Aquarius Horoscope for April 2018

Aquarius Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is special for you, Aquarius, for that which is clearly visible in your life, and as well for what is hidden. You have a fortunate focus on public achievement; your work in the world is going well. On the other hand, you are well aware that outer success requires an inner foundational drive toward better understanding yourself in your deeper places, also emphasized for you in this April timing. Your natural curiosity about these and other matters is magnified. There is great progress to be made in this all-important mission, provided that you attend to subtle intimations arising from your own subconscious layers; such as with the aid of a dream journal. All through the month, with Mercury in backward motion, your communication and learning patterns are up for review and revision, whilst your best utterances derive quite clearly from the very heart of the matter, what you most profoundly value and where to place your utmost attention.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just after a Full Moon in your ninth house, which highlighted the topics of religion, higher education and long journeys, and just as Mars and Saturn are conjoining in your twelfth house of self-undoing, isolation, prisons, hospitals, and service to those who are suffering. The twelfth house has long been thought of as the darkest of the houses, but the truth is that we cannot understand the light without going into the shadows and darkness. We can’t understand the value of community unless we have time alone, and we can’t understand the value of health until we’ve been sick. Mars and Saturn coming together in the twelfth house signify the hard work or labor of healing yourself or taking up a cause or mission on behalf of those who are suffering. As a child of Saturn (Saturn rules Aquarius in traditional astrology) you are prone to sympathizing with outsiders and outcasts, which were traditionally associated with Saturn due to Saturn’s dim and distant presence in the sky. With your twelfth house activated all month long, you may need to spend some quality time alone to contemplate why things are happening the way they are this month and what lessons there are for you in the experiences you’re having right now.

Between April 7th and the 11th Venus in Taurus in your fourth house of home and family will be making trines to Mars and Saturn in your twelfth house. You may find health, wealth, comfort, and support from your family or home environment during this period. Don’t be too proud to fall back on your support system if you need it.

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in the third house of siblings, communication, and short journeys will make a square to Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house. Your siblings might be going through some powerful or personally transformative experiences themselves this month, and you may be called to help in some way. It’s also possible that your personal relationships with your siblings will be transforming. You may also find that you are hitting the road, traveling, or visiting with close friends during a transitional period. You may also find that you are having to summon your courage and inner strength in order to speak truth to power or to speak your mind more assertively than you like. Sometimes, for as good as Aquarians are at standing up for others, you struggle to stick up for yourself. This transit offers you an opportunity to speak the truth, or to address things that have been lingering or festering in the unconscious.

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your third house, of communication, siblings, and short journeys, exact just days after a New Moon in Aries on April 15th. Here again we see the themes of speaking your mind, standing up for something, or speaking truth to power. You are naturally outspoken, especially when it comes to social justice, fairness, and human dignity, but it’s always harder for Aquarians to speak up for themselves and their personal, subjective, inner reality. In fact, for as smart as you are, sometimes people experience you as aloof or distant. The danger of not honoring our own inner, personal reality is that eventually we might explode with anger or frustration, and we can end up burning bridges. This transit is explosive but also liberating if we bring our heart and our love for others into the equation.

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in the fourth house of home, family, and property is opposing Jupiter in your tenth house of career. This is a joyous transit, bringing both home and work into a moment of greater peace and harmony. This is also a growth-oriented transit. You may feel as though your career or home is expanding or changing for the better right now. With Jupiter and Venus opposed we must be careful about overdoing things, overstepping boundAries, or being tempted to do something that is overly indulgent.

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in your twelfth house. This transit represents a cathartic moment that has been building up all month long. When Pluto and Mars get together it’s like the moment when the garbage has started to smell bad and you have to get up, take action, and bring it out to the curb. Strong actions can lead to purification and transformation at this time, whereas being lazy, stubborn, or willful right now will lead to complication, grief, and self-imprisonment. You are working through some deep inner spaces this month but remember that your family and home or dwelling place is a bright spot throughout. Don’t forget to turn to those you love when you’re feeling alone inside. Aquarians sometimes forget how deeply loved they are by so many people!


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