Taurus Horoscope for December 2022

Taurus Horoscope for December 2022

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a somewhat trying month for you, Taurus, in the wake of the extremely powerful lunar eclipse in your sign from the early days of November. This had the effect of stimulating your creative juices, inclining you toward novel ideas and departures from your existing track. You are on a significant revolutionary road and there is no turning back. As it turns out, as well, intuitional information from inside you can more readily inform your understanding of your choices than pure rationality with its own deficiencies. Your inner world has a lot to say about the evolution of values in which you are simultaneously engaged as the December month begins. The Full Moon of December 7th might bring things very much to a head, as built-up tension finds its release point. You will ultimate come to recognize, as the month continues to unfold, that your sense of right and wrong emerging into consciousness from deep inside you, and perhaps aided by important partners, represents your prospective stance with great precision. This is as you continue to strive for a future that you can really live for.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December opens amid Sagittarius Season with not only the Sun but also Venus and Mercury transiting in the sign of the Archer. The Sagittarius New Moon that occurred on November 23rd colors the month and brings momentum to the part of your chart that relates to your business and intimate partnerships. The support you get from your peers could be emphasized in some ways and Jupiter still transiting in Pisces until the 20th might bring luck or expansion for your aspirations. There also may be new opportunities emerging thanks to a collaboration or the place you have been forging in your community. If you’ve been working hard this year to gain traction in your career, December could bring motivating results. Keeping your goals in mind will generally be fruitful this month and you might come closer to the path toward them. What you have to work with in terms of resources could be on your mind and a cause for reflection. You may for example be inspired to expand your reach in some ways to secure a greater cash flow for yourself. There could be important allies that are willing to help you and you could also feel divided between your need for support and your desire for greater autonomy. These two options might not be mutually exclusive. The bottom line here is that it may somehow be through the support of others that you gain the freedom to do what you want.

On the 3rd of December, Neptune stations direct in Pisces while forming a square with Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius influencing the first weekend of the month with an otherworldly and perhaps confusing undertow. There might be mixed messages coming from someone that leave you feeling perplexed. Situations with others could feel unclear and you may need to wait until more details emerge before making an important decision.

Mercury in Sagittarius squares Jupiter in Pisces before entering Capricorn on the 5th through the 7th which may allow you to focus on the broader picture and enable you to see possibilities beyond your current situation. You might have to take a few calculated risks to get there but you could be able to do so by keeping a pragmatic yet optimistic outlook on the paths emerging ahead.

The Full Moon in Gemini takes place on December 7th forms an exact conjunction with Mars currently moving retrograde. This should be an important marker in the month especially when it comes to your resources, your revenue, and more extensively what you want. With Mars currently moving retrograde in Gemini, you might have been thinking deeply about your relationship to the material, or spending more time deciding on ways in which you could make more money or reassessing your spending habits. This Full Moon could clarify what works and what doesn’t in these regards. This in turn could help you take stock and set new goals for the year ahead. You have a lot working for you this year but you may need to sort through your priorities to avoid the risk of spreading yourself too thin. Once again, focus and hard work will get you where you want to go in due time.

Venus in Sagittarius squares Jupiter in Pisces on the 8th through the 10th before entering the sign of Capricorn. This could highlight your collaborations and the possibilities emerging from them. Venus will be in Capricorn until the New Year which emphasizes the vision sector of your chart, your philosophical inclinations, and your outlook on life. Your desire to learn and explore new frontiers might be emphasized in the weeks ahead and you may feel some restlessness toward the status quo. Giving in to your sense of wonder and exploring uncharted territories in the weeks ahead can help you satiate this wanderlust.

The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune mid-month, from the 13th through the 15th, which may continue to bring a somewhat confusing influence, particularly with regard to your collaborations.

On the 20th, Jupiter returns to the Fire sign of Aries emphasizing the more spiritual and mystical components of your life.

The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn on the 21st which signals the Capricorn Solstice and in the Northern Hemisphere the beginning of winter.

On December 23rd , the New Moon arrives in the very early degrees of Capricorn while forming a dynamic square with Jupiter in Aries. These two Cardinal signs carry a lot of initiating energy and for you, this may be related to your beliefs and the teachings, experiences, or framework that help you connect to something bigger than yourself. You might find yourself being more willing to consider as a significant part of yourself the hidden dimensions of your own inner world.

A mystical and hopeful influence permeates the end of the year that might help you renew your sense of faith. Something could be stirring you toward the unknown in a way you haven’t felt for a while and this could be both exciting and a little scary.

The changes that have occurred in your life this past year may be due in part to a change in your philosophies, values, or beliefs that are aligning you with a more authentic and liberated version of yourself. Mercury stationing retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th while in conjunction with Venus could highlight in a meditative way the past tense of what was once important for you. Mercury moves in retrograde motion until the 18th of January and could take another three weeks recovering – what is known as its “retrograde shadow” period. This window of time to the second week of February could allow you to take stock as you enter the New Year, eventually coming to a truly fresh and original vision for your future.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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