphasizing your ongoing metamorphosis, plus giving you an energetic boost and emphasizing your needs, your desires, and your overall life direction. Two days later, on the 24th, the Last Quarter Moon takes place in Leo or your vocational sector. You may over the month’s final week have a lot on your plate and not as much down time as you would like, and you may feel more inspired to work towards what you want.

On October 31st, Mars begins to oppose Pluto and gets ready to enter the sign of Leo in the first few days of the following month. This is a tension inducing time, when your passions and your sense of who you are in your private self can interact with the way that you conduct your career and professional life. The following month of November thus begins on an extremely potent transformational note that makes for a fitting follow-up to the intensity of October that is ending.

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