The Cycles of Venus: Feminine Power Dramatically on the Rise

The Cycles of Venus: Feminine Power Dramatically on the Rise

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Venus has been a prominent influence in these late summer and early fall months, particularly with her retrograde journey from late July through early September, and as such we are encountering themes of relationship, value, and self-worth. Venus has recently entered Virgo, as of October 8th, after four months spent almost entirely in Leo, due to her recent retrograde in that dramatic sign. For these next thirty days, we are therefore now more practical, detailed, and analytical in our approach to relationship, as well as to art and beauty, in keeping with the symbolism of the mutable Earth energy that Virgo represents. There is a way, however, that Venus retains some of that fiery presence characterized by Leo, the sign that she has so recently left behind.

This is because when Venus rose for the first time as the Morning Star, on August 20th, while still in retrograde, she was in the sign of Leo, and according to the tenants of Shamanic Astrology, carries that energy for the next nineteen months of her Synodic Cycle, or her relationship with the Sun. During this time she conjuncts the Sun twice, and after turning retrograde, journeys symbolically through the underworld, being too close to the Sun to be seen, finally making her transition to the Morning Star.

The cycle of Venus is a fascinating one. Every 584 days she makes her Heliacal Rise in a different sign of the Zodiac, repeating every 8 years, for a total of five different "favorite" signs that she alternates between. Over a span of many years these signs slowly change, in a backward direction. This pattern makes a beautiful five-pointed mandala pattern in the sky, a marvel in and of itself.

In our current era, Venus occupies, in turn, the signs of Aries, Scorpio/Libra, Gemini, Capricorn and Leo. After Leo the cycle repeats, with the particular five signs involved changing every few decades. After two more cycles into the future, Venus slips back into the last degree of Libra, departing from the Scorpio occurrences that marked most of the previous century. Before this late Libra occurrence, for these next three years or so, Venus will be in a fiery period, beginning with her recent Heliacal rise in Leo, and continuing through her next cycle, beginning on March 19, 2017, when Venus rises in the quintessential Fire sign of Aries.

The Leo nature of this Venus cycle does indeed correspond to women and the collective feminine consciousness taking on a more active role in society, as is evident. This idea also makes for a nice fit with the inherent feminism of the Uranus-Pluto combination, as was seen during the volatile sixties, and now, in the return to massive change represented by the opening square, this decade, between these two powerful planetary archetypes. Their combination is emblematic of truly revolutionary attitudes and ideals, including the rising tide of feminism. As is also quite interesting to note, the new planet, Eris, now coming into currency in Western charts, has been identified as a feminine warrior archetype. Perhaps the very next cycle, a year and a half away, when Venus rises in Aries, will signal a further emergence of the crucial female warrior figure, in vital counter-balance to the entrenched patriarchal culture that is rapidly growing stale.

This Leo period that we are currently entering covers, incidentally, the entire next presidential election campaign, in which one current leading candidate is a woman, a strong-minded lady named Hillary, with a Scorpio Sun and a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Leo. The other Democratic front-runner, Bernie Sanders, a Virgo with strong Venus, while not a female, is equally a champion of feminine ideals, including his anti-war stance.

As human consciousness continuously evolves, we seem to be living through a transition from patriarchy toward a more partnership-oriented society, with greater balance and harmony on both personal and collective levels. These cycles of Venus suggests that the remainder of this decade will see great strides in the feminine ideals of love, connection, cooperation, and harmony, while these yet find their expression in ways that are firm, direct, and passionate. This applies individually as well, to each one of us. You might therefore find yourself encouraged, and supported, to take a principled position for that which you cherish and believe, from the standpoint of your own deep soul intention.

✧ Venus rules LOVE and relationships- what do the stars have to say about your love life? ✧

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