Taurus Horoscope for April 2024

Taurus Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is in several ways another confounding month, Taurus, as you feel both the highs and the lows of the springtime astrological energies swirling around you. You are enjoying considerable social energy and commitment, as applying to friendships and group activities you favor, and, as well, to your contributions to the collective – what you creatively bring to the table. Your key relationships contribute to this. There is also a tremendous push to better understand what is going on at depth within you, to include symptoms of inner wounding that could appear, especially in the second week of April with the Monday solar eclipse taking place in your sector of dream imagination and unconscious process. These indications could benefit you by your intellectual and emotional embrace of them as warning signs for what within you might be profitably integrated. Indeed, this works much better than ignoring them or trying to brush them away as too painful to delve into. The last two weeks of the month bring an exciting Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your sign, presaging brilliant ideas, leading up to the Full Moon in your opposite sign on the 23rd. Many things will become more clear in the timing of this significant juncture.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The beginning of April continues to fall under the influence of the New Moon in Pisces from the previous month, on the 10th, which incepted fresh energy for collaborations, community involvement, and social participation. The past few weeks may have been busy as you tended to your roles and responsibilities for the good functioning of a larger group. As the month begins you may continue to be preoccupied with networking opportunities or trying to find consensus amongst people in your social life in general. You also continue to feel the plethora of choices that are indicated by the ongoing highlighted presence of Uranus in your sign, bringing unexpected events to your doorstep along with surprise enlightenment.

Mercury turns retrograde in Aries on April 1st which brings an interesting twist to the beginning of the month. This retrograde occurs in your soul sector; the part of your chart that relates to the unconscious process and inner work. Although April may bring preoccupations with your social obligations, you may also feel a need to spend more time alone to sort out your objectives and your energy investments and to take stock within the depths of your psyche. April could be an excellent month for deeper reflections that can help you get to the roots of your ambitions and motivations at this time.

Your ruling planet Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on the 2nd and 3rd, in your social sector, casting glamor on your hopes and aspirations during the first week of April. This is a sweet little aspect although care must be taken to keep a sense of proportion. Regardless, inspiration could be flowing and it could be a good opportunity to connect with your friends and your goals. Venus enters Aries a few days later on April 4th, corresponding to your sector of unconscious process and inner work, joining the crew of planets already there.

On the 5th and 6th, Venus forms a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius during the first weekend of April, emphasizing the powerful energy and will-power behind your ambitions at this time.

On April 8th, the second week of April begins with the much talked-about solar eclipse in Aries. This event is like a super charged New Moon as both the Sun and Moon are conjoined in the same sign. At the same time as the eclipse moment, the Sun and Moon are forming a very tight conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, infusing this lunation with themes related to inner wounding and its amelioration through careful attention. This could be your cue to get at the roots of feelings of lack stemming from the criticisms of early childhood interactions. These could have impacted your personal autonomy or frustrations that have slowly been long buried and perhaps just now becoming more conscious in your life. Mars rules over this eclipse and is forming a tight conjunction with Saturn in Pisces a few days later on April 10th. Mars and Saturn together is akin to driving a race car with the brakes on and although you may feel like getting things done, you might have to wait for others to catch up with your speed and that could be frustrating.

On April 11th, Mercury in Aries reaches the Sun, signaling the halfway point of its retrograde cycle and often, this conjunction, is interpreted as a signature of clarity and illumination. This particular moment may echo a sentiment or a situation that was occurring in late March, allowing you to see things clearly and this may have to do with your participation within a group or community. Energy and stress management could become increasingly important as you progress through April as patience could be in short supply.

From April 17th, to the 23rd, exact on the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus come together in your sign. This meeting between optimistic king and ancient Trickster brings a lot of energy to your sign and although you may already be familiar with what these two planets have been revolutionizing in your life, this particular conjunction is a signal boost that could increase your mojo and your ability to be at the right place at the right time. You may feel a strong urge to liberate yourself from anything that feels stale or stagnant in order to create room for more experimentation and freedom.

The Sun itself enters your sign on April 19th, allowing you to feel more comfortable in your own skin, as Taurus season begins.

The Full Moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio culminates a few days later on April 23rd illuminating your relational territory. Issues of self and other dominate. Relationship tactics could become obvious and you may have to agree to disagree at this time especially if you have to come to a consensus with someone or collaborate with a group of people. This is a good moment to focus on partners in your life, and you may have to acknowledge underlying issues or a built up of resentment that is impacting your experience at this time.

Mercury turning direct in Aries on April 25th could eventually bring significant clarity in the weeks ahead when it comes to understanding your own depths. Give yourself some time in the days ahead to process things before rushing to conclusions.

As April comes to a close, your ruling planet Venus enters your sign, and Mars enters its home sign of Aries which will bring support and power to your inner world explorations in the coming weeks. The following month will be a positive one for you, with plenty of moxie on display, especially after Mercury regains its lost ground, emerging from its retrograde shadow by the middle of the May.

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