Aquarius Horoscope for February 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for February 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting time to be alive, Aquarius, with a stellium of planetary influences in your identity sector, including the current presence of Mercury in retrograde. You possess at this time a deep-seated process of intuition, which aids you in proceeding to question nearly everything as you make an introspective dive into your unconscious depths, there to retrieve the pearl of newfound wisdom. How you show up for people is in tremendous flux, and many forces live within you, as you currently comprehend. Your very sense of your own identity may be shifting with these changing tides. A fresh burst of energy accompanies the potent configuration of the February 11th New Moon in your sign. There is a focus in this timing on your evolving understanding of the world around you, as you find your most fundamental beliefs within you morphing to meet this new day. You win when you allow nothing to interfere with your mission of articulating the principles that drive you, and of discovering the life direction that you can most naturally enact.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

This is an active month for members of your sign. Venus enters Aquarius on the 1st joining Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, and the Sun which is quite a number of planets. Needless to say there is a strong influence of Aquarian energy at this time which also means the spotlight is on you, and that you will feel good in this circumstance. You may be comfortable with the idea that these times are compatible with your natural inclinations. On the other hand, you may be wondering how you can benefit from so much energy or finding the big picture ramifications for what it could mean. You can think of it like getting in a pool that is the perfect temperature for you: not too cold, not too hot; which means you barely feel the water. You can enter this new environment that is adapted to your body’s temperature without too much discomfort. There is however one caveat which is that Mars and Uranus, currently transiting in Taurus, are bringing considerable temperature change to this otherwise perfect Aquarian pool. The Sun in Aquarius squaring Mars in Taurus on the 1st could challenge you, and take you out of your comfort zone. There is extra energy for communication, for home projects and for work, but it is a distraction from what you also long to do, just being. Or perhaps something is not going as smoothly as you would like. Your Aquarian pool would be perfect if only this one factor would collaborate with you, although it also brings you creative energy.

On the first weekend of February, Venus joins Saturn which may bring a sober appraisal of a romantic or creative scenario. There is no easy answer but Chiron in sextile to Venus and Saturn on the same day could bring up a healing conversation or profound insights that can help you understand the deeper layers of a relationship dynamic. There is much wisdom to be gained at this time if you are willing to make the effort and do the necessary self-reflective work.

Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius for the first three weeks of February, and meets the Sun on the 8th, marking the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun is one peak of its retrograde cycle, yet could also represent a time of illumination and clarity. Mercury has two more weeks to go, recovering its lost Zodiacal longitude, before it settles down.

A few days later, on the 10th, Mercury in Aquarius applying to square with Mars in Taurus shows that there is a potential for rash thinking or a frustrating situation might come up to test your patience. You may feel agitated by things not moving fast enough or be caught between what you want versus a needed compromise. Much of the astrology of February is about applying the right kind of pressure for things to evolve while also being aware of where it's time to stop pushing the river.

On the 11th, the New Moon in Aquarius brings new energy to your sense of yourself, and a total of six planets in your sign. This is a powerful time that could help you to reset your stance and shift your perspective. You have to keep in mind that Aquarius is a Fixed sign. Things happen slowly. Changes that you are trying to implement may take time, and yet once completed, they could also bring long-lasting results. Be deliberate with your intentions this month and remember that you are making progress, even though the result may not be visible immediately.

This first square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, the traditional and modern ruling planets of your sign, culminates on the 17th of February which could bring greater commitment to your most profound goals, or perhaps further anxieties regarding meeting them. Issues on the home front could also come to the fore. This square will occur again from mid-May to July 4th, and from December 2021 to January 9, 2022, coloring this whole year with a new awareness and perhaps its tension rising within you. You could for example be trying to deal with whatever is coming up in the usual way but these old methods might be failing you. Innovative ideas or unforeseen limitations could be shaking up your family scene or a home project. Give yourself permission to experiment and get out of your usual patterns.

The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th signaling the last thirty days of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Things will start to find their flow for this new territory that is 2021. The Sun in Pisces brings attention to your financial situation for the next thirty days, and more extensively your sense of self-worth.

Mercury in Aquarius stations direct on the 20th and after a few more days what felt like slow progress in the beginning part of the month will start to gain momentum. The Moon is also conjunct the North Node in Gemini just as Mercury stations direct, which emphasizes your creative and romantic sector. You may eventually be able to solve a few riddles in that area of your life.

On the 25th, Venus enters Pisces just as the Sun in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus, stimulating your creativity and social interactions. Venus will be in Pisces until March 21st emphasizing your values and your finances. You may be tempted to spend more while Venus is here, or there could be opportunities to make money through creative pursuits. It may also be easier to put yourself and your ideas out there in the following weeks.

On the 27th, the Full Moon culminates in the sign of Virgo, shining brightly on your alliances and your various relationships. The fine balance of give and take between you and others is highlighted and it may be a good time to assess if your needs are truly being met in your significant partnerships. You may have more clarity at this end of month timing to delineate your requirements with someone or establish better boundaries for yourself.

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